Monday, August 30, 2021

All Photographs Are Lonely Valentine

Today is so still so strict
Breathing seems intrusive
The clouds concrete slabs
The trees transfixed as paint
The stop-light stopped at red
And I alone walking the empty streets
Where have you all gone
Following the crying out of town
People of the earth
To some festival or grave 
And left me in this photograph
Where calm has finally come
Where nothing moves or needs to
And nothing can be done

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Spontaneous Buoyancy Valentine

Bearing in the new born
Harvest placing it on the Scales
September just wants
To pack it all in and go home
But my Orion won't let it
Something larger
Refuses all his flowers
A buoyant seriousness
As he bounces along
Completely dismembering himself
Down to this skeletal outline
A few mere stars
Where once were beads

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Fly's Valentine

I see you hungry fly
Following me into the house
I see you disaster
Creeping up the coast
From the corner of my eye
I see you spirits
Of disagreement and delusion
Even at the grocery store
I thought I'd better feed the fly
It must want something
It looks very skinny and wan
For something that devours us
Little asterisk of death
You have no idea
What a surprise I have for you

Friday, August 27, 2021

Crisis of Memory Valentine (for Dave)

It's not your memory failing
It's you that's blocking it
It remembers everything
But grants you access
On its own terms only
It serves a secret
But recurring theme
With its own imperfections
Yes memory imagines you
The broken-up truth
Of what is happening every day
Everything is a recording
Of a recording of an awakening
And here you're standing in its way

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

The God of All Solutions Valentine

Every night my eager soul ascends
Like a balloon from a child's hand
Leaving my body on the bed
A weightless outline in the dark
Seeking the other side of the air
Up through the ceiling and the stairs
Until it tangles on some nebula
Or higher still slips into a trance
That weaves together broken scenes 
From the day before a puzzle
Reassembled from that other
More truthful side of me
A world familiar with no reason
So I spend the whole next day
Wondering to decode the context
Disconnecting all the dots 
Feeling the god of all solutions
Slipping from my thoughts

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Tree's Valentine

Out in the forest of the flesh
Where the deep beasts prowl
Where I will be devoured
It takes about an hour
Or I will just stand there
Like a tree at the bottom
Of an abyss unshaken
I didn't know if I was dying
Or being born the top of the tree
Had just blown open and on
The updraft I was lifted
Wings rocked out of the dream
And that it was just waiting for me
To let go of its branches
And drift upward to the sun

Monday, August 23, 2021

Friedrich's Valentine

He is our Amfortas a king
Poor frightening Nietzsche
For who has suffered as much
Or been so easily misconstrued
As Job's defiant mountainous son
He swam in a sea of courage
And loved to be cold and alone
He flew to be free of love
His only inadequacy in flight
Not to have seen love coming
What alone could get him there
But I know how he hurt
When love refused his gift
And love became the enemy of love

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Glorified Valentine

Too scorching or too old and lazy
To cut the grass and fuss with plants
I let the backyard naturalize
Into a wild walled garden
Weeds and flowers fighting it out
Vivid colors in a waving green
So by August it was in its glory
When I started to wonder about
The gardener implicit in the garden
The exactitude of the arrangements
Which happens when the sun
 Is free to coax up this or that 
New leaf from anywhere it wants
Fit now for a child to enter
Or an old man to sit

Friday, August 20, 2021

Abandoned Wisdom Valentine

A lifetime's library my dear
Book-shelves bullying every room
Began to weigh me down
The gravity of reading so much
And retaining much too little
Time to cull the lot
To separate the keepers from the dust
So much dust on the oldest heads
Grown white exuding wisdom
I never read a book I didn't like
So I boxed the ones I liked the most
And kept what no one anymore
Wants to own out-dated
Travelogues abandoned dictionaries
Useful if you have to stop a door

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Carried Valentine

When I first saw the famous bridge 
Of Brooklyn in an early picture
I was surprised to find the ruins
Of an old cathedral stone
By stone carried over from
The old country to reconstruct
Or subtly evoke a lost
Sense of the divine that river
Before these bridges pinned
It down the flying Hudson
And then to walk across it
As if inside an enormous harp
And to be casual about it
As if it was nothing to be carried over

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Sorry Valentine

Two shadow eyes
On the white ceiling
When the sun blinks
The cloud's eyes a muse
My messenger for today
Who looks down from the black
And white heights
Of the infinitely distant
Stars that bloomed last night
And die in the summer storms
Yes I am speaking to you
Grave abstraction of my dreams
Returning ephemeral eyes
Sorry to keep you waiting

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Logical Valentine

If you don't recognize the existence of the gods
Then you don't recognize the existence of ideas
God is just the passing idea of you
The Idea conjuring its ideas
Without ever repeating itself
Until the earth and the stars
All the clamoring constellations
Are populated with its good
And bad ideas our bodies
Wrenched into their places
In another firmament its first
Grandiose sketch of an idea
How many blackboards did it fill
Until it reached the final equation

Monday, August 16, 2021

Random Valentine

What they meant and mean to me
In the daily discovery of memory
Random moments that flare up
Like waves in the general sea
Of thoughts' flotsam and haste
They stop and stare at me
Faces I half-recognize
Half-recognizing me
I see they cannot speak just glance
Like eyeballs staring through a fence
They see what I can't
My soul revealed to them
Which leaves them speechless
Though their eyes are full of thanks

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Returned Valentine

When I finally noticed you were me
One morning in the middle of our lives
It was too late or too early to go back
We started to lose track of us
As separate or lost or gone
And tenderly and harshly over time
We lost our bearings
I know it seems strange
Becoming a part of everything
Like melting at the edges
But this time consciously fearlessly
So grateful to have come back
To being simple trees and grass
You a mountain me a lake

Friday, August 13, 2021

After Valentine

When the earth was covered with water
After everything had burned to ash
After you woke up on the island
Of yourself after the long
Trek north to the Burgenland
After the failed initiation
When you lost your second sight
And couldn't find your friend
And the flower of immortality
Slipped from your feeble hand
It must have been around then
You finally fell asleep
And the dream of your youth began
And you knew you would come again

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Just Valentine

A broken off piece of rainbow
Fell through the window landed
On the floor a small triangle
Of unworldly colors
The germ-ghost of what
Became the world
Actually visiting me
I was just sitting there
As usual thinking of you
As a patch of radiant light
And I could see right through you
All your clever disguises
All the way back to when
We were first ours that night

We Are Always Protected Valentine

I said I don't know what I'm doing
When others have said they do
They have done their research
And found what they felt all along
But my not knowing hasn't stopped
My doing I'm always right
And wrong my companions
Who cherish uncertainty
Are always cheering me on
I know nothing about everything
I'm too awestruck to think
When they ask if I know
What I'm doing those who know

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Let's Not Be Angry Anymore Valentine

COVID confusion perhaps brother
But more the pangs of conscience
The hot adrenaline of shame
For my argumentative self-serving
Attitude and arrogant words back then
After which I felt I lost you
You would never speak to me again
Aren't you amazed we know
So little about one another
Not just us but everyone's life
An only partly open door
Either widening or closing
Forgive me for slamming it in your face
I just forgot to be your brother

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Hereditary Valentine

Was it a calculated move
When his father said no to him
Having foreseen the pain to follow
Was it carefully designed
As a labyrinthine plot
With no way out it seemed
But to return the way he came
He knew how inventive his father
Could be how he craved
To arrange every single thing
How his heart would ache
When his son ignored his warnings
Just as he knew he would
If he'd ever be free to love

Monday, August 9, 2021

Light Rain Valentine

When I'm right it feels inadvertent
When I'm wrong it feels willful
Like working in the yard in a light rain
Or stumbling on an old letter in a book
I was giving away what changed 
My life your words I had forgotten
From the fourth of my seven lives
Finally the rain forced me inside
Where I found your folded letter
Full of encouragement and love
Falling like a light rain in me
The kind of rain that gives you
Permission to keep on working
And knows the harvest will be rich

Sunday, August 8, 2021

I Am Faust Valentine

Finally old reprobate Professor Faust
Gets rescued from himself
By a whole battalion of angels
While M. just stands there embarrassed
By his own sense of shame
But Faust still lives here with us
At the very pitch of darkness
His repentance still to come
And yet given a second chance
He didn't live to see the light
Dawn inside him at least not
In that lifetime but everything
Rests on the right location
And you never know when
The heart will stop and turn in

Every Night Valentine

Domestic cosmic comic
Book that we are just
Making supper up and plans
Laying together on the couch
Getting ready for another what-a-day
I kiss your feet eternity
The way you just keep spinning
Out myths and fables that finally
Put us both to sleep
And we can leave our bodies behind
Poor instruments of torture and joy
Resting comfortably on the earth
As we rise up through the ranks
Of angels and the starry dead
To retrieve their hopes for us

Friday, August 6, 2021

Poet's Valentine

Usually I imagine you
Standing at the edge of an aspen wood
Sunny windless afternoons
In a silence so deep no bird
Would dare penetrate
And yet you call me here
To ask if I can feel it too
The visible music of his arrival
Setting the leaves to quaking
Rays of the sun falling at his feet
His foot-prints on the pond
That leave you speechless
Holding me in your arms
But I can only imagine you

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Short-Lived Valentine

Cometary beings like Shelley or Keats
Or the brave Hypatia who sweep
Into and out of our atmosphere
The short-lived who blaze through
The night sky like a body
Running from a burning building
Itself engulfed in flames
Impossible to extinguish
As they speed over the horizon
On that long journey back to us
In the darkness behind the earth
But time here only to get
As far as the emergency of youth
And ring the fire alarm of truth

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Better Valentine

In the beginning there was racism
It was always hiding behind 
The next tree in the beautiful garden
The enmity of two brothers
Beginning the hatred of others
The satisfied and the unsatisfied
The one who stays for her father
And the one who must get away
The refusal to change
Igniting the spark of freedom
Didn't they both just want
To be appreciated for their gifts
For which they had to give up
Feeling better than their brother

The Four of Me Valentine

Constant stickler for the truth
Best of the melancholic breed
And you the proof of sensible goodness
With that sanguine grin on your face
And you who makes us eat
Our vegetables and say our prayers 
O lord forgive me for my fiery
Outbursts and the walls I shake
It's not that I didn't have great
Teachers to goad me on
It's just that if you're going
To tell the truth and be good
Sometimes you have to lose your shit
And just spit it out
For beauty's sake unafraid

Monday, August 2, 2021

Spiraling Valentine

Lefty Lucy and tidy Righty
He breathes out his life to her
And she just breathes it back again
They're screwed into one another
You say with a straight face
To hold something in place
To snatch it out of space
And ever-destructive time
Feeling the ever-loosening bolt
Of loneliness and lust
Accede to loyal friendship
The spiral of days ascending
And descending ladders
Love that lifts us up
And helps us down again

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Replicated Valentine

The speech of animals is all vowels
The speech of plants is wind and light
But it was we who brought the hard
Consonants capturing them in words
And if you trace it back
To the first smell of words
From far out at sea maybe
You can feel what languages feel
Assembling their storms and calms
All these languages rushing toward
A replica of living sound and light
When you spoke to me
Of our destiny and plight