Monday, May 31, 2021

Whoever You Are Valentine

It's awesome to have
The final say over yourself
To feel yourself the weight of things
And yet be weighed often by the world
More or less found wanting in value
Living in deep debt for everything
House and friends life and death
Paying love's monthly mortgage
And putting its daily bread on the table
And so much trusting to do
When there is no hand to grasp
And draw you up out of the dark well
It's all so bleak and true
And hopeless without you

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Its Side Valentine

When I remembered one night
In my deepest parts of the woods
And in the highest sense like stars
It's only because of love
That we are still alive and kept
Alive by it its creatures
I felt relieved and could sleep
I knew how clever and subtle
It could be for its survival
How stern and impersonal at times
Still it only matters
If you are on its side
It will die for you forever
And you may never die

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Renewable Valentine

If sometimes you are very upset
Unhappy with yourself my everything
Remember for a few moments
How happy you make me
How proud and incompetent
To love you enough this is
The real contentment on earth
To become what we love
Whatever we aren't yet
A part of us already is
Most of what happens is hidden
From us though we wrote the plan
And that we first embraced today again
On our way to the meeting place

Friday, May 28, 2021

Each Valentine

Each red hibiscus flower burns
For just one day like the day-lily  
But makes up for it in numbers
What it loses in longevity
Not like the rose or the gardenia
Which unfold in rows laying themselves
Open petal by petal as if
Placement is everything and time
Can be stopped for a few seconds 
But it's the fragrance that's the real
Fruit of a flower all I can harvest
Stooping to inhale its secret soul
I grow them for their color and their form
And the clear sense they hold
Something nascent from another world

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Our Lives Valentine

When I look back the past
Is like a play being rehearsed
By actors just coming into their lines
Every day learning the smallest gestures
Aiming for the center of the story
That stunning moment when
Reality descends and turns
To look at you and me
Sitting tenth row to the right
How can we explain ourselves
I mean I remember we slept and walked
For a long time we talked on the beach
Watching the boats in the glittering sun
And accidentally ran into this theater
Where they happened to be playing our lives

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

God's Dilemma Valentine

Of all his estranged children
Plant and animal or stone
Who is more personal to God
More intimately alone with him
Than a human being
Even when he doesn't grasp
The idea of God the idea
Still exists you are I am
What God set out to be
Who could accept all he wanted
Was to become a human creature
To become his own creature
In the depths of flesh and blood
Only love would go that far

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Starting Valentine

It's strange to go back
Even when I get there
I'm still moving forward
Mulling over what's
Gone down weaving it
With what's just happened
How many pounds of flesh
Must the past pay for the future
Still it's beautiful to go back
And find the seeds I planted
Still sticking to my sweating palm
Just before they hit the ground
To go back all the way
To where it started and sit down
And survey it all ahead

Monday, May 24, 2021

Sounded Valentine

There was once a tree who loved language
Who grew up among speechless trees
It was he who survived the fires
When no one had heard his pleas
Like language he learned to be many trees
Many forests to distill the sounds
Filtering down from the sun and stars
Words that were nothing more than leaves
Drawn up and falling back to the ground
Until one day a runaway child
Came wandering through the shade
Pursued by a word he had never heard
Something that sounded like love

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Unclouded Valentine

I feel my dead are more alive to me
Than I to them their sight and touch
Unclouded by flesh and blood
While I have only memories
And occasional dreams of them
In which they appear as if nothing's changed
It's like I only see them from behind
While they look straight into my eyes
And think my thoughts with me
Being now thoughts themselves
That go on thinking of me
And holding out hope for me
To feel along with them
Only in loving are we free

Friday, May 21, 2021

Just Asking Valentine

What's become of the circular path
I carved out of the woods that spring
Half-way a sunlit clearing
Under a maple tree to rest in
What's become of the amazing whiteness
Of the drifts of trillium or the day
I stumbled on a yellow lady's slipper
And brought you running to see it
Or the raspberries we feasted on
Or the apple trees we planted
Just twigs we worried through the winter
Buried under the waves of snow
What's become of our overgrown hearts
Will they ever come to fruition

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Unacceptable Valentine

Nothing seems to be working today
A door won't open the window's stuck
When I reached for my coffee cup
It shattered in my hand
Blood dripped on the carpet and floor
The phone is dead and the TV warns
Don't think of going outdoors
I'm buried under books and bombs
Falling in children's souls
So much more tightly I pull
My love around me its glow
Though it only goes so far
But just enough to let me stand
And yell my eternal NO

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Late Lunch Valentine

Surprised me when I looked up
The wasting half-moon in the totally
Blue sky of two in the afternoon
Like the last patch of the first snow
On a mountain I'd never noticed before
I try to swallow whatever's
Given me I always try gratitude first
But often later I have to spit it out
And cruelty in any form
Makes me vomit in my throat
But when I saw that morsel moon
I knew how starving I really was
For food of a different sort
And swallowed it whole with my heart

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Golden Valentine

The shadow of a bird I watched
Written on a golden wall
But there was no bird at all
Just wing-like leaves and twigs
The negative of a bird
Staining the golden wall
A reflection thrown by flowers
The divining of a bird
In the memory of an hour
Wavering on the golden wall
But then a real bird came
And left the shadow of its song
So gentle and suffering and strong
It dissolved that golden wall

Friday, May 14, 2021

Trying Valentine

At the high point of the day
When there are no shadows
At the low point of the night
When there is no light
At the brightest and the darkest times
When I sleep dreaming among the gods
Caught up in their creative whirl
Struggling to unravel their words
Or when I'm dazed by my daily tasks
Clearly seeing no way forward or back
Feeling scorched in my soul and blank
I stop for a second and try to imagine
What it's like to be nothing
And every living thing at the same time
What it's like to be a human being
Trapped in the darkness and free as the sun

Thursday, May 13, 2021

A Kind of Ascension Valentine

Like a child picking at the dead
Sliced-open body of a frog
I turn and turn the past
Somewhere there must be a pond
And a whole summer waiting
As he extracts its lovely eye
And places it carefully on a slide
And peers down into the microscope
And senses it's still alive 
Not the eye only but what it sees
Looking up from the other end
A distant croaking of the heart
A ripple loosening the reeds
His first discovery of his part

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

What Is an Electron Valentine

Between panic and exultation
Between self-pity and cold reason
In that little mediating space
Between light and matter
I am listening to someone drilling down
Hammering on steel and wood
Hoping to pound me into the ground
Thank God he stops once in a while
To catch our breath and change position
And immediately some sun absorbs me
Turns me into a glimmering cloud
Indifferent to all above and below
Until I waver between light and darkness
Holding them both at bay or not

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

And Then Valentine

And then you closed the book 
On me so I missed the remaining
Revealing chapters of your story
Though I heard you went to Turkey
And taught the children of refugees
And once as in the movies
The back of your head and bearing
Made me embarrass myself
With a stranger on a busy street
Sure it was you sorry it wasn't
Leaving me standing there shaken
With its jolt of joy and grief
That it was possible to touch so deep
And then it simply disappear

Monday, May 10, 2021

Blue Valentine

When I look out from my little mind
My narrow window on the world
This morning awake in my leafy yard
Alone among my many troubles
I see there's not a cloud in the sky
They've all fallen to the ground
And left behind this purest blue
Full of promise and reassurance
Enough to make me want to cry
And then I see seven angels land
In my ancient pomegranate tree
And one who slowly descends to me
And stretches out his hand and says
Here brother take and eat

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Dodie's Valentine

You were my first taste of love
Even before I could say the word
You chased me in the grass
And we fell down laughing
It took me a while to see you
As a person with your own life
Things that had nothing to do with me
You were my first experience of alone
And separate from everything else
I remember your modest dignity walking
Through the city streets with me
Holding my timid hand
When you were my Athena
And I was your little man

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Anniversary of Your Death Valentine

This equality of the sun
This freedom of the air
This sisterhood of the trees 
Why can't we have that too
Why can't we be more like water
And read what the gods have written
In mists and rain and dew
How can we have good things
And not want to be
Good ourselves or at least
Better than our machines
I think it's simply because
We still believe in death
Are still convinced it's true

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Whitsun Valentine

The crooked shadow of a trill
Though its quick flight is straight
But otherwise the yard is still
Hypnotized by the heat 
Earlier before you arrived
The false hope of a cool breeze
Ambled through the blue leaves
A momentary retrieve
But now it's real hell we meet
The quiet at the center of a flame
In which we are slowly being consumed
Through the motionless afternoon
So what's left of us by nightfall
Is just the crackling of the stars

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Friendly Valentine

My friend who tended sheep
My friend who wrote a starry book
My friend about to graduate
My friend crossed over two years now
My friend who wrote to me out of the blue
My friend the apothecary of smiles
My friend the repairer of pets
My friend who went back to her home town
My friend climbing the ladder of lost hopes
My friend life and death all around me
My friend my next breath
My friend who is like a marriage
My friend who lowered the rope to save me
My friend who scatters my ashes

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

For You Valentine

What makes me quake
What keeps me awake
To stand before all I love 
And know what's at stake
When even my unworthiness seems
Shallow and fake
My love for my own sake
For all for me I can take
To feel your gaze drift toward me
Whether I'm asleep or awake
Things I love people I love
The earnestness of children or a tree
That saves me from myself for you
Just as I'm about to break

Monday, May 3, 2021

To The Wedding Valentine

We must walk miles to the wedding
It won't come to us
But only if we get invited
By an angel we can trust
We must come to a clearing
In the woods hungry and unsure
And share our meal with a dove
A greedy crow pursues
We must lose our heads and hasten
Down a path we can't retrace
Until we finally reach the gate
And knocking enter the great domed room
Where the bride and groom await
We must have nothing left to give
But all our love

Saturday, May 1, 2021

How Valentine

How do I find the feeling
That I'm going in my life
In the right direction toward
What is my deepest longing
With the light behind me
So the shadow of my hand
Writing these words
Falls across the page
A darkness I peer through
From which the words emerge
Suffering from being written down
Like prisoners filing out
Into the light and me among them
Just another word