Tuesday, September 19, 2023

A Radical Departure Valentine

Sometimes these days I'm stopped
In my tracks just standing there
Immovable for a few moments
A stone in a stream letting it all
Wash over and around me
Life and time and my death go by
And it changes nothing this sunny day
It's as if I can feel myself
Melting and merging into things
A train or a bridge or an empty street
Like that one in Samos we walked all night
Because in a flash it all slips past
Veers off into some eternity
While death swims just upstream
Waiting at some harbor with you

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Hepatica Valentine

To go from mineral to living color
From pebble to leafy petal flesh
Is it not an epoch's journey
To just show up one day
The rush of wind embracing
The miracle of your face
Waiting for your name to arrive
In no one's forest garden
After so much melting and groaning
Passing in and out of terrible fires
And silent centuries of ice
To bloom for a couple of hours
A mountain dissolved in your scent
Your secret promise kept

Friday, September 15, 2023

In The Time Of Elm Trees Valentine

Seventeen is the cruelest year
A rubber band pulled taut
Full of what you don't have
And empty of all you want
That summer I caught an endless bus
To a tiny North Ontario town
Where my ancient grandparents
Gave me a room in their crumbling house
And left me free to roam around
The fields and the next-door graveyard
Where their son the priest was laid
Grandma spoke hardly a word but
Grandpa played his fiddle for me
Ardent tunes from his Irish youth
And asked me what I wanted to be
I lied to them and said a priest
When a poet was the truth

Thursday, September 14, 2023

I Don't Know Its Name Valentine

All summer long despite
The constant riveting heat
Purple flowers no one planted
Have spread in my narrow yard
It was the wind or the resident birds
Or seeds carried on my shoes
Tall large clumps the pools
Of sun have randomly fed
Kept constantly in flower
A pale alchemical purple
Waving above a sea of green
All if you look closely in
With a gleaming yellow center
That illuminates their sorrow

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Earth's Valentine

The most curious thing about
Living on the earth today
Hobbled as we are by bodily misgivings
Besides the question of what it's worth
Is the unavoidable sense we're ever
Only aware of hardly half of what's
Right there in front of us
Stunned by the beauty of nature
We take the signifier for the sign
And get caught up in personal adventures
And the false science of history
How long will it be lost to us
The earth behind the earth
If we look further in
Where only spirit is

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

San Miguel Valentine

The San Miguel is a river in hell
That runs through deserted towns
Once flourishing with busy sounds
It starts with the naked bones of a saint
Exposed at the bottom of a pit
Who left behind forgotten now
A clear map to heaven
But once every ninth or eleventh year
He brings a heavy week-long rain
That turns the desiccated canyons
A startling resurrection green
A stolen paradise that lasts a season
When the dead return to the towns
To sing and dance in the ruined cathedrals
And tear all sadness down

Monday, September 11, 2023

From A Tower Valentine

It's clear when I look up
At the stars' blazing clusters
Of light like cities seen
From a plane at night
There must be other civilizations
Living there beings of light
At their most basic and profound
And it's clear the earth is just
One member of a scattered family
Even if the youngest one
Thrown out when her mother died
Putting everything in storage
And it's clear there's much
More darkness than light
But not clear which is winning

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Cold Valentine

I left you stranded
On a distant star
With visitation rights
Just so I could drive this car
Speeding through winter nights
All the windows open
I left you for another
I would soon abandon
I left you pounding on the door
While I pretended to disappear 
Was it out of love or fear
I left you your favorite guitar
And a scribbled note
Please take the garbage out

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Just Asking Valentine

What if suddenly this reliable earth
Evaporates under your feet 
And all the lights go out at once 
With only a lukewarm breeze 
Wafting from Saturn's shores
Breathing you slowly in and out
Will you have saved forgiveness enough
To spark a signal fire out of the nothing
Your are on that dark and shoreless sea
From what's left of your ashen heart
Will you have finally made a friend
Of that shining brother who stands
At heaven's only door or will
He send you back for more

Friday, September 8, 2023

One Valentine

Through whatever adumbrations
The world has led to you and me
So we can trace our bodies back
While our souls evade heredity
Some great grandmother's pale eyes
Recycled in a runaway boy
Who reenacts the promise
She was forced to destroy
Our souls that pull us forward
While our bodies trail behind
But this particular you
And this particular me
Our lives so intertwined
Divide equally between us
One destiny and mind

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Unsolved Valentine

A body burnt beyond
Recognition in broad
Daylight and no one noticed
A human skull in a box
Of toys donated to Goodwill
Poisonous mushrooms popping up
Between the bright lantana flowers
Something rapping on my window
At two in the morning no one there
What am I to do with these
Edgar Allan mysteries
But turn the page read on
The clueless bodies pile up
The killer strikes at dawn

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Late For Life Valentine

Her due-date's running late
Under the great dome of her belly
Her son's still staring at the ceiling
Where the frescoes of his life to come
Are just receiving the final touches
And the scaffolds are being taken down
Until finally his anxious guide and him
Are left alone in the vastness
Of the light of a single flame
His guide urging him to come
Look they're locking up the doors
But he's still taking pictures
With his phone to show
Them all when he gets home

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Wilderness Valentine

How to get the story straight
In the land of if and but
Where there is nothing definite
But even more convincing doubt
How dam up the tide of hate
Would it only gouge a lake
To cover up our big mistake
What happened here
In that first year
How is it now
Only a few can hear
And yet the call stays clear
Only answerable
By love or fear

Monday, September 4, 2023

Because Valentine

Because I can hear them
They must be singing for me
A small nestle of finches
In the shedding tree
And that it matters not
To them I listen
Strangely caught
It matters all 
The more to me
Their song goes on forever
For pure pleasure
Until I start to hear
Buried inside
Some dark urgency
Some flight by night
That speaks to me

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Recovering Valentine

A patch of skin flayed from the head
A transplant from the hips to fill it in
I hope you were under for all of it
And wake now with some effective meds
In your own comfortable bed
I'm sending my angel to sit with you
Until I can come myself
And a playlist of healing sounds
Some popular some Bach
Do you know Ravel's piano concerto
Second movement where the soul
Lifts out of the body and cascades
In a silver rain of stars as if
Music might make us whole

Saturday, September 2, 2023

The Gift Of Extra Years Valentine

I rub my arm across my brow
I stare at purple flowers
I cut my hair shower and shave
And read content for hours
I wait for the ring-necked dove
To land on my neighbor's roof
Her coo is a kind of reprimand
Though she keeps it sweet and brief
I live in a luxury of time
Remembering all my debts
To friends pleading for forgiveness
And burying my regrets
If once you've really loved I find
There's no such thing as loneliness

Friday, September 1, 2023

Sweeping Up After Valentine

Last night the other shoe dropped
Heavy trees uprooted by high winds
An ochre dust covering the city lights
And then it rained for the first time
After several months of searing heat
And just yesterday I was reading all
About Proserpine the Goddess Natura
And the fairy-tale of her flight
Her slow fading from medieval minds
The forgetting of her holy rites
And now where she stood and spoke
A smiling weatherman predicts
Another rain will pass us by
Though the sky stay gray and thick