Wednesday, March 31, 2021

In the Season of Sorrow Valentine

It's unlikely they would build a nest
In so vulnerable a place but I watched
Them take a clump of cat's hair
Laying on the grass and tease it
Carefully between three twigs
On the lowest dead branch of a tree
Of heaven and weave a web from it
Discarding pieces that wouldn't fit
Coming and going with new supplies
I wanted to warn them not to stay
But I knew they wouldn't listen to me
What could I say about spring
They didn't already believe
Building its tender necessity

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

All Night Run Valentine

I've fallen behind
But I'm catching up
My feet hitting the ground
My heart picking up speed
But the end keeps shifting
And the hills keep drifting
And I'm a hundred miles from town
And now it's starting to snow
I'm burning and freezing
I'm crying and laughing
But the wind keeps pushing me on
And slowly I'm leaving my body behind
Outdistancing all I know
And crashing through the dawn

Monday, March 29, 2021

Cuneiform Valentine

You must think of it as a new encounter
Though you've done it many times before
You must hold it in your hands
Like an infant or a clay tablet
From five thousand years ago
When death comes to honor you
And shake your trembling hand
With a grip that won't let go
As when Gilgamesh met Enkidu
And they wrestled in the sand
You must live on with your lost friend death
Something that can only happen on earth
This holding on and letting go
This long labor of birth

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Palm Valentine

It's always Palm Sunday
In the palms along the beach
It's always the arrival of the king
Where the waves crowd in and bow
Where angelic death passes over us
And the Buddha comes ashore
All the way from Mars or the Azores
Go get me a turtle he shouts
So I can ride in with him
This glorious wind
Sweeping in from the south
This light that glitters in the palms
These hosannas of the gulls
This sting of salt in my mouth

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Daring Valentine

Every night while I'm asleep
My friend and I sit down to weep
And laugh and tell our stories
Of what almost happened and what did
He talks in pictures of the other life
We lived the day before and what
New nursery rhymes he's sketching
From the indications of the stars
For our next birth that's coming
Shortly in the morning
He writes down my instructions
And some things to take along
In a code we share in invisible ink
And then leaves me to it if I dare

Friday, March 26, 2021

Civilized Valentine

The smell of felled trees
Wafts on this morning's breeze
Two great pines that stood on our street
Crashing to the ground from sixty feet
Of dangerous dead wood
The last of a forest that stood
Outnumbered by civilized homes
And what took thirty years to crown
In thirty minutes was gone
Leaving us staring at the stumps
Inhaling the scent and the dust
And suddenly sensing around us
Quietly creeping toward their return
The rustling of needles and cones

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Closer Valentine

The cat and I sit and watch
The brave red finch on the fresh-cut lawn
Feasting on the fallen dandelion seeds
Kitty can almost taste it and I
Who feel responsible for both
The animal who hungers for me
And the indifferent cautious bird 
One glaring at the other
One daring to stray near
Wonder how close we might get today
To some Franciscan kind of glory
Bird perched on my shoulder
Cat curled in my lap
Bird chirping some story
Cat taking a nap

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

At Sea Valentine

Fishing in the ocean of the sky
I cast the line of my eye
And watch the minnows passing by
And the great whales breach
Out there where the horizon creaks
Like the hull of an old ship
Or a sail in irons flapping about
It's a seafaring kind of sky
The sun like a dripping anchor
And the people waving on the shore
Slipping from sight on the open sea
The blue above and the blue below
And I don't know if I'm captive
Or captain or where we go

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Brief History of Love Valentine

Do you remember from school
Fleur et Blancheflor and Mother Goose
How it started a whole new tapestry
For love in 11th century Europe just
Think of unicorns or Bernard's crusades
Or Percival in the forgotten forest
Until it all culminates in St. Hamlet
Where love drives love crazy
But who could follow such stories 
What I remember is walking eagerly
Five miles to school with the ass
Out of my pants as my father put it
You had me at five unending love
Freed me to be your slave

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Matter Doesn't Matter Valentine

When the front door of death
Springs open or I fall
Under the axe of my time
Or when I'm shot in the woods
And tossed into the ocean
To go on drifting for days
Or when I'm carried out on a stretcher
And slipped into a plastic bag
Or when I slowly suffocate
Unable to remember our names
Or gratefully my heart just stops
And they find me slumped in my chair
However it happens it doesn't matter
I'll still be here waiting for you

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Falls Valentine

I told my two friends
This couple I love
To go to Niagara Falls
They needed a break
From the world I said
They have barrels there
You can buy to sail
Over the falls or
You can ferry under
And into the thunder
And not hear a word you say
Holding on to your dear life
Which is why married people
Are drawn there to let it all go

Friday, March 19, 2021

Alone Valentine

In my 115th life I finally realized
This was at the change of moons
That the further into this world
I get the more difficult
It is to leave it
And the more contented I become
The more grateful I feel
Just trying to be as beautiful and sane
As any flower confronted
By my dreams which seem
The whole purpose of spring
Silly as tulips alive in late snow
For this alone I would return
To stand among them in the sun

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Unnatural Valentine

The thing about nature
Which has always seemed
Otherworldly to me a dream
Is that it keeps repeating
Itself over and over again
Like a skipping heart-beat
Stuck in the middle of the song
So I guess hawks were born and the larks
Of reason the old logical crows
Who are still in charge of time
Who come to rule the eagles above the bay
Who give back to the sky a sense
Of some integrity at least
As it passes us by

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

No Use Valentine

If I were you
Hardly possible
As if that weren't
Already true
I'd say to me
Come closer let me
Breathe into you
Your other life
The one you gave me
It's no use
I knew it was you
Life with your way
Of knowing come closer
And pass through
I was always you

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Qumran Valentine

Into the hidden jars of memory
I reach my cautious hand
And pull out shards and broken words
Lucky and unlucky numbers
Leftover pieces of unfinished puzzles
And there at the very bottom find
A small envelope of yellow seeds
Of some flower I've forgotten
The name of but the fragrance
Of that day remains plain
Spilling into my waiting palm
Carried carefully to some ground
I've saved some light I've made
Where the beginning is found

Monday, March 15, 2021

Available Valentine

What becomes available to us as humans
Bread and water light and air
What is given and taken away
Sight and hearing touch and taste
What waves back what flutters past
What sojourns on the moon
Playing in the traffic of the planets
And now this vacation in the sun
To relax in heaven for a while
Glancing at the ocean of the future
And maybe a morning swim with you
And then whatever becomes available
To us as tragic warriors of the earth
Bound by the gravity of love

Sunday, March 14, 2021

March Valentine

I can only go around the yard
Picking up pieces of the world
It's so unfair of me
To compare one thing
To any other each stick
Is so unique soaked with rain
As if it would sprout again
If shoved into the ground
By the right hands
Isn't this all a tired gardener wants
The saucy poppies
Roaming the streets
The jonquils in drifts
For the deer to eat

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Gleaming Valentine

Holding your photograph
I've used a device
To stop time to hold
You still painting you
Wasn't enough no
You really did look
Like that not someone's
Art work project
Though posed not smiling quite
The stillness before this stillness
The camera put you in
A firefly in a bottle
Proving you still gleam
And are mine

Friday, March 12, 2021

Even in Toronto Valentine

Apparently I had decided to arrive
Just at the high-point of the war
When they were burning the bodies
Of former generations overseas
Later from under my desk
I watched the bomb
Slowly enter my brain
What did it want
Seemed beyond my comprehension
We were just children craving
To get back to our games
But I had the sense
This had all happened before
And the clear apprehension
Something was terribly wrong

Thursday, March 11, 2021

One Thing Left Valentine

Finally his melancholia dissolved
Into a deep reverence for all lost things
The phlegma of his younger days
Resolved his stubborn heart
Into a patient steady beating
So he could walk the world
With sanguine blood-shot eyes
Crying out in tender anger
You who would never
Abandon me come near
I have done what you have asked me
But there is one thing left to do
Which I alone invented
From all you taught me
About planting seeds 
And shearing sheep

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Really Valentine

Little egocentric earth
You are alone
In the universe
You think
But you're the one
Who rises and sets
As the sun's first star
Yes you're the genius
Of the lot the gods'
Best hope into which
They've poured
Their last red drop
No really you yes
You're the one
They have selected

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Temporary Valentine

Increasingly I'm able to imagine
A bright light at my back
Slowly enveloping me
So I can see the pitch darkness
It throws in front of me
Into which I'm passing
As into a million stars
I could be just standing here
With no way to tell you
If I didn't know you feel it too
Temporary as birds
Some eternity has touched

Monday, March 8, 2021

Dear Valentine

To The Pleasant Clinic I drove
To get my second shot but got
A little lost at first I crawled
Around the mall feeling the disaster
Of so many deaths circling until
I found the right line of cars
Pouring slowly through
The cheerful aides and doctor
Who asked where do you want it dear
She called me dear
As the needle plunged
A little love against
so much fear

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Did I Valentine

Did I take a rain-check on the world
Did I stumble through the suffering and joy
The most amazing thing on earth
That it still goes on even when
I'm not paying much attention
Did I try to change the subject
When the question of love came up
So you hardly ever noticed
It just happens to be raining today
I noticed that you noticed me
Because I was raining too
But the rain has somewhere else to go
Having blurred our faces
Having from our smiles
Erased all traces

Friday, March 5, 2021

Bedtime Valentine

Maybe I'm forgetting to say
My prayers because
I'm forgetting my prayers
What was I praying for
But the privilege to pray
More noble on my knees
In the lost kingdom of childhood
When I could say bless Mommy
And Daddy and I could solve
Their sadness with a kiss
If you would let me Lord
If I could only trust you
Would never leave me
Unless I left you first

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Listening Holds Everything Together Valentine

Listening to my listening 
I separate myself
Into I and me
But there is always
A third we are
Weaving together
Not me but the I
In me this listening
Like a forest lifting
Out of myself
Don't you hear
That faint pounding
On the door
Of your heart

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Desert Valentine

Me a rookie in love
You a Rilke in sex
I sit on the floor
At your feet no more
I have founded
A school of my own
To have come after you
Saved me from myself
And from Frank O'Hara
So I owe you a lot
Forgive me if I love
The desert fathers
The old voices now I'm older
Let my cane wither
Into a new flower

Spring Valentine

Pegasus and Satyr
Her two English pugs
Would trot to town with her
To fetch the Sunday paper
And sit and read it in the sun
Over coffee and marmalade
She made the old seem young
Who stood to lose their sight
And left her reverently alone
In that deserted town
Blooming like the cereus at night
So the moths would come
And fertilize her womb
With a trillion stars
See now Horatio she comes

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Sophie von Kuhn's Valentine

She called herself Sophie
But her first name was Christiane
And her last name means bold
At about the same age Mary reached
When she collapsed at the angel's feet
Feeling the I come into her
Little suffering Sophie died
Announcement of a similar kind
Thrilled through her willing blood
So he with whom nothing happened
Could enter the darkness of her love
And sing like John the Baptist
Christening her alive or like Raphael
All night painting his brave Madonnas

Monday, March 1, 2021

L's and A's Valentine

When I looked up at the stucco wall
I saw two faces etched by the trowel
Of some unaware worker's hand
Hurried scrawls at the end
Of a long and sweaty afternoon
I couldn't immediately fish them out
From the swirling throbbing lines
But then at once they both appeared
One an old man's fiery gaze
One eye open and the other shut
As if he saw both worlds at once
His wild hair streaming in a frozen wind
The other in profile obviously young
Who looked about to scream or fly
Into the pavement of the sky