Thursday, June 27, 2024

One Mind Valentine

What if the world is so constructed
Just to keep us all distracted
From what's really going on
Red herring clues and subterfuge
We endlessly pursue
Thrown back upon the wall
Of ourselves meager and alone
And yet we sense it's there
Combing through yesterday's debris
Where the bodies are buried
Alongside the treasure of their lives
What if we are so designed
Never to be satisfied
With just one mind

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Reader's Valentine

For the time you'll take
No matter how you find them
To read these words I bless
You though I don't have to say
Anything you don't already know
I admit something in me
Wants to disturb you for a minute
Call your attention to what's
Happening right now between us
Our little words touching down
The ones you speak to hear me
Silently repeating them in your head
And ask you unknowable reader
Having been one in thought with you
How can I thank you for your time

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Unfolding Valentine

What we know of one another
You could put on the tip
Of a mountain in clouds
Waiting for the sun to break through
You could build a little monument
A tent of stones at the peak
Of all that's been
Forgotten in getting here
Just to find more mountains 
Folding down like wings
Maybe only there at the edge
Of one another can we touch
What knowledge cannot bring
I could love you that much

Monday, June 24, 2024

Progress Report Valentine

I think I've got my greed in check
But I'm still craving time
I think I've got my hate in hand
Still useful for certain sins
I think I've paid off all my doubts
Though some interest still remains
I think I've reached the point
Of no return each moment
Sailing in with smiles
I think I've cracked the safe
Of secrets where there's no
Holding back I think I've stolen
A whole hoard of love
And now must give it back

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Each Night's Valentine

Doesn't the sun at night
Still permeate the earth
With light from the other side
The living-corpse of the moon
Trailing along behind
Don't the planets stop in their tracks
And the fixed stars start to dance
When the earth sends up
Its daft and dreaming souls
Tossing and turning in our beds
Each night sleep slips us
Another life among the spirits
So real and so mysterious
It takes a sun to bring us back

Solstice Valentine

For a long time it takes
Like a little shepherd's crook
Its skinny greenish stem
Its bowing head passing
Like a question mark in the grass
From which dangle loosely
Seed-like flower-heads
Still in their fetal stages
If I remember rightly it only
Blooms at the end of summer
When everything else is dying
And the garden looks like
Kingdom Come it comes
Having overcome its dangling
With the luster of its bells

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Love Is A Bedtime Story Valentine

Always susceptible to drama
My old childhood friend Lucy
Just one step past reality
Sailing kites loving horses
She married young
Seduced by her own theories
Of power to a much older
Wealthy businessman
Locked in a love-hate bond
Over their countless children
Who as she describes it
Turns out to be me right now
Listening attentively and smiling
How she first met her Ari
And their great plans for me

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

All Here Valentine

That huge segment of the dead
Assigned to the wind and sea
Slaving in their cloud factories
Reconfiguring their debts
And those on the welcoming committees
For the new arrivals on the moon
Or in the crowded emergency rooms
How many can they save
From a second death
And those still homeless in heaven
Assembled in choiring ranks
Isn't this heaven on earth yet
If he alone is here
Living in light and air

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Scientific Valentine

We could divide the world
Which would explain so many things
Between the loved and unloved
At any given time or place
We could try to look more closely
At the amount of light
In their faces and how much
Of it flows out of their eyes
Or if they're clouded over
Refusing the love they're offered
We could surmise how many more
Feel unloved than seen
We could be frightened by the facts
But love has even seen to that

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Actual Valentine

May I ask you a personal question darling
(I pretend whoever you are
You're my darling but don't worry
It lasts only a little while)
What do you make of memory
Is it the foggy country
Where we all actually live
And here just the places
Where it all gets filmed
How is it darling
That I love you there completely
While here I am not so sure
Of loving you enough

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Two Sightings Of Love Valentine

Today's unofficial report includes
A single spider thread
Hovering above the grass
You can only see when the sun
Catches a small arc of it
Against the shade its lightening
Coalescing back and forth
Into two blazing wings
Wandering in the dark grass
And then suddenly two small birds
Rush in circling right above your head
One chasing the other
Round and round they go
Then out over the burning grass

Friday, June 14, 2024

Empathy For My Two Angels Valentine

One so fine and free
It makes my eyes water
The other so loose and clever
It makes my eyes water
Together both my parents
And my two quarreling kids
Who keep switching sides
Leaving me to sort the mess
But who do we thank for sleep
And to sit up after they're all
Tucked in and dreaming fast
Late into the night writing
Their brilliant biographies
Bringing water to my eyes

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Transactional Valentine

If you accept the idea
That someone perhaps unknown to you
Knows all about you back and forth
On a day-to-day and night-time basis
If you consider that this someone
Has nothing else to do
But take care of you
If you only let her through
And only if you can suffer
A good scolding and
The silent treatment for a bit
Do you think she's prepared
To give you all of herself
And not expect some conscious effort
From some part of your heart

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Staycation Valentine

Way out way out there
Is there a way out of here
Or is the passage further in
Until you completely disappear
I live to travel back and forth
Between perfection and annihilation
And vacation in the middle
Of the ocean on an island
Listening for those few moments
When the whole world pauses
Stops to catch its breath
For four days and nights
Where you can finally touch the stars
And pick which one is yours

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Already Valentine

To soften the blows
A beauty comes
A bird leaps in the grass
Waking a yellow moth
Or something less metaphysical
Like scissors-paper-stone
To guide and spur us on
What does your gut tell you
About beauty you already know
How proud that bird seemed
And that yellow too slow to escape
It turns out beauty has the last blow
But the moth already laid her eggs

Monday, June 10, 2024

Secret Safe With Me Valentine

All I remember of Eleusis
At least what's left of the place
Is sweating in a holding pen
For our late-sleeping guide to come
And open up our prison gate
And lead us into a large open space
Where the fearful neophytes
Once gathered in silent darkness
Vowing not to breath a word
Of what they were about to see
And then I remember an empty cave
Really just a hole in the rocks
Where once spoke some Persephone
And looking up I found my group
Had hurried on far ahead
To ruins where they were blessed
Our guide's mouth moving but
I couldn't catch a word

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Unrecognizable Valentine

Not the woman at the well
Nor even Mary at the tomb
Nor his friends at Emmaus
Stopping for food and drink
Recognized him at first
Nor do I so often passing
How do we not see
What is right before us
Must be the first mystery
I mean like water into wine
When you first taste it
A pause in the conversation
As you take a mouthful
Looking over at the bride
Seeing what love is worth

Saturday, June 8, 2024

That Word's Valentine

The game is to remember the word
In three seconds or you lose
But my brain has a minimum
Thirty minute delay so time
Lets memory keep score
No points if the following day
The missing word arrives
In some passing conversation
But then slips off again
That word with yellow wings
Perhaps the origin of its species
Think of it as the last living word
The word that starts the world again
Come on you know you know it

Friday, June 7, 2024

Once Valentine

On the other side of our house
A large plot of lush grass
Inside a pointy iron fence
Forbidden but unstoppable
Our naked feet loved to run
Catch and fall and roll around
In that cushy watery green
From those days I must have sent
A postcard just arriving in my
Broken mail-box of a brain
To remind me as a child
I spent some days in paradise
I once was free and wise
And will be once again

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Getting Back Valentine

Now I've got the funds
I've lost that pressing need
To set out for the world
Traveling so far that only leads
To another temporary homeland
The world is like the richest bank
That only loans you so much
To pay back the debt of fate
With a variable interest rate
But how account for the miracles
You can only see by sitting still
Once in Samos we struggled
Through the soaring heat
Combing the ancient streets
But now I can only imagine the relief
we felt getting back to air conditioning

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

After All Valentine

So much is loaned to us on earth
That when we have to give it all back
In heaven will it have to be
Wrenched from our hands
Will I bargain with my angel
To let me keep a few pieces
Of paper and a pen to write to you
Now and then as I pass through
The seven stages of healing
So after all the bandages are removed
And even though I still can't see a thing
And have to shield my eyes
Against the light I still can
Write to let you know I'm here

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Whoever Valentine

Whoever you are in this breeze
Spirits roaming the world like tourists
I thank and welcome you in
Even if you won't take a seat
And regale me with your travels
I know you have somewhere
Important to be and must swirl
Only once in my garden
In a hail of leaves and petals
And then rush off to greater worlds
It must be cool to be
Wherever you want to be
To be full of yourself
But in a good way
As when you brush my face
And give yourself away

Monday, June 3, 2024

Satori At Big Sur Valentine

Clothing landscapes
Was a mountain stolen
You could feel it there unseen
Like a limb that wasn't there
How it floated in the air
Let loose from its moorings
If I could catch it I would
Climb it but it hurries off
Resting and then sinking into
The sea promising to return
I watched it from the path
Of another firmer mountain
That led me to a fence and sign
Warning of bears ahead
My bike not there
I miss it like a limb

Sara’s Valentine

Yes Sara there really is a salvific sense
Of humor (which may be all that saves us)  
Still in your blood and bones real laughter  
That can only come from real pain 
Or else it will be beauty that saves us
For two or three minutes every day
Usually a child’s face if you’re lucky
Or rain or even some inanimate object
If such exists everything in motion
(Hardly a pause for death or breath)
Or maybe it will be the sea that saves us
But only if we go there every day
Look for the seals at twilight waving
Or the stars as they enter the bay


Sunday, June 2, 2024

Picking And Choosing Valentine

Something's in cherries
(Though it's true of everyone)
That's not in anything else
Bite-size edible rubies
Another divided world
With its bitter stone the teeth
And tongue separate
Savoring the meat
What disease was it made
To cure or since some
Are bittersweet at least
Ameliorate the sweetness
I lack in my bones 
Something straight to the heart
To make it juicy and fresh

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Literary Criticism Valentine

If I loan you my 'Confessions
Of St. Augustine' will you
Loan me your Boswell's 'Johnson'
I haven't actually read Augustine
Yet but something tells me
To read the Boswell first
And then hear what you make
Of how a saint is made
I'm afraid I read for style
More than substance
And since I pay the writer
For my time I want to know
I will at least be moved
By some singular verbiage