Saturday, February 15, 2014

Everything Ends Badly Valentine

All ends and all endings
are bad everything ends badly
but all beginnings are brilliant
and go on and on brilliantly
even if to bad ends
how could there not be
something good in the beginning
not to come to a bad end
despite the brilliance
that persists long after
the beginning is achieved
we are all prodigies in our youth
only a few years later ending
under the spell of an evil world
as the fairytales foretold

1 comment:

Eccentric Scholar said...

So interesting to encounter this poem, as I was just writing about how apparent completions are actually beginnings, how the last word is actually the first. (Which reminds me of a line I saw the other day: "In all we say we are responsible for the final human's final words." —Stein Mehren.) Weirdly, the book I'm writing is somehow out of time, full-steam ahead without ever taking off, sparked by a Muse and yet never formally commissioned, simultaneously ending badly and beginning brilliantly.