Friday, December 31, 2021

Why Did They Come To This Country Valentine

At the end of a broken line
At the end of another year
You find yourself besieged
Alone in a house of trouble
Uncertain whether to oppose
The snow or just walk out into it
An immigrant of your own recovery
The little bits of sanity you grasp
A squeaking dove on the roof
A circle of sun crossing your head
Sleeping with your boots on
And your gun in your hand
Who would have thought that this
Was victory this struggling bliss

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Placed Valentine

Where a massacre occurred
One of the holy places on the earth
After a few hundred years
The victims returned and built
A school of the living arts
Where flower arranging led on
To the geometry of the stars
Dispersing its students like seeds
In an explosion of gratitude
Into the general population
But a long time the killing will go on
Before some child can stare out
Her drowsy classroom window
At the whole world a holy place

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

But Not Of It Valentine

All of these parts of ourselves
That come from distant places
Or just across that field
Arriving and departing
I want to know them all
But how could I intrude
When we collide and coalesce
Into this world for a while
On our sacred honor
Each in our own way
To come to the spirit in things
Hidden in macaroon clouds
And in the smallest gesture
That you are alive inside

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

For Murdered Children Everywhere Valentine

Searching for a way to sneak
Death back into my daily life
It's hard to be natural with enough
Aplomb and tact to carry it off
Not my death but death itself
That it still goes on
This dematerializing earth
Eventually the heat
Congealed into the sun
It was a Sunday I remember
You were dying but the wind
Was just getting started
Just getting up on its feet
Ready to carry us away

Monday, December 27, 2021

Because You Asked About The Wind Valentine

Mostly it's snowing
Or about to snow
And the wind rains down
On the roof all night
Blow after blow
Artfully in the morning
It stands back to gaze
At its masterpiece you
Huddled under the wings
Of its brilliant whiteness
How long can you wait
If what you wait for
Is already here think of it
The heart is the only thing
That sustains us it is a lake
It is only three miles around
And deep as an archangel

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Just Asking the Solstice Valentine

Is it a minor curious thing
That when we say the word love
The O is silent we say uh
As if we're not quite sure 
Writing it one way
And speaking it another
We put it at the end of letters
When really it wants to be
In the greeting the salutation
Right after the place and date
On which it happens to appear
And how can we overlook that
Blessing O that goes on 
Sounding like a birth or death

Monday, December 20, 2021

Christmas Again Valentine

When I close my eyes I can see
The immensity of the darkness
And slowly a hole of light
Wears through and grows
Almost blinding but then
An inky wave rolls in
Completely covering it again
The darkness takes a breath
And then slowly the light
Creeps in again and plunges
Through the clouds and then again
The darkness easily consumes it
But all the while what great beings
Are pacing back and forth
And what new earth is being born

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Doubled Valentine

We get our mathematics wrong
Two is the first number
And one comes after it
But only when they unite
And then a third can be born
The one we usually place first
Is really only half of two
Searching for its other part
But by itself it can do little
And often leads a lonely life
It knows two comes first
And has merely usurped its place
But when two ones come together
Someone greater than either is born

Friday, December 17, 2021

Intervening Valentine

After many years of having my back
My angel finally sat down beside me
You know I love you she said
But let's get something clear
It's time for us to work together
In a closer more conscious way
How we used to when you were young
Before you pushed me away
And even though you refused to see me
And burned all my letters unopened
I never stopped holding you close
You were the brother I never had
But now it's time to let you know
How much my life depends on you
To finally let me in

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Practicing Valentine

I went out in my pajamas
But came back for my parka
It's very cold today
And since I was young
I've had a thing for sitting
Bundled up out in the cold
In the sun for an hour or two
I can be perfectly warm
Inside with a book when
Some strange longing
Pulls me out into the cold
It's like sitting in the fire
Of heartlessness and scorn
With only my angel to keep me warm

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Speaking Valentine

Something stops me at the surface of things
Is it my fear of heights as I look down
Into the deep darkness within
It's like all I can see is a blank wall
And yet my rejected mind
Thrown back upon itself senses
Movement behind the wall
I can hear a breeze speak
A few syllables like leaves
Enough to know there's something
Present on the other side
Like someone practicing the speech
She will deliver my angel
When she finally breaks through

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

How Buddha Comes to Christmas Valentine

His temple was only a step away
Having swept the paths clean
And thrown the doors wide open
He had invited his old friends
Plato and Elijah over
And all their children
For the festivities of light
When he would ascend with them
To release the soul of the world
Within the enormity of heaven
Constellations peeping down
Where they would drink wine together
On the porch and eat sweet bread
While they waited impatiently
For the little family to gather
And love finally be born

Monday, December 13, 2021

Our Fathers' Valentine

What a sad world you've grown
And we your children once
Just wanted to be like you
But you made riches your family
And we with our silly love
Abandoned chasing after you
Haven't you noticed the more
Wealth you reap the lonelier
The more desperate you become
Until your fame swallowed you up
But it was never about the money
The funny thing it never is
You were always that frightened boy
Mistaking love for worldly power

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Getting to Christmas Valentine

If only my angel so vague
Could get a word in edgewise
But finally she calms me down
We sit together in the open sun
While she reads from a book
Where it's all been written down
And down go my defenses
As her voice rises and falls
I barely remember a word she speaks
But the rhythm carries me on
Till we come to the heart of the story
And for a moment she can't go on
And puts the book down
She still can't quite believe it
That he would decide to be born
In the most forgotten town on earth
And leave us in heaven to mourn

Friday, December 10, 2021

What Is Christmas Valentine

Every Christmas we return
To the place where we were born
Called back by everything we touched
To forget everything we've known
And slip back into our mother's womb
As she walks through the crowded town
For a few moments we go back
To the comfort of being unborn
Not yet anything the world
Has ever known as if
We left something behind
That could link us to a crime
Some face we overlooked
That must be our own

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Funeral Birth Valentine

He upstaged Christmas
With his sudden death
The mourners sang carols
And the children carried
Lanterns to the burial
Or maybe he planned it this way
To depart on a festive note
And couldn't wait for the child
To come but had to run
Down the road to meet him
To be there at the mother's labor
And hold the father's hand
After all someone had to feed the donkey
Someone had to tend the lambs

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Advent Calendar Valentine

Examining the conscience of the sky
The great moral principles floating by
Frayed at the edges filling with light
Or rain refusing to fall
Ever-flowing reflections
Of what they see below
With some days the clear
Radiance of blue breaking through
So sincere and pure
Or piling up in awesome ranks
Ready to deliver the final blow
A rain of ashes
Or the peace of snow

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Estella's Valentine

I wanted to try to understand
What she couldn't understand
About the longings of her friend
It seemed she had taken her words
Right to the end of reason
Where an abyss opened up
On the other side of which her friend stood
Waving a vision of another world
Was it a failure of imagination
That she felt such despair
How could they be friends again
One locked in intellectual torpor
The other reading things in the air
This seemed the central question of our time
Maybe the only question ever

Monday, December 6, 2021

Exchanging Gifts Valentine

To you in a vast blizzard
If you don't mind the dirt
I'm sending a clump of new grass
Dug from my desert yard
But only if you send me
Some of the crystal 
Silence you'll be rich with
And a strand of that blue
Morning after the chaos
Settles over the lake
Speechless of course you'll be
As Simeon having seen
This green falling from heaven
And rising from the earth

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Not Yet Valentine

If all the things that have happened
Are outnumbered by those that haven't
If everything we've forgotten gets
Its memory restored if we drive
Out into the landscape on a whim
Where one stream flows past us
And the other carries us along
If we are with the new trees lifted
While their other half plunges down
Roots in darkness leaves in sun
Will we come to the lost mountain
Where all that hasn't happened yet
Is born and find ourselves at last
Numbered among its stones

Saturday, December 4, 2021

A Right Valentine

Trying to put things right
You pick the wrong time and place
So all you saved to say is lost
What's true sounds false
Your love a contradiction in terms
A misunderstanding understood
Staring you in the face
Unforgivable love that comes
Too early or too late
A charm gone stale
A daftness with a certain grace
That strips you down and bare
All that can and can't be healing
In a warm embrace

Musical Chores Valentine

Doing the dishes
I put on Wagner
For the hoovering
I move to Mahler
For the dusting
Usually Nirvana
Or the nuns of Santa Ana
Making the bed I prefer
Rhythm and blues
Or the old Gospel tunes
Or taking a shower
I favor Satie
Or something cleansing
From Debussy

Friday, December 3, 2021

Sleepless Valentine

You can't be serious
Writing a poem
There's too much at stake
The frivolous must wake up
And sit in the front row
Watching itself being taken apart
Demeanor and tone must go home
The audience whittled down to one
Small child on a dark stage singing
To see one you must be alone
Where you might never come back
If you go there unprepared
With too few sleepless nights

Still Valentine

Six sad exuberant historians
I studied over the holiday break
Four evangelists and two fairy tales
As they appeared in the European
Middle Ages and nothing of what
Was going on in China or
The Yucatan Peninsula at that time
I mean where were you in 1492
Or 1942 never in the same place twice
It startled me how much the basic forms
We keep and continue to dress up
With new and interesting characters
All the old traditions of master and slave
And still Jesus comes and is born

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Birthday Valentine

Near as someone must be
Who lives inside of us
Yet far away as a touch
Or voice of greeting or goodbye
What are you dead making of us
With your invisible weaving
How will you rouse us
From sleep to see you again
Just slipping back into memory
Behind the locked door
Of your beautiful body
While we linger here
On the darker side of love
Haunted by your heart

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Gratitude Valentine

They say your heart swells
If you're truly grateful like a balloon
It exits your mouth with a sigh
Of relief rising to join the clouds
And the birds going by slowly
So you can savor it
They say when a kindness
Comes home to you as if
From a foreign country
You start to breath again
The pure intoxicating air
Of our mountain homeland
For a moment if you dare

December Valentine

It's December here
Because November is gone
You can take it out 
Of the oven now
And let it cool on the counter
Some of the trees I remember
But most are bare as days
Largely a blur forgotten just
A few leaves saved
And those unfallen remain
To rattle on impractical
To try to save them all
Baked and eaten like bread
A scent I only recall