Thursday, December 31, 2020

My Last Memory Valentine

In the midst of remembering everything
You said forgetting is a kind of turning
Aside a pause for a moment I can't
Remember what I haven't
First forgotten or what
Comes next is a blur
A slowly clarifying picture
Now that I remember you
Remembering the end of us
Was really the beginning
Of memory's tricks and tortures
The elusive truths for which
The future searches
Knowing you're among them

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Darling Valentine

Do we take the light
For granted and then
When it turns its back 
On us we sleep
Through its specters 
Darling light
Creeps up
Through the ground now
To warm and chill us
But what if no one
Knows it no one
Notices its arrival
As if the sun rose up
And no one turned to see

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Half A Valentine

In the first half of our lives
Spent in various schools of thought
We learned to put things together
And pull them apart
Amassing a foolish wisdom
In the process of thinking
Our way into the heart
But then everything stopped
And started back the other way
In the second half of our lives
We began to trade everything
We'd learned for love
Until there was nothing left
Of wisdom's wounds

Monday, December 28, 2020

Thought Valentine

I thought of God as a thought
That thinks the world and us
Being one coherent thought
Eloquently put continuously
Into every language picture
I thought God as a thought
So needed the world
And us his thinking
Could reach even us
His goodness would
Command it his feeling
For life would fill it
I thought of God
Not as the thoughts
But the thinking

Yellow Valentine

I'm going
to take a hot
after I 
rake these
I could
the tree 
but I wait
for each
one to come
down in
its own
good time
I have
my rake 
and arms
and legs

Feast of the Innocents Valentine

What a risk
he takes
on us
he did not
into it
but came
wanting it
to place it
all on us
that we too
may yet prove
a fine wine
a nourishing

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Don We Now Valentine

For my 77th Christmas
The only thing in  the whole sky
Is the cloud of a dove I swear
The size of a mountain
Coasting by emblem of love
Searching with its questing eye
(We can only see it from one side)
For some pure heart to nest in
One time long ago it must
Have found one and so returns
Year after year anxiously seeking
Those who trail after him
Ranks of spirits on thrones
Scouring the earth with green
And above where love is
The bluest emptiest garment of sky

Monday, December 21, 2020

Momentary Valentine

The planets pick up where we leave off
And carry us to our next assignments
They let us rest a while in their lights
Sketching out new provinces and maps
Planting them in us while we dream
And stand there at the end of fields
Winter farmers gazing back
Singing their seeds to wake and stretch
Each in its own delicate moment
They too are subject to a greater weather
The alignment of a deeper will
Through calm and torment
Opposing and conjoining still
As love would have it

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Geneology of the Spirit Valentine

Both my parents have passed away
Their parents and their siblings
All the way back till the blood gets lost
I can trace the proliferating branches
Ranged above me out of sight
As if I were the trunk from which
They'd sprung and not another falling leaf 
But this Christmas we all got together
I was just sitting there when
Suddenly they all surrounded me
Circle upon circle rippling out
So many surprised recognitions
Until we filled the world and more
With not a single soul left out

Saturday, December 19, 2020

What Valentine

What makes the earth the envy
Of the cosmos and cradles it
Among fiery architects of light
The eccentric orbits of archangels
And lifts it up as its first-born
Exalts it among the hordes of suns and moons
What puts its finger just here 
On the shining gem of the wound
The perfect climate for imperfection
And says yes I will settle here
And make me a human creature
The oddest thing in the universe
I will place an infant in his arms
And wait till he comes home to me

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Earth's Valentine

I will not rise again
When I am dead
Unless someone rises in me
While I am here on earth
The soul is a fledgling bird
Whose wings weren't meant
To merely flap about
Rearranging the nest
But must learn to lift
Off into the air from tree
To tree if it's ever
To make the great migration
Through many resurrections
Sun and star light in its veins

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Ceremony For A Stopping Valentine

When the sun stops from our prospect
We stop too and turn around
And look back at ourselves as we really are
A split-second is all we can take
And then we turn to face the sun
With the strength of someone
Standing just behind us
Who's been there all along
And all the mercy we have gathered
In our lives so far is added in
To tip the scales as we wait there
Wavering in the sight of the great stars
Wavering above us so it all
Starts to sway like a body on a donkey
As the sun-child turns back our way

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Kept Valentine

It never gets really dark here in December
Though you can sense the light descending
Like someone sipping from a glass
The sun's warmth less and less
Which is a blessing given our long hot summers
But having grown up there in the north
I would not call it winter either
What we have here in December
More like a pausing in suspension
You can hear the earth breath in
Up there in a gasp of snow and ice
While here we keep the spring alive
For you its sunny days and chilly nights 
The love of expectation in the trembling air

Monday, December 14, 2020

His Valentine

In the difficult process of discovering myself
I had often to revise my maps
Encountering new continents and skies
Just as I was settling in
Something was always welling up
In my limbs and the back
Of my head would start to glow
And I'd be off again to find
The lost people of my origin
How could what was inside me
Not be as various as everything
Around me orphaned as the world
Searching for a friend to find me
And smiling recognize me in himself

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Running Valentine

I ran to get my binoculars and book
But there was only your spirit hawk circling 
I ran to get my old photographs
To find you there still smiling
I ran my fingers over your face
To feel the light still lifting
Did I run out on you
Or you on me here drifting
You were always running in
And out of time I ran
To get my arms around you
Hold you up and hold you down
It was like reaching for a hawk
It was like loving in the dark

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Kiki's Valentine

Be one who is always reaching for beauty
In whatever form it comes toward you
Let it bless you as you pass by
Pushed on to what she points to
A lost sense of the sacred you pursue
The holy and unholy ugliness
At first of the truth taking off her veils
The simple goodness of a child you felt
Must be there behind everything
The child cowering in the cupboard
The child teaching in the temple
The child you were and are and will be
Let beauty go by you
For only what is good is true

Above All Valentine

Above all I trust the mockingbird
In my pomegranate tree
Will be there when I look up
Or will soon be back
He has his territorial obligations
But comes home to practice his singing
As if he was on his way to Broadway
Or paradise or The Paradise Shack
He has such dedication to the song
My guru and my music master
He rouses me in the middle of the night
For yet another lesson another whack
On the back he whispers grasshopper
Listen you have only have a few days
Before your final audition

Friday, December 11, 2020

Dandelion Valentine

One green dandelion said
Look how I've lost my head
While another opened golden
Rising among the dead
Abandoned in a field
While a war passed by
Their challenge was to die
Neither alarmed nor confused
And launch a myriad of seeds
Into the bullet-ridden sky
Nothing to do with politics
On a sodden sunny day
Green and yellow and gray
I watched an old woman one time
Pluck from them her winter wine

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Rain After 111 Days Valentine

We can almost imagine timelessness
No beginning and no end of things
But what of spacelessness 
Within which nothing exists
I make space for you we say
In the timelessness of our lives
Or not we run out of memory
Store the rest in a cloud
Of unknowingness and dust
We know about the three rivers of time
That flow into the ocean of space
But what if there was no space
Not just for light but for darkness
What if we had no father no mother

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Possible Valentine

I could drive over there
And walk around the pond 
I could rest in a ramada
And write a new story down
I could watch the children
Playing on the other side
The cyclists whirring past
Dodging dogs a little man
Teaching his daughter how to fish
Or I could draw a few pictures in my mind
Of something that happened to me long ago
Running them forwards and backwards
Until they dissolve into the silence
Of the pond and the stone fly up
Out of the water into my hand
And the whole world unwind

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

In the Pasture Valentine

They call them horsetail clouds
But they look more like embryos
like fetuses some just being born
They are from the next century
So they gambol and trot about
Imitating their forefathers
Not yet human bodies but gathering
Enough light to live inside one
At night they turn gray and dismal
As ponies far out among stars
Wispy they curl their determination
Into the forms their coming loves will take
To push the world forward further
Steadily turning it inch by inch

Monday, December 7, 2020

After Birth Valentine

When they got back to the old city
Carrying the strange infant in her arms
She was surprised he could speak to her
When no one else was around
In a not quite human voice
In a language he taught her
To understand through stories
That sometimes put her to sleep
He told her to hide the gold for later
and to keep the myrrh for now but to give
The frankincense to whoever was grieving
How he loved to babble on when
She took him to the fields outside of town
About his father and their secret plan
Until sheepishly the stars would gather round

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Wondrous Valentine

Nothing I've ever written or said
To which I couldn't make deletions
Corrections or additions in red
Of course I believe in perfection
Or what's the point in striving
But perfection's oversold
It's love that makes me bold
Love of my imperfections
The focus of my distractions
I mine like foolish gold
And you the authorship of my soul
What wondrous love is this
I croak and sing off-tune
Finding you in my ruin

Words Buried in Memory Valentine

It's the bun in abundant
And the tort in distortion
The quest in the question
It's what's hidden in the den
And what was in what's wasted
It's the sea in the seasons
The glint in the eye of the armor
It's the am and the our in amour
What they were in another life 
How many years did they get
To hold their secrets safe
To record their mysteries
Words whose white hair
Of clouds is fading like
Grandfathers and grandmothers
The faith of moths to the flame

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Light Clusters Valentine

I have worked the dark mines
Of my lost mind gone down
Into the cold collieries and
Sweating hammered away at
Unyielding rock walls
A whole mountain could be worth
One blue sapphire of thought 
Is it possible someday the whole earth
Will be reduced to a relatively small
Hillside of gems and silver and gold
Come upon in the spring
Transforming into green and flowers
Which brought me to the study of the sun
The stars so-called and the planet beings
The unmined darkness pervading
And almost overwhelming everything
Except for relatively small clusters of light

Friday, December 4, 2020

Apology to Life Valentine

You gave me time and time
And I have not wasted
All of it entirely on myself
I'm not afraid to use the wrong words
If there are no right ones
Take my whole life as an apology
For the error I've become
Except for the erasure you are
What took so long for you to replace me
With yourself was completely my fault
But I'll forgive you for birthing me
If you forgive me for being born
A blurred likeness of what you had in mind
Called to be an image of your kind

Thursday, December 3, 2020

From a Farm in Palestine Valentine

Between the two world wars
She traveled to Palestine
To visit the holy and
Unholy places for herself
She and her accompanying angel
Walked from Nazareth to Bethlehem
Holding hands sometimes and camping out
An easy hike of 16 miles
It was Advent and the quiet mood
Of Mary in the last few weeks
Of her pregnancy filled the air
While the fetal Jesus was preparing
To enter the human world after all
She'd been through which was nothing
Compared to what had still to happen
She could feel the sepulcher
Stretching her heart out further she could
Feel the pain of labor coming 
As if she herself were being born

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Geographical Valentine

Birth lies due south of death
A matter of a few miles
The road follows the river
Crossing over it once
And then later crossing back
So you get to see both sides
With their different flora and fauna
And if you're walking it
Passing through the little settlements
You can stop to eat for a while
On rock-outcroppings that look out
Over the distance you have come
And the longer distance still to go
It's best to break it into two days 
So you can sleep one night
Under the moonlight and the stars
And wake inspired for the rest

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

True Valentine

In our struggle to find what's true
Over the last several million years
We have to admit we're still all liars
To some greater or lesser extent
Some of us having given up on the truth
Still see how our lies are founded on it
How we try to make a secret of it
Finding it unbearable and shattering
Rejected by what we most want
Thrown back on our own devices
Our gifts refused souring in our mouth
How many more million years must it take
For us to appreciate our nakedness
And come to love our truth