Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Not A Better Valentine

There is this perennial misconception
That we are better than our sisters
Or better than anyone for that matter
How we worry into competition 
The Hundred Years' War reduced
To televised athletic matches
How fact proliferates into fiction
No matter how far back we go
Who knows what really happened
We're left in a state of stupefaction
How strongly what's unconscious builds
The world we barely know
At any moment what we're doing
When we get up and go

Monday, August 29, 2022

My True Vocation Valentine

Gustav Mahler was my father
We had many a feisty quarrel
Over Brahms and common morals
He wanted me to enter law
Or architecture or biology
But all I felt was music deep
And so I wrote it in my sleep
Indelible super-symphonies father
You would have been proud to conduct
If I could only have written them down
But the audiences weren't ready yet
Apparently and anyway I was out
Of paper and of ink and would fall
Back to sleep hearing those sounds
For which the world will have to wait

Presence Valentine

I wish I had been there with you
With real presence of mind
When you let go of that last breath
And not standing there stunned
In total denial it was like
You got up out of the bed
And rushed out the door
Before I could ask you where
It hurts or are you afraid
You were my first experience
Of dying and of living
And for both I buckled
To my knees while you
Always punctual and eager
Headed for another beach

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Patched Valentine

Among our worst illusions
When we wake up each morning
Is the sense of helplessness we can feel
Either unacknowledged or overindulged
But illusions lead to real experiences
If not from their origins in dreams
Then in their physical world consequences
For instance if you see what's not there
Or fail to see what is matters
And what if at fourteen you get on
A misdirected train of thought
And spend years exhausting yourself
Over a few wronged feelings
Is the journey only wasted
If you don't come back
With your good humor intact
And your patience needing patches

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Farm-Raised Valentine

The straight and curving rows I watched
Laid down in the black and empty fields
By my farmer neighbor time
But his name was Vern short for Vernal
I suppose because of what he called
Up out of those black and empty fields
Of rye and wheat and corn
Where I saw only individual lives
In the traffic of perennial towns
Vern loved his land easily
I could see that from my window
I just stood there like a year
Stuck on summer but drawn back
To those black and empty fields

Friday, August 26, 2022

Fathering Valentine

Mostly I remember the elm trees
That lined the road to my grandparent's house
Was there ever a more graceful cathedral
Nave of greenish-golden light
The Celts felt they only grew
Near the entrances to the underworld
And conveniently for me and them
Just a short walk down a cemetery
Where the ghost of my uncle priest
Slept under his stone but rose
To talk with me when I would visit
I was sixteen and full of questions
But not the one he wanted to hear
For which he's waited all these years

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Mothering Valentine

As a treat when we were small
My mother would slice a banana
Into a bowl and pour milk on top
With a little sprinkling of sugar
And smile and announce
'One of Grandma's favorite recipes'
Her mother passed when she was
Just sixteen making her the mother
Of her four sisters and little brother
Grandma must have been in her thirties
When her only son's life took her own
But something of her sweetness
We could taste and tears
Where nothing else of her was known

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

What Blind Man Doesn't Want To See Valentine

Or could it be that what I see
Is what is blinding me
To all that lies behind
What if I have only a little kindling
Of mind to warm my heart
A few stray clues I can
Weave together into a plot
I can still stare at the stars
Until they carry me up and out
Past the ruined hospital moon
And the circle of caged animals
Careful not to wake them
To a little park I know
Where what is human is divine

Monday, August 22, 2022

Mercury at Equinox Valentine

Those who still long for fairness
And an economy of forgiveness
And are willing to work for it
And those who can't get past themselves
Or past religion or politics
Fighting for themselves alone
Turning their backs on the future
How well can you walk backwards
Is it to make another run at it
Having tamed the uses of the self
With one death-defying leap
Or a fall of trust might work
Where you surrender and let go
Hoping the universe will catch you

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Theoretical Valentine

When light broke down
Weeping its many colors
Wasn't it simply filling in
The darkness all along
Where it could rest alone
But then it stumbled
On the earth where blue
And red could find a home
Flowering in blood and bone
Who is the I of colors
That pure white
Invisible but bright
Who returns every morning
And enters every night

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Ownership of the Clouds Valentine

If you consider the clouds
As the sky's etheric raiment
Up against the blue day
Or the darkness of its soul
If you can hold them as memory
Where talent and trauma
Are given free rein to roam
Bringing hurricanes and towering
Pillars of fire and light
If you think of them as having
Only one good reason to exist
To give us a daily picture of the whole
A reflection of what just happened
Out of the depth of our souls

Friday, August 19, 2022

We. Somehow. Love. Valentine

In his first book entitled 'We' 
He uses the word 'I' a lot
Until he struggled out of its trap
And felt the oneness of the world
Which led to his second smaller tome
Called 'Somehow' in which
He spends years trying
To replicate the same process
In more personal terms but
With the same unequal success
Old now he readies his final work
The ruffling of a few pages
Some with only a single phrase
And wants to call it 'Love'

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Lost and Found Valentine

Given the ways it all hangs together
Is it really so surprising to discover
That the ones who came before us
All those pioneers and explorers
Warriors and serious scholars
Are we ourselves returned revised
To find our spirit never died
But found its way back somehow
To another body another life
Not just a template of the one before
But with the stamp of something new
Unprecedented and unique
We ancestors of the future
Whose lost heaven we restore

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

A Matter of the Gods Valentine

How far back does Persephone go
Before she pulls away from us entirely
And we can see she's just a scaffolding
Torn down to reveal a pyramid
Of light from which she radiates
Out of so many possible worlds
Why does she choose this impossible one
Of stops and starts and stops
Settling for such a little time
Suffering in such a little space
Trying to cram us all in
We immigrants on a leaking boat
Doesn't she believe we're coming
To rescue her if we can only
Keep ourselves afloat

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Portrait of Valentine As An Old Shrub

It looks like two small birds
In the sun-impaled hibiscus bush
But it's really only one moving very fast
From branches to the cups of new-made leaves
Where maybe a drop of water waits
Preserved like a purple pearl
Maybe this is its true function
Not the showy blossoms of its moods
But a simple offering to the birds
In the dead heat of summer
Why does it need to bloom at all
Except to celebrate itself at last
For having understood a little
A necessary song-bird's thirst

Monday, August 15, 2022

The Seven Stages of Valentine

Its first appearance is in the human body
When you reverently become aware of its
Delicate construction and sound beauty
Infusing you with a certain energy
As if someone just handed you your life
As if you could be trusted
To balance two hearts at the same time
And not looking down cross the abyss
That separates the you and the me
Our panoramic history painted in sand
So persistent it becomes in the end
You can sometimes find its form
Thrown up on sunlit beaches
In the memory of a stone

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Yorick's Valentine

Honestly dear Hamlet you get it all wrong
It's to love or not to love
For which being alone exists
But you didn't dare to ask
That embarrassing question
Your bright intellect and sad father
Kept getting in the way
And when you came back to us
As Young Werther and the project
Could no longer be avoided
Were you pre-disposed to feel
Its promise came too late
So now when you walk
Our noisy streets at last
With your skull and bones
In your hands be honest
For once and admit it
You still don't understand love

Friday, August 12, 2022

Her Name Was Sophie Valentine

Every morning more to know
Every night a further dream
The same routine never the same
How many chances are we given
To draw a perfect circle
Or a single straight line
My first teacher said to practice
With my finger on the air
And let my breath erase them
Once they've entered my brain
And go out into the garden
And find them in leaf and stone
All you'll ever need she said
To become a human being

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Impromptu Valentine

Out onto the stage she waddled
A beautiful ring-necked dove
The audience hushed at once
In the opera house of the mind
Knowing any move would scare her
She stopped to turn and look at us
And then proceeded to her mark
Clearly aware of the danger
We pretended not to pose
But the consummate artist she was
Soared through her repertoire of coos
With graceful fluttering of wings
And hovering mid-air she rose
In fear and love of earthly things

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

No Life Valentine

No life on earth is horror-free
We've all somehow made sure of that
Some come gift-wrapped with bows
That take a life-time to unpack
A single golden needle's eye
Some scrounge the stinking garbage heaps
To earn barely enough to eat
The cruelty our lives impose
On one another still not grasped
The soul solution comes and goes
The sheep harvested by the kings
Sleep in peace in military rows
Dreaming of their return as kings
Who may feed their sheep who knows

Waiting Valentine

I'm waiting for the rain to stop
So I can go out and pull some weeds
But really I'm enjoying it too much
I hope it goes on all day and night
I'm waiting for my mind to stop
Complaining about all it needs
And all that must be done
Despite the excuse of the rain
Much more intelligent than me
Bringing life to all it feeds
The weeds and dripping tree
Always choosing the better part
I'm waiting for the rain to stop
And plant a rainbow in my heart

To Everyone I've Known Valentine

Did I overdo it
And go too far
Did I fall too short
And miss your star
Did I only do
What I wanted to
Unmindful of the effect
Did I underwhelm you
By being too direct
Did I for my little
Too much expect
Whatever all is true
I don't intend to forget you
Whether living or in death

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Speechless Valentine

All summer long the cat sheds her coat
She doesn't like when I call her mine
Or when I think I know her name
But I'm the one who has to go around
Picking up tufts of hair for months
Until finally come October
She's back to skinny and svelte
Like the first day we met
Just as the cold nights of November
Begin to fill her with regret
She ever discarded that cozy pelt
And must start to knit another
She stares at me with life in her eyes
And dares me to explain it

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Karmic Valentine

He brought a nail-gun to the party
She brought an ode by Holderlin
He nailed the world together for her
She took it all apart
He said you've ruined my art
She said you broke my heart
Forty years later they meet again
Accidentally in a park
He was reading Holderlin
She was wearing a grin
How unoriginal of us he said
To repeat the original sin
But just in the nick of time she said
To finally let you in

Friday, August 5, 2022

Light's Valentine

How do the colors of the stones
Become the colors of the flowers
Become the colors of the birds
The colors of our animal eyes
What the stones tasted around them
So the flowers could begin to breath
So the birds could hear and see
And the animals perceive
The colors of their souls
All the while perfecting the human eye
Does its color matter anymore
If green that it sees only green
With so many colors yet to come
Until the seeing heart is seen

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Brunetto's Valentine

When I was released from heaven
For hours my mind was a blank
I could barely remember anything
My name or circumstance
I lay in a field of purple flowers
Until I remembered how to think
My way back to summer
And a sense of my own
Insignificance I could cling to
I admit midway my panic
At the nothingness I felt
But stood my ground
And knew it was even here
You could still be found

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Proven Valentine

In my daily quarrels with myself
I'm reminded of the promised rain
A great gray cloud approaching
Hovering trying to make up its mind
To restrain its urge to fall
Or do what it's come to do
And mean it after all
Did you know they've proven
Half of the soul doesn't even know
There is another half
Which hovers over its
Anxious incomprehension
And tries to calm its fears
If it would only listen
And let it rain or not

Monday, August 1, 2022

Riddling Valentine

It shares with mathematics
The integrity of objective truth
And with music the harmony
Of all the parts and accidentals
It goes right to the heart of surprise
Like a check-mate or a friend
You didn't see coming
Right laughter that lives in order
And the loss of all illusions
It opens a path to a practical life
The perception of an invisible mountain
Your thoughts are free to climb
The majesty of a moment
At last in your own right mind