Saturday, November 30, 2024

This World's Valentine

What can we surmise
About this world's aspirations
Its perennial adolescence
Its struggles to survive
If left to its own devices
On this lovely fall morning
A few years ago my neighbor's child
All he could do was scream
And now I overhear him say
'Poppa, Poppa, look I...'
One more I in the world
With its pressing needs and joys
And a smile to stop time
With each new word

Friday, November 29, 2024

Walking These Days Valentine

An arrested fall
Upright regained
Holding on to the wall
Steady Freddy
First steps last steps
Re-learn to crawl
And hoist and stand
Old body new man
Momma's guiding hand
Letting me go
Letting me fall
Where was I headed
The adventure of it all
Until I heard you call

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Cor Ad Cor Valentine

Coroneola an old Latin word
A kind of autumn rose
A heart and a hello
Now unseen unheard
Aeneas must have known it
Helen wore it in her hair
A color and an odor
Dissolving in the air
Back when there was only
Blue and red the other
Colors waiting to be bled
The Coroneola sang in autumn
As it must have once to me
Still living heart among the dead

Monday, November 25, 2024

Come The Renaissance Valentine

So it must have been with the gods
In their art of painting the human being
The master would make a sketch
Outlining the central figures
Completing only a hand or a face
While his apprentices would come behind
Filling in the details emerging
From the mountains in the background
All thought out ahead of time
And sometimes the master would return
To erase even his own work
With a wash of greenish paint
And start again to sketch
A whole new human being

Sunday, November 24, 2024

A Little More Valentine

Laying in bed at night
Glancing back over the day
I feel the world whirling
Around me a humming hurricane
Of lit-up cities and barren spaces
I try to be peaceful after all
In the eerie eye of my storm
And focus on the random things
That happened to me
My few waking thoughts
Until I come back to your face
Having lunch together
While you divulged a little
More of your mystery to me
Just before I fall asleep

Friday, November 22, 2024

Unseen Valentine

Are those two saguaros new
Next to the optometrist's
Across from the post office
I've never noticed them before
Five-footers in their adolescence
But when I ask I'm told
They were planted years ago
Right on that busy corner
I've passed a thousand times before
Finally stopped for the light
I pulled up next to their green 
Presence and asked them really
How long they 'd been standing there
But they just gazed at one another
Two lost souls stuck in traffic
Far from home an old man
Blankly staring up at them

Thursday, November 21, 2024

In The Beginning Was Geometry Valentine

Of the infinite number of ways
Three lines could come together
(If lines could think)
A perfect triangle would form
Once in that series
An instrument to be seized
The gods could really use
To unwind another world
They could feel how the heart
Would have to emerge first
Right out of a fiery circle
While it was still burning
Then plunged into cold water
Warmed and filled with light
And the pulse resume its yearning

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Better Half Valentine

The part of me
That doesn't love me
 Fortunately married 
All these years
To the part of me that does
After our brief
Passionate affair
But you kept leaving me
For some other life
Then showing up again
No where else to go
Begging me to take you in
How could I love to live
Without you by my side
Who else will forgive my sins

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Visitor's Valentine

My restless cat keeps staring up
Annoyed at the empty chair
Where she often loves to sit
As if it's already occupied
By some invisible spirit
Only she can see
Who I have called
To visit me a creature
Of the sun that fills
And warms the seat
While I wait opposite
In chilly shade for it to say 
How its light gets made
From love that's lived
On such another day

Monday, November 18, 2024

At Hand Valentine

Is Virgo Venus redivivus 
Beauty rising from her bed
Standing to receive at last
The serpent and the crown
How long will she lie asleep
Dreaming of that star's gleaming
Nesting in her growing womb
Is she frightened so alone
A quiet comely girl called to be
The sorrowful queen of joy
Did she pause before she rose
Conscious of the gods' decision
Swaying toward the balance
Feeling the sun bearing down
The moon carving its incision

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Finally Valentine

Finally I got down upon my knees
And pruned away the choking weeds
Invading my gold lantana
Prayers down always work
Unless they lead to willful action
Leggy the lantana had grown
And needed cutting of its own
Some straying branches had to do
Unfortunately without their flowers
Until finally only one was left
A new unfolding umbel
A bud made up of many
Tiny flowers woven in a whirl
Delivered from the evil
Of this too eager world

Friday, November 15, 2024

Promised Valentine

Don't forget morning
Actually gets its start
At the midnight hour
When the darkness
Falls over into
The completeness
Of its illusion
Long before the light
Clocks in if
Sun there is
That dawn is a promise
The darkness
However deep
Even if reluctantly
Must keep

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Somehow Valentine

He says the gods go on surviving
On the spirit bread we bring them
Our own souls baked and steaming
That aroma in the morning
Their tongues watering for a taste
Of some sweetness saved
Or even a stale crust to chew
But somehow they make do
On our thin earthly gruel
And get on with their daily tasks
Of plowing and reaping
Pushing the chariot sun
Up over their seeded ground
And doling out the rain

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Only Today Valentine

When we divide yesterday 
Into tomorrow something
Is always left over
The remainder we call today
A pittance of hours
For our chores and prayers
But how carry over the one
Still living body we love
If only for another few words
Before we fall asleep again
And sail out on eternity's seas
Our dreams' frail boats
In search of something
We can call a soul

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Solely Valentine

Tap-tap-tap the flicker's beak
On the door of a dying tree
That opens on a vestibule of blue
A life without leaves to see
One's way back to the trailing sun
But just enough to stand there
Like a naked phallic Greek
Expounding his geometry 
Of light-constructed lines
Crossing one another in the wind
A skeleton of pregnant limbs
Solely dependent now
On the charity of stars the moon's
Slow keening in the snow

Monday, November 11, 2024

Remembered Valentine

I went out walking in my head
Among the waves of words
Written on the stony graves
All my dead thoughts
Turning in their tidy plots
Who fought in heaven's wars
And fell to earth like rain
In search of that single name
Hidden among roses I remember
Planting in another life
Finding only an empty tomb
Still warm from the sun
That filled it with a body's heat
A heart just entering a womb

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Egg Of Light Valentine

The almost real and the post-real
The surreal and the plain real
All seem combined in an egg
Dangling above the heads
Of a couple getting married
In one of Raphael's paintings
The critics think it a symbol
Of purity overcoming passion
But I'm not sure it isn't
Something Raphael added
Out of his own second sight
Not a custom of that time
All of his Madonnas are lovers
And all of his lovers Madonnas
All he painted was the light

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Unrescued Valentine

I climbed too high
And many books and I
Came crashing to the floor
I lay immobilized
My lifetime's library
Pummeling my chest
One grazed my closing eye
Until all was silence rising
From a hundred sacred texts
It was the end of knowledge
A few broken bones
A few unfinished novels
I couldn't but moan and grin
Watching the dust settle in

Friday, November 8, 2024

I Call Him Buster Valentine

I'm thinking of setting
A mouse-trap for that
Clever cat hiding
Among the branches
Grown too close
To the bird-bath
Where the creaking doves
And eager sparrows come
To drink I have
To cut them back
But that's just one
Of several tasks
I never seem to get to
I say I'm waiting
For my friend to come
On that perfect fall day
To prune and rake with me
To put the garden to bed
And celebrate our dead
And feed that ravenous cat

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Double's Dream Valentine

I ran into my double
In last night's dream
We were descending
A set of narrow
Mental stairs together
Him close behind
A large man in black
Hat and voluminous cloak
I stopped to let him
Pass but smiling
Through his moustache
He insisted I go first
So I hurried on ahead
Veritably flying down
Those steps to where
Our train was waiting
To take us through
All night we sat
Trading secrets
And philosophies by morning
We had reached a compromise
He would leave me
His cloak and hat
And I would leave him my eyes

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

What Valentine

A country can be taken to be
A single personality whose cells
And parts work on mechanically
Somewhere after thirty
The biography shifts
And all that was gained
Or lost in childhood
Slithers toward Jerusalem
Never was a town more taken
Apart and patched together
The city of a personality
A mother and a child
What does the world hate more
I ask you fathers

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

In Valentine

The why is in the how
The when is in the where
The that is in the this
And I am in your arms
This is my philosophy today
Holding and being held
Its central theme and mood
Of which there is never enough
Good news bad news
Both excuse embrace
Freely given freely received
In which whole bodies
Listen closely to each other's
Hearts thrumming in unison
The grief is in the joy

Monday, November 4, 2024

November Valentine

It's good I have a spare life
When this one has to go
My dreamed me at night
Where strangely I feel
More alive than in this one
And where I wake to a world
Hardening out of that one
It can be dizzying at times
Going back and forth
Whoever I am in my dream
Always seems the better me
Someone I would like to be
More honest and more brave
Fallen but getting up

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Short Course Of My Loves Valentine

Mr. Keats and Mr. Shelley
Compose the underbelly
Of modern poetry
They speak again in Yeats
Who looked like Blake
And swore like Baudelaire
Who kept the flame alive
Even as it consumed him
I imagine the poets on earth
Meeting up annually with those
Who go on writing them in heaven
Where they all get drunk together
Taxied home by their angels
Muttering their dreams

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Your Valentine

My boundless pride
Is always quarreling
With my inadequate humility
Like anxious parents
Over their restless ego child
Who must be torn apart
Needing them both
And needing to escape them both
But the child must be rich
And prodigal before it crosses
The sixty leagues of love
It must lose all its hopes
And laughter except
This last one you

Friday, November 1, 2024

Still Singing Valentine

Three tasks the heart is gifted
To think to feel to act
And occasionally to sing together
When the spirit lifts its baton
And some new strain dips down
Into the corporeal brain
A gold glimmer come and gone
Of light becoming song
That stuns and thrills
But never lasts too long
But just enough to hear
They're still singing us into being
That whole orchestra of gods
On this ordinary morning