Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Breakfast Valentine for Dave

A chocolate do-nut
With candy sprinkles
The scientists assemble
The first pictures
Of a black hole
Exposed by what light
Surrounds it a cup
Of steaming coffee
To temper the sweetness
Of discovery another bite
Of the invisible darkness
The spiraling heart of the universe
A hole we peer through
In search of our own

Monday, July 29, 2024

Sasparilla Valentine

Hot day for the sasparilla
But that's not their name
These purple corollas
Blooming among the gold
Lantana umbels lovely
Word umbel umbel umbel 
An inhalation exhaled
A fragrance on the breath
Beautiful day to be
Good for nothing
But to sit and stare at them
To breath in and out
To take it all in
And give it all up

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Real Light Valentine

The darkness our eyes can see
Is not the real darkness
Which only the I can see
Hidden in the light of the heart
Only the I can behold
Its own darkness
As its own creation
Out of its own suffering
But how can we endure it
Take this brilliant afternoon
The sound of a siren blazing through
Stand there comfortless alone
But feel sure the real light
Which is love can reach you here
That the darkness is only delusion

Friday, July 26, 2024

I Have A Picture Of Her Skiing Valentine

The oldest of seven
Her mother died
When she was fourteen
Of consumption leaving her
In that position her father
Almost always gone
Working on the trains
Until her Grandma came 
And freed her to flee the nest 
Insistent on her own life
The only one who did see
How much larger the world could be
Sailing for parts unknown
Until she had me

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Ars Poetica Valentine, for Daniel

In my dreams last night
An important line was spoken
I repeated it several times
Trying to imprint it
On whatever memory 
I could salvage there
Drifting from scene to scene
Hoping to bring it back
With me when I woke up
But it was all of three hours later
Before I remembered that dream
Hearing and speaking those words
That might have saved my life
If I had only written them down

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Inherited Valentine

I wonder if the passions of ancient Rome 
And Greece two thousand years later
Are showing up in our blazing summers
Climate is such a spiritual thing
Even the sun and rain have to bend
To the will of time to soften the blow
Even the mountains greedy for their share
Of visionary rainbows moving a few inches
Away by the moon every year
It doesn't take a change of scenery
To tell we've been pushed
Over a line in the sand at last
Where's there's no going back
Where the future must solve the past

Monday, July 22, 2024

Sometimes Valentine

Sometimes I push my thoughts upstream
Against the restless current of the past
Over the tiring rocks and rapids 
In search of the quiet pools
Where I can crawl up on the sand
And catch my breath
Sometimes I think this is the shorter way
To the source up there 
In memory's mountains
Not downward to the shore that cannot be
But back up to the beginning now
Where it passes into becoming
Bubbling up out of the earth
Melting heaven's snow

Friday, July 19, 2024

Archival Valentine

All morning long I spent
Tracking down a word
That set a steady pace through
Stacks of books and notes
Now scattered around the room
Only to find what it means
In the present tense defies
What it meant in the past
Along the way I visited the coast
Distracted as only the ocean can
By its pictures of endless drift 
Where I came upon the story
Of a glass boat far out at sea
Carrying my word to me

Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Cauldron Of Ceridwen Valentine

I can't imagine why
The red finch mates and stays
Through these hot desert days
And these cold winter nights
Where I find them year-round
Settling for a life in my little yard
Migration doesn't seem to be
An option nor the climate
Any obstacle to the songs
They've planned I think
They've learned to live apart
From life and death
And come and go
To show me how

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Prompter's Valentine

Shakespeare makes us believe his lives
Have played all the parts in his plays
Someone who has brought to ripeness
All his ghostly former lives
And put them shaking on the stage 
A terrible sweetness in their mouths
Refusing to side with history or
Tragedy or comedy completely
I love that he retired in the end
To resume the usual family life
Someone's husband quarreling in bed
Or bringing flowers to his son's grave
While out here in the throes of the world
His many lives sustain us still

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Some Afternoons Valentine

Fierce fervent cloud-beings
Rear up above these always-summer islands
Brilliant white caryatids
Carrying large dark lakes
Looming above the beaches
So the bay begins to sparkle
With a million fallen stars
In the twilight they create
Scattering brief showers
We go out to stand and dance in
Releasing our bodies from our souls
Now we have the chance to  
Feel their hands upon us
The shaping fingers of the gods

Friday, July 12, 2024

Slapping Valentine

She slapped my face hard
Introducing a whole new element
Into the conversation
I was twelve and had
Just told her she was
Not a good mother mistreating
My friend her weeping son
I admit she listened first
While I read her the riot act
I almost quoted scripture but that
Would have presumed too much
We paused briefly eye to eye
But I never saw it coming
When I quickly slapped her back

Thursday, July 11, 2024

All Over Valentine

Can anything flare in the future
That was not seeded in the past
When I look back at the field I've plowed
I see the furrows in my forehead
And what I thought weeds gone wild
The fall has turned them all to gold
It turns out time is the abyss
Out of which is cut our own
Little space to work things out in
To ruin and redeem ourselves
Like any good arable land
And then lie idle for many years
We behold them all over the world
Empty grassy fields
Pregnant with us and yearning

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Pilgrim's Valentine

No things but from ideas of the things
No brain but the thinking that sustains it
No feeling that doesn't prove we're dreaming
No will that isn't his
No island that doesn't see us coming
No sea-air we haven't breathed before
So why did we feel abandoned
When the ferry dropped us on the shore
We'd heard there was still a forest
With its original birds and trees
A thousand different climates
In valleys unexplored 
A lake of burning stars
Where the gods could be implored

Monday, July 8, 2024

Enough Valentine

If my task is just
To make use of
Everything you tell me
Dear language of the stars
You'll have to speak
A little louder and
Slower and try
Not to ramble on about
Your beautiful constructions
Come closer to my ear
So your lips are touching
And I can feel your breath
Just whisper his name
That will be enough

Sunday, July 7, 2024

'White And Greens In Blue' Valentine

I love you the way
Goethe loved Rubens
For his acute memories of nature
'in the minutest particulars'
I love you the way a fake painting
Cannot be told from its masterpiece
'in the minutest particulars'
I love you the way your greens
Nestle up against the blue
Like Delos clutching its ruins
You know the shore I mean
I love you the way
You wake me from my dreams
To your minutest particulars
And call it dawn

Friday, July 5, 2024

Breaking Free Valentine

When I first noticed
Taking my sweet time
That it's only physical things
That are constantly disappearing
While something else remains
That was always there before them
That was the strange day 
The world flipped over for me
I became the world
The world being me
Of course it doesn't last
That's part of the point
Just the outline fretwork
Of my next invention

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Common Sense Valentine #2

When we abandon common sense
Perceptions of the world
We argue about abstractions
To get around the obvious elephant
I think it's where we're stuck
At this stage of human development
Overthinking everything to the point
Where everything is threatened
But only common sense
Can show us what is nonsense
Because it doesn't come you'll
Notice only from the head
But from the belly and the heart

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Common Sense Valentine

What makes sense common
Is that it's a shared
Understanding of how
To keep things simple
Without which our piety
Turns cruel stops listening
And our inherent arrogance
Takes ownership of your needs
With a benevolent smile
Common sense says
I am not better than you
With all its implications
While the world keeps shouting
Yes I am

Monday, July 1, 2024

Tonight's Valentine

When I get home tonight
Would you please remind me
To trim my eyebrows they're
Starting to look like mustaches
From the nineteenth century
How much hair should be on a face
Depends on how much you want to hide
But these two parentheses
Above my eyes have formed
A bridge of thorny brambles
Endangering my vision of you
When I get home tonight
Would you please remind me
To hold you tight