Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Following Yonder Star Valentine

The old hands of the man
Sitting next to me on the plane
The thick fingers and taut frame
Of a farmer used to pulling
Udders and steering tractors
Hither and yon now playing
Puzzles intently on his I-phone
And on my right the baby face
Of a college student majoring in
The photography side of economics
He proudly says and stares at me
Cheerfully on his way to Jackson
Hole Wyoming also on his phone
Scrolling and scrolling skiing up and down
And me in the middle reading myths
And medieval tales and ruins
We three fearless flyers
Bound for the unknown

Mary's Valentine

I come back to the blank 
Page to be humbled again
By its plain open face
My only words
To plant like kisses
To smooth my hand
Across its worried creases
Trying to convince it
You are not nothing not alone
At least no more nothing
Than I am words except
The one you bring
I love you and 
A child is born

St. Stephen's Day Valentine

Nothing recent has happened
To me lately my thoughts
Run on in speculative torrents
Or settle into sunny puddles
I am as dazed as December trees
What bird is that keeps his tail in the air
Ornithology passed me by
If I had known how to draw
Or play an instrument
Or fix a car but all I could do
Was think of you and sing
So now I see you life
Transfixed in matter
Ourselves in everything

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Self-Portrait Valentine

A friend sends me three
Ink drawings he found he made
When he was a boy with cancer
Living in Kiev many years ago
In one with a few thin strokes
He's placed a body on a cross
The Christ looking down
From the upper right of the page
And in the left lower corner
An angular devil half-kneeling
Sporting a halo and a grin
Looking up no less amazed
They both look like him

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Stopping By Stars Valentine

If I wait for it
I can feel the sun
Stop at the edge
Of the cold abyss
Its rays peering
Down into the dark
Of that deep well
Illuminating its pathways
Leading nowhere
Its light thrown back
Upon itself refused
What must it take for it
To love the earth so much
It turns and comes back to us

Friday, December 20, 2024

Anymore Valentine

What can we make of it
Still putting that baby
Out in the cold night
The light of the sun
Grown tattered and old
At the end of its tether
What can we hear of it anymore
The ghostly music of those stars
The mouths of a thousand
Buddhas singing as it must
Have been the tinkling
Of distant camel bells
That hungry infant gurgling
At his mother's breast

Thursday, December 19, 2024

And The Gray Squirrel Too Valentine

Today's miracle revealed
A healed Achilles heel
As if it never happened
Of a young man in California
Which qualified another
Young man in heaven 
To become a saint
And have his own feast day
And shrine and prayers
All well and good
But why overlook
The other hundred miracles
I witnessed just walking
Past the playground to the park
Each one canonizing
Yet another saint

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Winter Knowledge Valentine

In the desert in December
We trade a heaven for our hell
Cold nights blossom into blue
Warm sunny days with dinner
On the patio and rambling walks
Into the open spaces of the mind
A pause settles over the plants
Too cold to grow too warm to die
Whatever will arrive tomorrow
It won't be snow or even rain
Our palm trees flickering are dressed
With a kind of expectant glory
Forgotten carols of the light
And we know that we are blessed

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Over The Holy Nights Valentine

At the end of his thirty-first year
In 1943 when I was three months old 
Woody Guthrie wrote thirty-three 
New Years 'Rulin's' (thus)  
In a letter to his pregnant love
(But how do three months divide
Into eighty years with so much
Left over I ask you 'Railroad Pete')
Woody's conscience had a memory 
In it that went all the way back
To the first villages and fields
Of common sense and the gentleness
That is always part of beauty
'#8 Write a song a day'
Even if no one's listening

Monday, December 16, 2024

Nesting Valentine

When half its leaves had fallen
And the other half remained
Gold below and green above
Hung like a heart a ragged nest
Was finally exposed suspended
At the end of a swaying branch
Low enough to look inside
Where rests a single feather
Where such hunger and eagerness
Had seen such precision and care
Too large for a finch too small
For a dove but just right
For my empty mind to enter
And ripen into flight

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Returning Valentine

The more mornings I come to
After a whole mountain of mornings
Laid by hand stone by stone
Each layer fading as it's placed
So snug against the next one
Not even the sun slides through
Yet each morning seems a little lighter
And more and more of the landscape
Illumined or darkened below
Clouds with memories seen from above
When I stop to look back and down 
But something hurries me on
To that morning at the peak
That first morning I seek

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Invisible Valentine

The great myth of these days
Is that the good gods have gone
Into some cloud-cuckoo land
Divinities reduced to metaphors
Or we get as far as angels
Before we start to lose our nerve
Sensing how much vaster
The invisible will take us
Beyond this apprehensible world
Shrinking back to being small
As atoms whirling in a jar
But even if it does exist my star
Attentive to my every need
I turn my back on them at times
And on my freedom I insist

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

December Valentine

If I wait for just the right day
I don't have to sweep the leaves at all
A northbound wind piles them up
Conveniently against the wall
Where I can gather them in bags
And haul them to the alley waste
I just have to wait and watch
For the last yellow leaf to fall
And fill the yard with a peace
Only December can know
And then just wait some more
For the cold wind to blow
The breath that breathes us all
And the birth that brings release

Monday, December 9, 2024

Hard Valentine

If as above is so below
Then we are but the mirrors
Of the gods' great endeavors
Their tragedies and victories ours
Or if we are to them the real
Objective world they're
Faithfully working on
Locked in battles
Of colors and sounds 
So it's hard to have
A quiet conversation
With one of them or just
Sit on a bench and watch
The world pass by

Sunday, December 8, 2024

The Origin Of Oranges Valentine (for Dan)

In the world before oranges appeared
Ripening in our cool desert days
Showing up in our northern stores
There must have been a young king
Who called his best chefs together
Bored with apples and figs
Bring me the epitome of sweetness
In the color of courage I can taste
Extracted from our best mineral minds
Put all the trees to work till one
Can re-enclose the sun
In miniature and portable
And see to it somehow
Every child gets one

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Some Times Valentine

In my dream we meet again
How are you are you well
Well as I have every been
You were crouching down
Touching the ground
I'm growing tulips now you said
I'm not really dead
I plan on visiting Brazil
And I remembered it
Was on your bucket-list
Later that day was I
Still dreaming a hawk
Swept into the yard
Landing on the trellis
Calmly side-eyeing me
Gone as quickly as it came
Here in the city of dreams
Where we live now sometimes
I call your name
And hear you calling mine

Friday, December 6, 2024

On High Valentine

Angels speaking Spanish
On my roof Jose Jesus
And Randy three kings
Come early on St. Nicholas Day
Lifetime Roofing Systems 
Lowering a new dome
On the temple I call home
Or so I imagine it
New walls new floors
From out my crumbling ruins
Muy bien muy bien
No lo sé no lo sé
I'm blessed by a whistling bird
Angel words I do not comprehend

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Advent Calendar Valentine

No good coming into this world
If you don't intend to love it
At the first door nothing
But an endless blue sky
At the second and third the same
And at the fourth a starry night 
The first animals descending
Exiles and guests of the earth
Profligate and then removed
While we keep foraging on
I tremble to open the next
Radiant light pouring through the hinges
How long can my birth wait
For you to visit

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Back Valentine

I see the last bee of summer
Hungrily nudging the last fall flower
And wonder if she will make it home
Before the door is locked for winter
And the leaves' last thoughts
Scurrying into piles to be burnt
In the colors of their fires
Leaving the trees to shiver
Every nerve exposed
All so generously given
All that green repossessed
Even the grass goes back to heaven
In a blaze of crystal flowers
Ice and fire fill my soul

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

First Valentine

When thinking penetrates dreaming
We have the best of both worlds
The pictures and their meaning
Unraveling out of a fairy-tale
When we lived in the pictures
And the words were only sounds
Remembered and perfectly repeated
Before we knew what they meant
Once upon a time our first
Thoughts caught up with us
All our personalities appeared
In a row of trees or a lake
Just recently come across
Alive in another world

Monday, December 2, 2024

Aegean Valentine

Parmenides of Elea was the first
Translator of what is and is not
An old man when the young Socrates
Sat enthralled at his feet
Listening to his poem 'On Nature'
From which we have only left
A few tantalizing fragments
But if you know only one
Of his verses or have never
Heard of him or want to
Let this be remembered
He was also the first to see love
Was the oldest of the gods
And all the rest her offspring