Thursday, June 30, 2022

Simple I and Compound I Valentine

How thinly can I spread myself
Like a film around the earth
I try to hold it all like a bubble
On the fingertip of my thoughts
Like a cosmonaut in a sattelite
The way the brain orbits the heart
Which is not intimidated by greatness
But can accommodate it all
Out there at the periphery
There's a beach where planetary
Waves of light break through
The roiling sands of stars
And we far out at sea
And we calling from the shores

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Emergent Valentine

Today I would like to acknowledge
A new fifth temperament emerging
In our time which was always 
Latent there expressing itself 
In a few continuing examples
Carried to the limit of human 
Ability over the centuries
But now it's become widely 
And deeply available
As a free option that more
And more people are taking
Advantage of only a few
Hundred years old it's still
An infant carried around
With them a tender love

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Remembered Valintine

When someone does something enormous
For you when you need it most
And least expect to find a friend
Waiting at the end of your rope
Sooner or later that Tuesday comes
For you when Wednesday is refused
The door slammed in its face
And death seems the only victory
Over an ineffectual life
But what about that enormous
Gift on offer now and always
Not the birds singing in your belfry
But the one who remembers you

Monday, June 27, 2022

Following Something in the Air Valentine

I hover in the morning
Like an anxious bee
Finding the flowers fewer
And the tree has turned
Its back on me it's all
About ascension now of leaves
And stillness in the clearing
And there's no returning
To the hive the honey gone
All we made lifted from us
By the nervous hands of gods
We wander off alone
In search of yet another queen
Our wings still green

Sunday, June 26, 2022

My Desert Flowers With Birds Valentine

Every day the chirping Verdin comes
A tiny bird with a greeny breast
Swinging from branch to branch
Of the sprawling hibiscus bush
Fishing for drops or bugs
In the crevices of the buds
And the throats of the flowers
But the hummingbird has already
Taken for itself the first sweetness
Thus the Verdin's chirping-chirping
As she gathers all that's left
And then when they're both gone
I swear to God a dove
Pounces on the next door roof
Nodding and pacing and staring
Too late to bless us all

Saturday, June 25, 2022

A Theory of Tenderness Valentine

In the reflection of the water
On the ceiling I can see
The breeze breath out dark forms
That spiral across its surface
And rush at one another and embrace
Some of yesterday's rain I caught
For just this purpose in a pail
A little experiment so I could lie
On my back on the floor and look up
To a facsimile of the beginning
So I could feel what a drop feels
Falling from the roof and yet
Reflected dancing on the ceiling
Before the restless sun moves on

Friday, June 24, 2022

Waiting At The River Valentine

When the whole story is known
Of how they grew up together
And played and roamed as cousins
The quiet and the talkative one
And after both their parents died
If they decided to set out together
Into the wilderness of the world
Long conversations into the night
Days trudging through ancient towns
In search of some fading light
Or did they separate early on
Each to his own journey alone
Promising one day to reunite

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Convalesent Valentine

I got my ego bruised
My mind was much amused
Be humble or get humbled
The first rule of the world
I took my ego to the Hospital
Of Incurable Ideals to mend
The doctors on their rounds said 
My Vanity would have to be removed
Tomorrow morning but confirmed
It would grow back again
Unless I took my medicine
Huge blue forgiveness pills
Like swallowing a truck
Unless I ground them down

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Leaning Valentine

Researching temples
I come upon my own
Unfinished shack
I still own the blueprints
For the dome if still no door
Just an opening in a wall
Leaning precariously up 
Against another wall
But inside a table and a chair
Still waiting for the mason to arrive
Meanwhile I keep hope the bricks
Will be willed into position
And the four pillars lifted up
Out of time and space
And the gods feel welcome

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Solstice Valentine

Even the sun gets bored with itself
Climbing its mountains of light
And stops at some plummeting summit
As close as it can get to God
And stands there for an eternity
Waving on the motionless future
Gathering the courage to turn back
And face the darkness it's created
Dear earth I will not abandon you
I am coming back to fill your darkest
Corners and your bleakest dreams
I will touch you on the shoulder
I will take you in my arms

Monday, June 20, 2022

At Jacob's Well Valentine

If I think of all
The waters of the world
As its shining soul and all
Its continents as limbs
Always at the mercy of the waves
If I picture Atlantis and spring
Floods baptizing whole deltas
At the places where rivers meet
And flow together separately
The imprint of the swirls betraying dancing
I start to feel how the world
Is slowly dissolving in its longing
Always to return to its source
And the depths always rising to the surface
In the rain that tries its best
But who will slake the water's thirst

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Father's Valentine

Although we were so eager
And of the purest mettle
To give ourselves entirely
Through no fault of our own
The sun refused to take us in
And stood there waiting to see
What we would make of this being
Turned away at the very gates
Exile comes after betrayal
Not only from them but from ourselves
So the first water was made of longing
And our resulting tears oceans of them
Poured out on the barren ground
Where we would have to start again

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Coming to St. John's Valentine (for Thelma)

I think of you now resting comfortably
So we can finally have that midnight
Bedside chat now we are old
Enough to have traveled far and weary
And seen the brilliance of the world
And of our children and I ask
You how we have deserved all
This bliss leavened with sorrow
Do you remember that moment
Only of value to you
When you knew it all
Made sense and could take
A breath and pause in peace
And then let it all go

Friday, June 17, 2022

Sometimes Valentine

I blow so many chances
To be good to you but sometimes
I'm all over them and push
Back as if I'm delivering a baby
Something that can grow between us
So I can smell and taste you
Like a blossom in an animal's mouth
The long metabolism of love 
With its four stomachs and its open
Fields and towns along the river
Sometimes standing there I can hear
Out of nowhere the clang
Of a metal hammer just once
Cracking the anvil of my heart

Thursday, June 16, 2022

On His Day Valentine

Whether we realize it or not
Words can be anything they want
A whole nation or a small colony
Trapped on the shores of a magical island
Where the soul of language itself appears
In its fancy English dress
Turning the world back into theatre
Not since the Greeks or Golgotha
Are we so appalled and lifted
By our foolishness and terror
Put before us so precisely
Out of the mystery of his life
Sketching out our futures
In the beauty of his lines

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Research Project Valentine

If you really want to research sadness
Whether of grief or from oppression
Starting with the etymology and the first
Blurred mentions of it
Visible on melancholy walls
And how it spread through languages
And tribes and was or wasn't written down
Charting its evolution from mere
Tears to full-blown tragedies at last
Then you must put it all aside
As something imponderable and wait
While all your questions are taken
Up to higher echelons of thought
Where sadness finds its source in love

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

The Heart Stuck On Its Own Survival Valentine

I would welcome a new Spartacus
Or a world Gandhi someone who sees
It's still the distribution problem stupid
As has been the case for centuries now
That we still worship a golden calf
And let a greed-based money system
Bully us out of our political rights
And infect our spiritual lives
But the terrible fact about slavery
Is that it will not ever be overcome
By just a few courageous people
Who have won their freedom
As individuals while the whole
World suffers and won't wake up

Monday, June 13, 2022

Auto-de-Fe Valentine

Large fires are breaking out
All over the world
But still some people
Show up for choir practice
As if standing in the midst
Of the smoke and flames
Singing their souls right out
Of their bodies the will to sing
Is so strong in them
For twenty minutes or so
Which is as long as it takes
For a burning at the stake
Before the choirmaster screams
Yes yes but now once more
Let it burn you let it burn
Till there is nothing left but gold

One Left Valentine

It may be some shiny minerals
Are becoming beautiful plants
Some brave plants turning into
Fierce animals unfolding human limbs
And some few individuals already mirroring
Angelic superior beings but
How far can you think ahead
The number of singers seems to decrease
As you move up the choir
Until there is only one voice left
A light that is growing into a man
As if he lost his way and fell into time
Circling back the other way
Recovering his glory

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Not A Fable Valentine

When Joy came to live with Despair
They birthed a bittersweet lamb
(Imagine naming your daughter Despair
Or Joy who turned out to be a boy)
But it was then they realized
They really were gods and 
What it felt like to be helpless
Right away they recognized
Their awesome power and reconciled
Though they couldn't live together
They would raise their child
As equal partners filling her head
With light and darkness love and loss
Until she could speak her own night
And day and go her own immortal way

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Trying To Find You In A Crowd Valentine

The ghost of you still haunts the world
You the one who returns home
Under an assumed name
No one recognizing your face
A stranger who shows up
In airports and dark streets
Making your way around the globe
Surviving on forests and lakes
Appearing and disappearing and still
Searching for a few lost souls
To whom you can confide
The secret no one wants to hear
The love you cannot hide

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Sailing 'Little Ugly' Valentine

For two Chicago summers
We bought the only boat
We could afford a home-made
Wide-beamed cabined sloop
With a tiny galley and two beds
What we knew of sailing
You could have stowed
In an overhead compartment
We just wanted to be on the water
So one night we took her out
And breezed along the shore
Raging stars to starboard and
The streaming city lights portside
Trying to outshine them
Losing all track of time
We almost couldn't find
The harbor entrance dazzled
And then collided with the dock

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Slow Valentine

Too hot to think
Too cold to move
I like to be outside
And sit at one remove
From myself and look
Around and up into
The early morning light
Gathering its strength
Never not in ordinary awe
A few plants I'm intimate with
I like to watch them catch it
And hear them call to me
Go slow go slow the world
My lover is coming back to me

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

What To Make Of Such Things Valentine

Today I read 95 years ago
In the dead of night
British bombs placed in mines
Dug right below those sleepers
Killed over 10,000 Germans
They could hear it in Cambridge
And today listening I can still
Hear it whispering out there
Someone said just before
The explosion in the silence
He heard a nightingale
Singing clearly as if
It was the end of the war

Monday, June 6, 2022

Surrounded by Spirits Valentine

Wherever metal hides in stone
Wherever water finds a plant
Wherever air the birds have flown
Or lifted a flower to a bee
Wherever an animal loves you
And trusts you to love it back
Wherever you make a place
For water and lifts it to your lips
Wherever you let the air
Breath you in and out
Wherever the old fairy-tales
Are read to someone dying
See we told your so they say
We were already here and waiting

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Pentecost Valentine

Life lives while death dies
Or you can say it backwards
It seems abstract to put it lightly
But it comes to the same thing
If we see life is invisible
While death is all around us
If we can sense what lives
In life itself invincible
Or it would not be life
Unending source of going on
Then when we are born again
After a long convalescence 
We will recognize the mountains
And the lake where life was born

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Arriving and Departing Valentine

Who says I have a one-track mind
As if that couldn't be a virtue
And my mind wasn't a grand
Central station to which all
My crowded thoughts return
Some with smiles some with dismay
Some with no luggage at all
And a few dimes in their pocket
Searching the faces each thought
With a mind of its own
I can hardly bear to think of it
Until I catch your eyes
Who says we don't carry
The whole world with us
In our muted cries

Magic Carpet Valentine

My first real clue was noticing
Something was always dying
So something further could be born
This meant there was a
Conversation going on
Between the weaver and us
If you think of the future
As a kind of carpet being woven
Remember how in Ephesus once
We held up a whole boatload
Of fellow tourists and our own
Companions who glared at us
While we kept on bargaining
With the old tired rug dealer
And wound up paying too much
And losing a few friends
When we finally boarded that boat

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Dressing the Wounds Valentine

When they finally got the word
The body would be released to them
They bundled it up and hurried off
In the dark end of twilight
To a secret place and laid it down
Weighing little more than a child
As if this had all been planned
The bowl of water ready at hand
To wash the gaping wounds
Oil the whole body and wrap it
Tightly in a long white cloth
As if they knew there would be
Only a day's pause between death
And its extinction and that
Nothing more could be done
But go back home and wait

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Again Valentine

Give me a little theme O muse
Or tell me the story again if you must
Of your mute wandering
Hospital to hospital
O pilgrim of pain no one
Willing to take on such grief
As if you dared them to
And then who would you be
You've started to mumble 
In your sleep and I
Laying beside you awake
Try to write down everything
You say in my ink of tears