Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Some Trees Valentine

On some bare trees
The flowers burst out
Before the leaves
An extraterrestrial
Advance over the old
Way of doing things
They reassert
The urgency of infancy
As if the soul came first
And the body as afterthought
Merely trembled in the branches 
As if the medicine arrived
Before the sickness
Only spring can cure

Monday, February 27, 2023

You Ask About The Weather Valentine

Nothing more spiritual than the weather
Which liberates or confines us in our place
Nothing more alive more vigorous
Even when it's creeping past
Gathering or scattering birds
Bestowing or withholding light
Clearly a creature with a sense
Of humor and a real understanding
Of the sufferings of the world
I mean the way it so accurately
Reflects our moods and aspirations
Back to us in lightening and clear skies
How it reminds us nothing dies
That won't return tomorrow

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Untranslatable Valentine

When one language looks at another
Let's say Chinese and Lithuanian
To see what sounds it's come up with
For the same thoughts so each thing
Has hundreds of words in the world
Each word shaping the mouth it speaks
As a certain atmosphere of place
Conjures up its own articulation
The way wind shears rocks and
Water returns to a dry creek bed
Each word with its own language
Its unavoidable accent and sighs
So we are spoken as much as speak

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Heart-Scammer Valentine

You wake me at seven
To tell me I've won two million
And a new Mercedes Benz
You must think I'm a fool
That my mind leaps at the money
Which I'd love to give away
You remind me of a romance
That took me for a ride
A merry-go-round of fictions
But boy how you could dance
So now I know the scam
You taught me love is not
Truly and for real
Something you can steal

Friday, February 24, 2023

Saved Valentine

I keep a bank in the shape of the Buddha
Where I can throw all my loose change
One of those clear glass golden ones
Where I can see it's only half-full
Still not enough coppers or dimes 
For that promised cruise to Mars
Where they say the Buddha was sent
After his final trip to earth
It seems we're not the only planet
In need of a shepherd or diplomat
Someone who can speak the truth
Though it takes years to hear it
And many lengthy wars apparently
Peaceful under the bodhi tree

Close Valentine

His insight was hidden
In his attitude to those around him
And in the way he formed his words
Two clear groups emerged
Some who could love him
And some who wanted him dead
Which is so ironic in light
Of his purpose carefully withheld
To take the world by storm
On the page his words seem stern
But I try to imagine them spoken
By a voice of reassuring calm
Not as you might talk to a child
To soothe his fears but straightforwardly
As you would speak with a close friend

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Ash Thursday Valentine

One of the sweeter gifts of getting old
Is that you start to see how the future
Doesn't really flow out of the past
But is its own bright river making its way
Youthful and brilliant and jostling
From the opposite invisible shore
Urgent with new impulses
Swirling into eddies and strange twists
You would never have imagined
Until it merges with the past
Which usually tries to drag it down
Right there where there's a waterfall
The roar of the one pouring into the other
The silence of the present moment
Where you are neither old nor young

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

What We'll Do Valentine

The world is damned today you said
When you meant to say damp
Your tongue slipped out
How you were really feeling
That's a little harsh I said
I mean I realize it's raining
Which you have to agree
Is some kind of blessing
At least the green thinks so
Even if a bit too optimistic
But don't be that child I say
In the back-seat pleading
Are we there yet repeatedly
Tell me what we'll do
When we get there
When love proves true

Monday, February 20, 2023

Take Me Valentine

The first dimension is the shadows of birds
Gray blurs on the sunny patio floor
The second dimension is the birds themselves
Reddish-brown in the leafless trees
The third dimension is their invisible aura
Stretching out all around them now
The fourth dimension can only be imagined
All the way to the ninth symphony
Sung by a single bird
Slowly unwinding the world
Perched on the finger of God
Take me it sings as you
Have given yourself to me
And let the spring begin

Sunday, February 19, 2023

To The Well Valentine

Soon after the wine was saved
The best for last at the feast
The loaves and little fishes came
A boy with his meager catch
Who just happened to be there
So much leftover even enough
For our still hungry mouths
But what moves me even more
Is that young woman who hurries past
Every morning to the well and waits
For him to join her there
To share together those first drops
And drink their sorrow away

Thursday, February 16, 2023

The Last Of Us Valentine

The world is such a serious place
Though still not serious enough it seems
And graver and graver events occur
And good things happen every day
The patient refuses half his medicine
The diagnosis staring him in the face
So I wonder if that's the plan
Since nature is already dying
To raise up another kind
Of human being letting the old one
Die as all things physical must
So we can finally see the angels
And the devils in our midst
And our real life dawning

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Cliffside Valentine

The sun italicizes a single flower
Leaning from cliffs above the sea
All that's left of Italy in Monterey
Such are the waves of its memory
Restored and blurred restored and blurred
A morning cafe's whispered words
The journey through a spring of woods
Lunch by a galloping stream
But these are not Ravenna's stones
Where that singular figure dreams
Held up and tossed by screaming gulls
Here on the other side of the world
With its emphasis on a persistent flower's
Eager shattering of clouds to blue

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Heart Day Valentine

My heart is a foul-smelling flower
(or a rose without a scent)
That calls the midnight moths
To come and drink with them
My heart is a drunken sailor
Walking perfectly on the sea
Mistaking it for eternity
Its exuberance won't recover
From the sunlight on the water
My heart knows how to drown
And how to settle up with time
My heart keeps one eye open
Even sleeping in the ground

Earth's Valentine

Earth is the only place
I've found so far
Where I can be myself
When I lived on Mars
I was never at peace
And Venus was a madhouse
Of hot and cold desire
And though I still enjoy
Driving to Mercury in the spring
To visit the ruins and tombs
There's something irreplaceable
About the earth that makes it home
That even after horrendous journeys
Or is it because of them I'm not sure
That only here does love seem real

Monday, February 13, 2023

Nothing More Valentine

Even these stones gathered in a bowl
Cannot contain their secrets long
And of course the amaryllis among them
Standing tall and fearless is forced
To bare her beauty to us all falling apart
Her four brave trumpets collapsed balloons
Making death look foolish and small
Forgetting the seeds she's buried inside
The dark passages of her reappearance
Her roots slow suffering among the stones
Her thick leaves licking the passing light
Straining for another victory of her own
Nothing more feeble than a flower to reveal
The secret immortality of the earth

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Ferry From The Vineyard Valentine

Aren't all small islands mythical beguiling
As soon as we see one we want
To go there is it the allure
Of an independent life separated
From the mainland where we feel
Only one out of so many group souls
While out there the forests and rivers
The secret beaches and radiant nights
Might return us to our original selves
The ego that owns an island
But not quite yet itself
The world invites us to be greedy
Foolish and vain or merely good
Itself an island still to be explored

Friday, February 10, 2023

Thirsty Lives Valentine

We owe our other lives to those
Who knowingly lived them for us
So we wouldn't have to go through
All they had to endure and overcome
Those who worked for better things
For us but felt their lives were wasted
When they saw what waited down the road
They knew it was never about survival
The immortal ones had settled that
Tedious argument long ago
So when he sat down with the Samaritan woman
They drank to life together and the sorrow
Of self-discovery happy sorrow
Grateful they took back their lives
And urged them forward to tomorrow

Thursday, February 9, 2023

At The Gate Valentine

There is another man like me
The mailman and the morning moon
He follows up and down the streets
Unpaid bills and shiny magazines
Half-read and thrown away
And you can tell what house
He's at in the neighborhood
By the dogs growling at the doors
Reminding us that he persists
Somewhere out there delivering fate
In little envelopes and humming
To himself as if he himself
Had gathered all this knowledge
Of the world and left it at the gate
For us to sort through searching
Searching for that note from you

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Our Other Soul Valentine

On the avenue of the arts these days
Music takes the sunny side of the street
It follows us everywhere inescapably
Reminding us we have a soul after all
That sings of another kind of feeling
For another kind of world
The one that came before words
And goes on long after them
Which our tongues remember
Tilting into those first notes
Thunderous chords at the arrival
Of the descending gods
Or the trembling of a childish reed
That takes and lifts our listening along

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Kaspar's Valentine

When you try to trace the hidden history
Of this simple boy this guileless man
You come upon this panoramic
Painting of the last two millenia
Strolling the museum of your mind
Where the artist has collapsed
Great empires to a few dark lines
Scattered randomly but giving back
To insignificant events their glory
And there imagining your surprise you see
His life unraveling before you stark and charmed
With all the power of a fairy story come alive
Monsters poison magic bread a pure heart
All it takes to raise us from the dead

Monday, February 6, 2023

Turned Around Valentine

Left to myself I would not become myself
I would be fine I guess but meaningless
Like this hungry starling intelligently leaping
On my green and startled lawn
Clutching some midnight still some rain
So much to me in that leaping
With my own hands I've removed
My similarly hungry heart so it can do
That hopping he does that jive that joy
Because one day you saw it thrashing
And urged me to lift it out
You who live with the sun
Beating soundly inside you
And your heart flying freely about

Sunday, February 5, 2023

The Science Of Beauty Valentine

Tell me full moon in Leo strolling by
Is your beauty truly won or merely bestowed
Where would you be if the creeping sun
Did not restore your ugly soul
To borrowed brightness 
You grudgingly dissolve
In the old stories we return
To your landscape of utopias
To your forbidden forests
Before the earth rejected you
Though you still claim to love her
Passing back and forth
Tonight I hear your lion's roar
At my front door
But I with beauty sleep

Saturday, February 4, 2023

My Sophia Valentine

First I get quite warmed up
Sitting in the sunny air
My morning ablution
Wiping away my spidery dreams
Then the cat in the shady chair
And I switch places where
In the warmth she thoroughly 
Brushes her silvery hair
Then quietly falls asleep while I
Grow more attentive and awake
Waiting and watching for a woman
Who at this hour sometimes passes by
My tangled yard on her morning walk
But usually I just catch a glimpse
Of her purple shawl as she breezes past
Her eyes hidden her smile uncertain
That once bestowed the world on me

Friday, February 3, 2023

Assigned Valentine

Just as I arrived on earth
I forgot what I was doing here
My screen-brain froze and blinked
And a vast empty space opened up
In which everything was starting over
But gradually I could unravel
The child I was into his later years
As an archeologist does charred bones
Of his own former life a slave
In time it all came back to me
The long years of studying the clouds
The ceremony of my assignment
The same as it had always been
Just remember to love the earth

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Candlemas Valentine

Stand with me my angel of light and love
Fill me and flow through me
Guide me and protect me
Just to imagine is enough
The mystery of your presence
How hard you must suffer
Days and nights of endless chores
Just to afford to send me
To the best schools and places
Where your reverence shames me
Your faithfulness inspires me
And even so I set against you
So much obstinance and pride
My well-constructed darkness
Your light in which I hide

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Buddha's Valentine

I think something of his Buddha-nature 
He saw inside every tree and cloud
To sit in one place and look out
And behold himself arrayed
And knowing he'd never be back
In a physical body on earth again
He could take his sweet time
Kissing each thing goodbye
It must have been then he realized
He could see the object of his love
Approaching to receive his love
There is that final intermingling after all
When we become what we love
And find it's Love itself