Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Wanted Valentine

Fish tacos at Rubio's outdoors
Because it's 72 degrees in winter
And the world is out of joint
And apparently spring can't wait
To tear open its Christmas presents
Yes just what it wanted
One clear warm day with you
With rice and beans and avocado
Not a cloud in the sky while you
Regale me with schadenfreude
And the on-going apocalypse
Dressing dripping from you lobster taco
None of your licked fingers lost to me
Nothing spring hasn't already tasted

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Damascus Valentine

Through the mixed blessing of the internet
Yesterday's gift was to come across
Breughel's 'Conversion of St. Paul'
Because it was his birthday and all
His huge family of painters
Had come from every gallery
And warehouse of the world to celebrate
This one life-changing moment with me
All of us staring and searching
For Paul's small blue body 
Overwhelmed on the ground
As if at the bottom of a deep
Well of soldiers and travelers
Who had heard a voice but seen nothing

Monday, November 28, 2022

Seventh Generation Valentine

Boys who have only one mother
Often search out several fathers
Girls who have only one father
Often adopt many mothers
It's the missing pieces
In the collection of a person
That only a parent can give
Either a curse or a blessing
And not to hold them responsible
For our own self-creation
Sons who only know their fathers
Learning to father their own daughters
And mothers the dear lost mothers
With whom we are never done

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Unfinished Valentine

There was a time back then
When I could have read
The whole Bible end to end
When I could have covered
All the 16th century sonnets
Or at least in the original Greek
Recite a Sappho fragment
Or a strophe of the Odyssey
Instead I took the survey course
Of life and dabbled at the feast 
Not really finishing anything
Craving only some of everything
And everything of some

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Wouldn't We Valentine

I keep forgetting it's only
Curiosity and love
That keeps everything coherent
Without our skin and bones
Which hold us in one place
Wouldn't we be airy creatures
Somewhere between birds and angels
Between fog and rain
Wouldn't we blend into
Our surroundings of light
Surviving on darkness and dust
Somewhere between bats and butterflies
Between floating and blue sea
Between stasis and flight

Friday, November 25, 2022

Byzantine Valentine

Emperor of all for a few days
While still a boy the product of incest
Then his nose cut off and
His mother's tongue removed
Exiled to Rhodes where they
Lived a fairly comfortable life
According to all accounts
We have to go with what
We've got all this while enjoying
The art of the building of churches
I like to think after his mother
Died he became a monk
Having played his part in history
He could afford a better life

Thursday, November 24, 2022

November Valentine

Today the wind arrives
Like a slow late train
Out of the north snow
Where it rises
Sweeping the stars
Out of history speeding
Past the stations
To darker sky destinations
Today the wind demands
It take you with it see
It shudders to a gate
Where you must board
Invisibility and soar
And brush the earth to gold

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Life-Size Valentine

The blue rooster standing on my table
Has Jesus eyes that follow me around
A reject even at Goodwill
They let me have it for a dime
The kind of porcelain produced in thousands
Out of which only a few survive
But to have painted it blue
Spiky comb and rippling tail
Blue patches on a white ground
Makes me smile back
At the one who painted it
A young woman or an old man
Inspired by another blue sky
Dreaming of a dime a piece
And getting the eyes just right

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Thanksgiving Valentine

Who will count the fields of pumpkins
The feasts and forgotten presents
The bell going off at the end
The hearts and flowers the fireworks
The funerals and beaches
Who will tally up the weddings the divorces
The car crash near misses
The bumpings into someone on the street
The shifting-shuffling of the feet
Who will read to us another story
Not the one we want to hear
Who will sing to us of glory
Not the song we heard last year
Not the empty hope of fear

Monday, November 21, 2022

Having It Both Ways Valentine

While time flies south in coach
Eternity prefers a walking stick
And a good pair of mountain boots
A cold fire in thick woods
And even if time arrives
Days before enough to spend
Lounging by the ocean
Reading books watching surfers
Eternity trudges on losing its way
Sometimes forgetting where it's going 
Free of destination full of purpose
Making steady progress every day
But we all just get old as time
While eternity stays young and fresh

Waiting Valentine

Sitting in the sun in heaven
On a cold day too hot
In front too chilly in the rear
I wonder what I'm doing here
In what appears to be
A roofless waiting room
Shivering and sweating 
Being drained of matter
The few virtues I have
Stashed away won't cover
The cost of the treatments
They say I need before
Ready or not they'll have to
Whisk me off to spirit land
Some hut on a distant star

Sunday, November 20, 2022

My Two Loves Valentine

Even if it is all about me
An egoism that subsumes the world
Always placing itself at the center
Of things vaguely sensing the other
Ones standing there embarrassed
For me jealous for it to be
All about them I suppose
Even if it's all about you
Which I would equally enjoy
So I am blotted out
And completely taken in
By you so lit-up and fine
Saved from one love by another
Even if it's only mine

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Or Not Valentine

When I have forgiven myself enough
For not having forgiven you more
For having opened up and slammed the door
And run off in a huff
For scorning and dismissing you 
And wiping you with the floor
Not kind not civil not polite
When I have torn you limb from limb
Excised your tongue and slit your throat
And left you in the snow to rot
And taken back your winter coat
Don't tell me there is nothing to forgive
If you have done me even more
Whether out of love or not

Are Numbers Beings Valentine

When you do the numerology of it
The roots the stems the flowers
Each taking about 1200 years
And all this springing up out of the minds
Of numerous minerals pure and objective
Who tear themselves apart
Silently dissolving you come
To develop a different sympathy
For trying to figure out the code
Your forgotten birthday password
But the added numbers only open up
To the astrology page the stricken stars
Your shy reflection shivering among them

Friday, November 18, 2022

Unknowable Valentine

My little meetings with the unknowable one
Go often undetected due to my absences
The forces of gravity pulling me
Out of myself and the revenge 
Of childhood pulling me back in
Everything can be known
So eagerly I take lifetimes
Weighing up what's small and big
Impressed by the light all around me
But he remains unknown
The only secret that's actually kept
Except he had a son in the end
And tried to be a good father
And hold his tiny hand

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Dancing Valentine

Fools and little children
I have suffered
To come onto me
I scooped them up
And we danced around
Until we fell upon the ground
We suffered through 
Our crazy laughter we tried
Not to make a sound
Stay hidden in our places
But our fears grew into our faces
Spinning round and round
A future fairy-tale we wove
Out of foolish childish woes

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Geographic Valentine

What landscapes attract what people
What people are deposited on what landscapes
What people prefer what season
What season has only one landscape
Twenty questions as I wind uphill
Through granite outcrops silent woods
And stop to catch the little town
Spread like lichen on the ground
Far below the castle ruin
Doesn't the climate like a mood
Give rise to a certain kind
Of mind or bird grown together
With the landscape doesn't the sun
Settle the seasons of the moon

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Daily Valentine

If we can be anything it's stubborn
But the quandary is which
Stubbornness will win the day
The one we use against ourselves
Or the one that turns into persistence
Patient practice of the elusive
Perfection of our instruments
Even if no one is listening
To our ode to joy agonizingly
Insisting on each and every note
Nor pretending the recital
Isn't coming and there will be
Our parents and angels attending

Monday, November 14, 2022

Color Valentine

Color is language before it became words
Or music or a listener.  It is as close as the light
Can come before it turns into the sound
Of a person, all these moods a person can be.
Siblings who live in one household, quarreling
And loving, each with its own peculiar power
To stand alone or to give itself away. 
If we can speak of them objectively at all,
As if they were not our ancestors and
Ultimate destination, it is only because
They speak through us their own language
Before it was vowel or tongue or taste
When life was just starting up again
With only these colors to work from

Far Valentine

Yes I was drawn to Rome
But only as a Greek raised
In Egypt among the tombs
Yes I love the Seine and the Rhone
And that holly-tree in Zurich
Red with berries by the church
But how can there be nostalgia
For the holy places I've never been
Here in the new world at last
Dissatisfied to repeat the past
But yes I still want that garden in Venice
Here in my wilderness backyard
And to see the hidden city of Great Kitezh
Lifting above the horizon like a sun

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Upon A Time Valentine

Having expunged the busy fairies
From the fairy-tales and woods
Having blamed the step-mothers 
For the mother's sins and turned
Her into a witch who thinks
All the magic is hers even then
They don't stop at mocking
The gods and the little people
But put their daughters in cages
And turn their sons into stones
Until only a flower can free them
From the noisy spell of the world
The cowslip or the maiden's breath
That grew here once alone

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Dependent Valentine

With just a tiny tweak
This could all be perfect
With just a little shove
We could come to love
Or in a sudden second
Turning on a dime
The sun could darken
Relieving us of time
It all depends
On what surprise upends
What settled notion
On what great stone
Is lifted from the ocean
And placed in the heart again

Friday, November 11, 2022

Alive Valentine

An amazing peacefulness descended
On my little street this morning just
As I was coming back into my body
Coasting between the houses and trees
Landing my rickety plane of bones
In the right warm bed and dream
And I could feel the whole street
Bathed in a yellow celestial light
A stillness lasting almost an hour
Then out of nowhere a buzz-saw
Started up down the way moaning
Attacking a palm tree and gnawing
And the thud of its falling
Sent the Seraphim sprawling
And raised me alive from my bed

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Remembrance Valentine

Staring back at my almost eighty years
There is not a single soul I've known
From whom I would not beg a pardon
Nor a single one to whom I would
Not give my own I promise
In memory we meet again
Except I have forgotten some
Of your names and faces covering up
The harm too glaring I did you
Out of a sometimes evil impulse
I have still not learned to master
In memory we will meet again
But then for the first time
And I will get to know you better

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

My Bloody Valentine

There is no good place
You can cut your face
Where the blood won't stop flowing
These marvelous crimson drops
Your fingers can't clot
As your panic starts growing
But let's just stand here and bleed
And watch where it's going
This trickle that turns into a creek
And builds to a flood
And leaves you floating in the mud
What does it want
Loosed monster crying child
But to consume this world

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Homeless Valentine

What really happened to the ancient gods
Who lived so deeply once in the souls
Of the strange people of Susa and Ur
Inanna and sweet Tammuz and Erishkigal
Finally forced to flee in every direction
Does a god not get to grow up
Swimming out further into a starry sea
To float back as a Venus or a Mary
Strolling the shores of Galilee
Hearing the voice of a Christ
The first of many Christs to follow
In his footsteps like sweet Tammuz
Who abandoned his temples and rites
Thrown out to the wolves
To live on in the fields and the breeze 

Monday, November 7, 2022

79 Valentine Way

Why can't I have my way
I can have my way
I start to question my way
How can I find my way
I can get out of my way
Having seen there are two ways
My way or the highway I chose
The way that runs through
The low ways and the by-ways
Where we stopped to live in the old way
In the old woods tucked away
To find a new way
A child's way
Why can't I have my way

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Hardened Valentine

Sometimes the truth must seize
Upon the thing and shake it hard and then
Look up at you with pleading eyes
Sometimes a terrifying hurricane
Must rip the house apart
And leave you barely breathing
But it doesn't have to be this way
That I must do terrible things
Or you could just have loved me
When I came into this scary world
The worrisome weight of my existence
Needn't have led to this destruction
If you had only loved me

Friday, November 4, 2022

I Call It I Valentine

Or what should we call
That little hole
That started out
So empty somehow
And worked so hard
To fill it with ourselves
Like a pocket stuffed
With gold coins or fool's gold
We stack in piles
Like in that bedtime story where a child
Is turned into a seed and buried
In a hole in the ground
Or in one of the holes of memory
So many to choose from

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Cleaved Valentine

I found a stone from which
A heart had been broken off
It sat alone with its gaping face
All the blood drained black
An open mouth even the scream
Had abandoned long ago
Really it looked like a lost shoe
A tired old woman's dirty clog
Left behind for whomever
She was running from or to
I put my foot on that stone
And stumbled forward and fell
The way lovers part
Living without a heart

Contemporary Valentine

I get it how we were the Egyptians
In our former lives and loves
But the more I hear about the pharaohs
The more I want to meet the slaves
Or at least the ordinary people
Not since they imagined the hieroglyphs
Has the picture-language of our lives
Been more preoccupied with death
Not even counting the Middle Ages
Their empty tombs and temples 
We're converted into banks and
Celebrity events while meanwhile
Each trained scribe has his own
Unique style and nameless signature
But the story's still all about death
And the new mysteries of the after-life
Which still have to be deciphered
Catalogued and stored and lost

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

All Souls' Day Valentine

Once with a clairvoyant friend
We drove up to the spring at Hoteville
In Hopi-land because another friend
Had painted it and we wanted
To see the real one for ourselves
In the painting you could see
She saw it was a holy place
Where one could stand in reverence
As the sun rose or set
And the light blazed the water
As one could only do it in a painting
We wanted to see if we could still
Feel it too not the past despoiled
But the distant sacred future

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

All Saints' Day Valentine

Like a door closing on me in a womb
The warm blankets of my dark nap-time
Both bored and overwhelmed by this world
Settling into my sweet-spot in the bed
Like in kindergarten on my paper mat
Listening to the rumblings under the floor
Or reconstructing today's fairy-tale
How could that silly girl not see
The wolf in her grandma's nightie
Or what my three wishes might be
Right now as I enter that other world
In my childish death of sleep
But to run and greet my dead parents
Who come to get me just in time
To send me back to this hungry world
Just as I was getting used to theirs