Sunday, April 30, 2023

Unprepared Valentine

After a period of researching my dreams
Of writing down their curious dramas
And carefully comparing my sketchy notes
With other serious dreamers
I can tentatively report
The majority end sadly
The sleeper waking relieved
Rescued at the last perilous moment
Like a traveler who has vanished
Into a nameless dangerous country
Innocently curious but ill-equipped
Who doesn't speak the language yet
Or see how everything's reversed
So many report getting helplessly lost
Or being driven around by a friend
Searching for something familiar
Dropped off finally at the border

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Waiting Valentine

Can I have a coffee first
A waiter brings a steaming cup
In what appears to be a waiting room
People chatting on comfortable chairs
I'll be right back I say to no one
And enter an empty public restroom
So filthy it looks like all
The toilets have exploded
But I still have to go and when
I get back still breathing a large
Dozing woman has taken my seat
This puts me out on a busy street
Frantically searching for something
Rifling through a stranger's car
Until something tells me
I shouldn't be doing this
And walking off before anyone sees me
I become aware of cameras everywhere
And when I get back the coffee's cold
The room empty the doctor gone
And I have only myself to blame
Waiting for someone to call my name

Friday, April 28, 2023

Simply Valentine

Coming back from an amazing dream
Depending how far out you've gone
Into that other more fluid world
Last night I saw two silver birds
Merge together into a distant sun
Have you noticed there's a space
Between there and here as you return
Where things get muddled torn apart
The closer you get to earth
And you feel a little like screaming
Caught between two opposite worlds
This hard one you walk through
In a body tightly wound unraveling
And that other where you simply fly

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Climbing Valentine

Climbing a steep mountain path
I met a stranger coming down
And stopped to chat to catch
My breath and laughing ask
Was it worth it to go on
Would I make it to the view
Before darkness beat me back
I don't remember what he said
When he offered me a bottle of wine
And a small box of biscuits
And a couple of other gifts
He hid behind a little bush
But immediately distracted I went off
To find a sack to carry them in
And found one ridiculously large
Unsure now how to get back
To where I'd left them on the path
And worried would they still be there
And wondered did I really dare
To climb back up that narrow track

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Lives Past And To Come Valentine

Reading is better than sleeping
But dreaming leads to a deeper reading
Of reality's hidden meaning
Of the world's secret text
Here eyes ache head hurts
But there eyeless and headless
Words tremble into beings
Take up their beds and walk
Out past language and thought
Into a single silent flame
Where we moths are caught
Waking in death's little dream
We hover sizzle are consumed
We children of the sun and moon
Returned to read the earth our home

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

A Bus Named Terror Valentine

Caught on a crowded bus in the middle 
Of crazy traffic hordes of people
Rushing around I had no idea
How far I was from home
But pushing panicked toward the opening
Door I bumped into an old woman
And turning to apologize
Her gray eyes peering up at me
She said don't hold yourself
Too tightly to the minute
We're going nowhere and we
Will surely get there
And immediately my terror
Fell apart and calmly I sat up in bed

Monday, April 24, 2023

Night Passage Valentine

A low moan in a tangled bush
Your path obstructed by a stream
Thin clouds lapping in the breeze
A voice shouting in a dream
That wakes you up and makes you walk
Through trees to a rocky beach
Where the moon's sleek raft
Crosses over the starry lake
And again you've arrived too late
To catch a passage on its light
Stranded here and half-awake
And turning back you find
A woman weeping in the woods
Her face the first pale trillium
Brightening the fading night

Sunday, April 23, 2023

After The Play (for Glen)

It was only in the morning I woke up
With a renewed respect for evil
Its cleverness and sheer hard work
Its dedication to its intentions
I still believe it all begins
With some fundamental misunderstanding
A sense of injury envy fuels
At not being appreciated respected
Which finally leads to violence
Leaving the good stunned and silent
Their only weapons reason and love
Unsure how far those will get them
Each one standing alone on the stage
With only forgiveness to protect them

Friday, April 21, 2023

Exiled Valentine

An empty mountain and an empty sea
With an even emptier house between
I went there in a remembered dream
I climbed the mountain where nothing grew
I swam in the sea and came out blue
I made a small fire in the house
And fell asleep waiting for you
And woke to find you'd come and gone
I could tell because the sea was warm
And the mountain loomed taller in the sun
And I knew I'd been abandoned there
With nothing to do but climb and swim
But every night you'd bring me food
And one day you'd return for good

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Historical Valentine

There's something about human history
That reads like a good murder mystery
The real murderer still at large
The mastermind pulling the strings
Who could be the wily detective himself
Making sure the case goes unsolved
Appalled as the bodies pile up
Announcing to the press he's hot
On the trail he will soon be caught
He's following several persons of interest
His agents working day and night
But the centuries roll by
While the real murderer smiles
Passing right under our noses

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Skinny Valentine

When you showed me an old photo
Of a beautiful young couple
For a few uncanny seconds
They were strangers to me
Though I knew I knew them
We were so skinny back then
My daughter and me with
One of her old boyfriends
They'd been living together
For a while and she had
Wanted me to meet him
He flew planes and soon
Flew out of her life
Ephemeral as memory

Monday, April 17, 2023

Rainbow Valentine

Every now and then for us refugees
They lower another rainbow bridge
The angels who work for a living
So we may bundle up our sins
And hurry across before it melts
Often we only see it from a distance
And wonder-filled are strangely
Grateful to stop and stare
As if at the birth of the colors
Those hard laborers of light
Drifting in their little boats
Just to know they're there
Still lowering their nets
To catch our night

Meditative Valentine

More and more I feel my mind
Resembles a static radio station
Receiving two opposing signals
One that wants me to wander around
Going from thing to thing
Until I finally fall asleep and one
Who returns to push me awake
And tells me to pay attention
To put my life in my open hand
And watch what happens when
I am not the center of the world
But immediately that reminds me
Of some other thing I have to do
And off I go chasing some distraction 
Until suddenly you intervene again
who are you anyway to yank me back
Admonished and momentarily redeemed

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Eastern Valentine

Sometimes crowding in on me
So I can get out of myself for a while
Impossibly I circumnavigate the world
I fly east over great harbors and towns
And somehow even from this height
I can see the most intimate things
A girl blowing her nose on the way to work
A man carrying the dead body of a friend
A rainbow crouching in a lost valley
And sometimes I feel I won't be able
To come back so absorbed I get
In the trillion lives we're living
Out there in the middle of nowhere
Where I feel I might be found

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Still Here Valentine

I'm still here trying to figure out
How the ample sunlight is a kind
Of thinking up of the world
A mind full of eager ideas
And penetrating meditations
How it feels its way along
Researching through the night
Coming up with yet another
Clear theory of the morning
Filling in and painting out
Pyramidal cities and mountain paths
Until there is nothing it hasn't
Thought of considered touched
No creature it hasn't come to love

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Promised Valentine

In a little while I promise
I will ascend from this chair
And go and take some pictures
Of my narrow yard to send you
In return for the ones from yours
Is there something in our blood
That cannot live without a little
Color in our lives that needs
Taking care of watering and such
Or is it just nostalgia for the future
Which the flowers represent
Our green hearts slowly turning red
The scent in the air opening up
To a whole other life

Monday, April 10, 2023

His Gaze Valentine

If even his most intimate friends
Don't recognize him at first
When they meet him again
Only a few days later
Wearing so youthful a face
How will we not look
Into a stranger's eyes
Passing him on the street
Sensing only later it was him
And we have missed our chance again
But luckily for us he's dissolved
His gaze into the air and earth
An ocean that stares back at us
Or a tree awaiting our arrival

Sunday, April 9, 2023

One Who Made It To The Other Side Valentine

Pass me now your Easter eyes
The flowering ones you use
To illuminate the fields and woods
The light that pierces through
From inside the earth
Finally released and felt
The world as it really is
Spread out your risen smile
Over the mountainous sky
Give me your leafy hands to kiss
Let me stop to cry
Whisper to me your secret
Of how not to die

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Holy Saturday Valentine

There is something there
But I don't see it
And then suddenly it appears
How could it be there all along
But I didn't see it
Unless seeing is layered
Like sedimentary stone
Laid down over centuries
Of noticing one thing after another
Is this how memory lurks
Unraveling the future
Now I see it now I don't
Built up from successive blindnesses
I slowly perceive a cup

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Little Apocalypse Valentine

The classical bust of Adam
In my romantic garden
Is looking a little post-modern
And droopy today with dew
Because the lantana have overrun
The dead orange and the branches
Of my blue-flowering 
Backyard tree keep asking
Why you must make it harder
Than it needs to be
Hanging over the roof when
You will all have to be cut back
And hauled out to the alley again
Spring has such eager hands

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Inspired Valentine

I have an idea
I've retrieved from a dream
Let's get dressed
And I'll tell you about it
Over breakfast and we
Can drive to the beach
Just a few hundred miles
Through the blooming desert
To catch the sunset on the water
And lay together in our tent
In that little grove we found
And renew our vows to the stars
To the whisper of lapping waves
And sleep at last content

Unplanned Valentine

We showed up on the wrong night
All dressed up and eager
To a dark and empty theater
How could we have confused the date
Speeding here not to be late
We looked at one another and laughed
I trusted you to get it right
But it wasn't entirely my fault
Had we missed the performance
Or was it still to come
You found the announcement on your phone
Two weeks from now
When we won't be home
So we had some time to kill
And that was the night
We first made love
As if the universe had reserved
Just the right space for us
We were bound to fill

Saturday, April 1, 2023

In The Spring Air Valentine

I don't know what kind of flying bug
What name it goes by not a fly
Greenish and in constant motion
But every morning now as the days
Fill with more and more light
It comes back to hover and dart
About as if feeding on something
Catching bits of sunlight a few feet
In front of where I'm sitting
And then another of its kind
Comes to join it and they roll
In the air coupling and uncoupling
Desire woven with suffering
In even the smallest things