Friday, July 30, 2021

Thelma's Valentine

As seniors in our little circle
Of friends and colleagues of the spirit
As we approach the beautiful iceberg
On this Titanic of our lives
I wanted to schedule lunch
With you now in the after-world
To get to know one another better
If you have the time once
We get settled in to our new names
And have counted our accounts
What plans we've made for future
Adventures what books
We're re-reading what new
Friends we have found

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Arriving Valentine

I was expecting the sun and the stars
But gray clouds covered us completely
For a few seconds we were
Arriving in Corinth again
Unsure which century it was
Until we turned from the ruins
And looked at one another
It's you here so it must be now
It's just me straying out of time
Practicing my remembering again
The younger I feel the older I grow
The more I wonder
When I will arrive in you
And everything's remembered

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Today's Valentine

You were dancing on the point of a pin
And I was dancing with you angel
And gave you a spin
And lost you in the crowd
You had gone to find a razor
We could line-dance on
Or a cliff for a pas-de-deux
You would bring me to the edge
Where the waves grow loud
And all our dances come together 
Swahili limbo waltz and clog
Where we could look down on death
And life as equal partners
To be danced away today

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Disappeared Valentine

While Charlemagne was learning over there
A grown man to read the nursery rhymes
The Hohokam people were thriving here
In the clear desert air of not yet America
A peaceful agricultral tribe
Where these many buildings stand today
And when St. Francis was alive and preaching
They were carving ball courts out of sand
Over two hundred of them who knows
Abandoned as if a sudden plague
Or greedy lord devastated them
Then did the survivors disappear to the east 
And west and north and south
Like pilgrims on the road to Santiago

Monday, July 26, 2021

Weather's Valentine

What are the great powers and principalities
Trying to accomplish this gray Monday
Their flickering constellations whisper
Don't look up if you can't stand feeling small
If you don't like to get dizzy and crumble
Into the light right now
Cloudy-sunny after a long rain
What would we do without the weather
To know how we're feeling
To synchronize with the spheres
Pondering their ideas
Swirling around us and in us
To find something to hold on to
Or to completely let go

Sunday, July 25, 2021

When the Cock Crows Valentine

My neighbor who keeps a rooster
Sometimes makes me wonder
How many other farm animals
He's hiding in his house
Has he turned the bedrooms
Into a stable snoring with the horses
I swear some nights I can hear
A cow's sorrowful mooing
Like a secret farm with woods gone
A safe house on a busy city street
For dreaming sheep and the bustle
Of corn stalks striking up
From the living room floor
Called by the moon once more

Friday, July 23, 2021

Mind's Valentine

In the beginning was the I
And the I was in God
And the I was itself a god
Just as God remembered it
When God was eager and young
And started out good and whole
With a simple sketch of the I
It was the first I in the first mind
Then came the I that mocked the I
For taking itself so seriously
And there was laughter on earth
As in heaven the sound of thunder
And the rain became the flesh
of the I it was the true I

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Old Valentine

The pure and selfish motive
Of a child knowing nothing
Is to control what it loves
And to saturate the nights
With its terrified screaming
But to think within its smallness
A huge aura is trying to settle
On a decision to stay or go
War-torn they come back to us
From heaven's camps
In search of healing
And end up healing us
But why the war so long
And the child so old 

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Johannine Valentine

So we meet again after several lives
For lunch you've lost weight
Cheerful your courage still intact
Feeding on fish and rice and tea
To hear what's come of our fears
Your many moves across the country
The marvels and tragedies we've seen
And how the time has come for you
To move forward and me to fall back
For you to remember everything
And me to slowly forget
Making space for the new discovery
Of far-reaching death
Me waiting for you where we met

Monday, July 19, 2021

Summer Victim's Valentine

Cara Cara red navel dwarf
I had just the spot for you
I wanted to taste you one day
But then you were just a staff
With blossoms what would
Become of you under my care
It was like taking on a child
Whose leaves were blistered hands
That startled when they started
In the heat falling off
What sustained you when you lost
The ground under your feet
What became of your sweetness
Under my helpless care

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Flooded Valentine

Tears and rain and sweat
Finally accumulate
On burn scars to flood
Proportions towns float away
On the other side of the mountain
We horseback ride in the cool
Forest you on Diablo the stallion
Me on a mare called Fancy
Whenever joy happens elsewhere
Some disaster crops up to sqluech it
One made-made and the other
An unearned gift of the gods
Past their tears and rain and sweat

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Mess of a Valentine

Was I raised to make a mess
Of things to learn the art
Of cleaning up and putting back
In their proper places the words
Let fly across the room
Clearing the air between us
Resolved by afternoon
Our differences collide
Sanding down the edges
I try to explain did you
Know our neighbor has a rooster
Every morning now cock-a-doodle-do
Every morning I love more of you

Friday, July 16, 2021

For Valentine

I've already started planning
My next life even if you say
There won't be one I'm feeling
Super-practical about it
And hope to preserve
Enough ego to go on
To keep up the search
Even though I'll live
In a little house
And go no where
I will have met you
I will have known
What it's for

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Beach Cities Valentine

It's early Thursday of the world
And we are hard at work
For days we drove through fires
And floods west with the wind
So we could sit and stare at the sea
With hundreds of others supine
Or celebrative mostly the children
Or walkers overwhelmed by the waves
Swept out and tossed back again
We've come to peer over the threshold
Into the abyss of a sunny day
Troubled and peaceful and weary
And for once with nothing to say

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Bedded Valentine

Her name was dull
But her face was dawn
And yes she'd been spat upon
But it never made her cruel
Though she could be abstemious
With time and came to my bed
But once when she was living
And now again she's dead
The tattoo of a rainbow on one cheek
And a painted bluet on the other
A woman of the forest and the creek
Now the landscape of a dream
Where we had but a moment
To catch up but a lifetime it seemed

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Stopped Valentine

Truth socializes with everyone
But seems to have few friends
At gatherings it shatters
Into a million wafers
Melting on tongues
Or spit out on the floor
Finally it creates a disturbance
And is asked to leave
No one seems to know its address
Though our best detectives
Have tried to follow it home
One night I passed it on the street
It stopped and smiled at me
And said, 'Go ahead my friend
There's no lie I haven't heard'

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Snow in Summer Valentine

Winter is a roving widow
Who drags out all her wedding dresses
Refusing to wear black
She lifts them through the dirt
On her way back to her father's house
Having lost her head again
For faithless summer but knows
Her old man will take her back
To her quiet room where everything's
Preserved just as it was
From her high school days
Where it will all start up again
Where the child she's left with
Will lead her back to love

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Even Valentine

Whether we like it or not
Whether we can get past
Liking it or not
Whatever's left over is truth
One and one makes one
Or you carry the two
Left with a negative sum
We are always in love with someone
Even if it's usually ourselves
We each have our Orpheus
Or Eurydice inside even if
We scorn them even if
We don't have a romantic
Bone in our bodies

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Honduras Valentine

A glimmer of hope was spotted
In Honduras in a cohort of clouds
I write it down for absence of you
I want to be you for twenty-four hours
Probably as long I could be away 
From myself but it would be enough
To get a quick survey of Honduras perhaps
Where you are living under that glimmer
In hopes of being me one day
For which I pity you as much
As you illuminate me
With your cloudy hope
Glimmering above Honduras
Cities and jungles of my dreams

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Waving Valentine

These days my fervent prayers
Are all the names of my friends
We gather together in the church
Of occasional rain and sing its praises
Then sit and talk on the beach
Worrying and laughing about one another
Often there's a sermon or a joke
Which drives us off for a swim
Or back to the house for a nap
But sometimes no one comes
Or comes and then quickly leaves
I keep the darker days for myself
My friend the lake seems all I need
And my friend who walks its waves

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Something Valentine

If we were really animals
We would need no memories at all
Of guilt or deep regret
But at a certain point
Something comes into us
That separates us from the tree
Suffering into its branches
Under its devouring leaves
And only a few blossoms reach
Out for a better life
Nature becomes a picture
We have colored in
The animals have bequeathed to us
Our conscience and our sin

Friday, July 2, 2021

Godly Valentine

What would you do first
If you had to create
A human body using
All the usual parts but
In a new configuration
Would you put the head
Where the feet are now so
It could kiss the ground
And the feet could walk on air
Would you triple the eyes
Two in the palms of the hands
Two in the middle of the chest
Would you have learned something
From all this if you were a god

Thursday, July 1, 2021

True Valentine

The leaves at the ends of its branches
Turn many colors mimicking flowers
Products of the sun overcoming the soil
While the true flowers stay hidden
Almost insignificant among the foliage
But if you pull back the covers
Then you see their Venus sleeping
Naked in her marble flesh
Awaiting her many broken lovers
Bees who come to suck her blood
From wounds that time has made
But only one will wake her
Arriving regal from the future
I know he will be true as you