Thursday, May 31, 2012

Contemplative Valentine

Is it a ‘contemplation of peonies’
a peonine complication for you
two in bud three in bloom
so we know it’s June
somewhere we once quivered
a pioneer’s flushed face
waits for you knows
how the ants must come
to eat your resin skin
holding the petals in until
they explode so
softly so completely
strange what we keep
private and fearful
you reveal with joy to all

1 comment:

William Keckler said...

I love peonies.

Because they take care of themselves.

And because they're such drama queens.

Their dying such a swoop.

Uber-dramatic flowers.

Why didn't WCW fall in love with peonies?

I can't remember him loving the peony like so many other humble flowers.

He must have.