Friday, March 31, 2023

Invisible Valentine

What can you do with the eyes
But wash and watch them
How the light flows in and out
Birthing equally into the blood
As into those new leaves over there
And the light I send to them
From my ideas of what light
Can possibly conceive
Hiding as much as it reveals
Of the darkness of my inner life
Aren't they struggling the eyes
Like burning coals to light
As much of the world inside
That the invisible grow bright

Monday, March 27, 2023

Afterwards Valentine

I dunked a stale cookie
Into some cold coffee
But I could not revive it
The corpse of a cookie
That once had a life of its own
Among other yummy cookies
Still warm from the oven
And this coffee all the way
From Guatemala only
To glaze over unfinished
In the cup you sent me
From North Carolina
But that's how much I missed you
Feasting on lonely leftovers
Here in crummy Arizona

Always Valentine

One long contrail running
North to south
And another long one
Running east to west
So they cross alone
In the bluest sky
And it just happens to be
A good Friday afternoon
Does this mean the end
Of suffering as we know it
Taken up in the clouds and dissolved
So we can move on
To the real resurrection
Always tomorrow's dawn

Dogwood Days Valentine

I need my opera binoculars
And about three more weeks
To catch the birds coming back
And the sylphs who emerge
With their first pale green
All wrinkled and furry
The drops of blood falling
On the whitest flowers
Winter's ghosts brilliant
In the sodden woods
Until all the birds speak at once
In their separate languages your name
And the sun rides up
To rest on your lap my head

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Wherever Valentine

It's always the same boarding a plane
Feeling everything familiar fall away
Suspended mid-air among strangers
Becoming anonymous and thrown
Up against the sky vulnerable
And alone as a bird or cloud
Each of us strapped in our thoughts
Sleeping or watching a movie
Or non-stop talking and laughing
It all feels like a kind of dying
I listen to Stutzmann singing Handel
'And soon thereafter, wherever you are,
You will see me come flying to you
To embrace you ever faithful.'

Back Then Valentine

I just wanted it to stop
So I locked the door against you
But you pounded so fiercely
I had to let you in
Broken and crying we stood
Holding one another
Until the shaking stopped
How could you you said
When you know how much
I need you now
You showed me the rose
Of my life you said
See I have carved your face
In the palm of my hand
I will not forget you
Forgive me I said 
I was hurt and lost
Let's try to love again 
No matter the cost

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Impressionable Valentine

After several false starts
Earnest but not forceful enough
I managed to wrestle myself
Upright from the floor
My exertions had been mostly mental
I pondered my motivations
And the serious responsibilities
That come with standing up
Which can only lead to walking
And falling back down again
But why restrict my options
To crawling and whining
To sitting tied to a chair
When you I wanted to impress
I could just run to over there

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Some Souls Valentine

Some souls are all will
The worker bees and drones
The how without the why
Busy until they die
Some souls are all feeling
The heart is queen
And passionately she rules
At the center of their world
While other souls are all thoughts
They lay the honey in the head
And rise and swarm
Restless for another home
How fortunate this whole constuction
Hovers above a field of flowers

Friday, March 10, 2023

Unfinished Valentine

Out of a large unfinished book
I was allowed to read only one long chapter
Taken from somewhere I think
In the middle of the story
So I couldn't tell if it
Was just a comic interlude
Among a series of wild adventures
Or the point where the central
Character has figured out the plot
And taken up the authorship
Of all that must inevitably follow
Or write a whole new age
In the fable of so many I's
Wandering across the page

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Between Valentine

I think there are only three protagonists
In the world and two of them
Are sworn enemies of the third
Two lies that want to divide
The world between them
One a dreamer and one a schemer
Who deny any middle way
Any common ground between
Pure spirit and simple matter
As if there was only night and day
One life one death to chose
Forgetting the one who walks
The razor's edge between them
Freely holding sway

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Exiled In Heaven Valentine

Your body may be elsewhere
Long since living in the breeze
But here they placed your stone
In the city where you died
Having written your masterpiece
Which somehow every year grows
More necessary to acknowledge
If only for its resonant
Architecture of a clearer life
The key it leaves we've lost
For us to find under your stone
A map to the door that takes us 
All the way back to heaven 
And all the way through hell

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

World Valentine

Every so often I get up
And go look at the world
It makes me a little crazy
As a child or helpless parent
All the plans it's up to
That keep me awake at night
Marveling and worrying
I go where it's snowing slowly
Or sit on some morning beach inspired
Listening to the mothers of the world
Getting their kids to school
Uninvited I attend as many funerals
As I can think of before I sleep
I feel you will take my life my friend
I know our friendship will never end

Monday, March 6, 2023

Leaning Valentine

The lovely fanciful and strange
Geometry of the waves out there
The booming along the icy shore
Below the cliffs our own abyss
Between paradise and here
Where we take our daily stroll
Where only the imagination's real
As a hand to kiss and hold
Against the cold that stiffens us
And would eat our breath
Will swallow us whole
If we would let it
Leaning homeward through the snow
As if we believed in death

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Staying Valentine

My dear Lord and I still relate
On strictly formal terms
And try to remain objective
About one another and the world
I love he treats me like a dog
Who leans into his master's words
And takes me on long walks with him
Where he lets me off the leash
He knows I love the passionate grass
And the freedom to run at will
Which a confined life craves
With only your instincts and bright
Brown eyes and slobbering face
To feel what it means to hear
Him tell me to sit and stay

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Slow Valentine

Between the mineral and the moral world
Where we work in deep watery mines
Where the shining gems are dug
After their long infancy as dust
Their slow curing and maturing
In the furnaces of time
But doesn't a sapphire decide one night
To change its life and crumble
Back to its primordial light
Before it can be seized and worn
On some ancestral crown
Or wed to some newlywed's finger
When so much deeper into light it wants
To run and take us slowly with it

Friday, March 3, 2023

At Least Valentine

Best pulling on a day or two
After a good rain and the ground
Forgives your weedy sins
And you can grab them by the roots
Before they bloom though some
Have already run to seed
Picked till the bed is bare and clean
Except for a school of poppies
Red and salmon swimming
Upstream in the sunny air
At least something can look perfect
And you can stand and stare
Your knees sore and ancient
After so much prayer

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Stirring Valentine

The cold speaks only one solemn word
That would pronounce us dead
That could be why the snow pretends
The stillness of a corpse
To show us how to rest content
With all this fallenness
Rehearsing the funeral of the world
And yet the body stirs
As we sit and wait
It rolls over in its sleep
Only dreaming it's dead
At least I felt it when I woke
Green entering my bones
Infant sun stretching out its hands

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Sometimes Valentine

Sometimes I let my body become
One large ear sitting in a chair
I try to hear how far out
Listening can stretch even to you
Past traffic and alarms and dogs
Out past where the trillium
Whisper under snow and the mouse
Emerges from his hole to find
The white owl waiting
Soundless wings to take him 
Out past fear and longing
Until hearing itself becomes
A kind of singing along
To an orchestra of stars