Wednesday, September 30, 2020

St. Michael in the Americas

In the childhood pictures we brought over
From the old countries of the mind
He carries the chains in one hand
From which he freed himself
And in the other a flaming sword
Brandished above a dragon's head
We saw him as a picture of our plight
And dressed ourselves as soldier-angels
And roared through our monster teeth
And led the dragon on a leash
Or fell dead on the bloody ground
We knew we were just playing around
Until he brushed us with his wings

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Michaelmas Valentine

Today we welcome the clever finches
Who make it back in the fall
Having learned to sing Your names
Into the quiet corners of the yard
They know how to scratch them out
In words made of twigs and chirps
And whatever seeds are hiding
Like when You bent down
And left Your imprint on the ground
And then assumed a branch
And sang Your blood away
Some of it must have dripped
On the finches that imperial day
I pray that it also falls on us

Monday, September 28, 2020

Lasting Valentine

Waiting in the little hallway
Between summer and fall
In that shady corridor of days
Drowsy from summer's dream
Watching it all fall apart
Each leaf so precisely placed
Not a murmur touching down
Here it is again the end of everything
The last days grouped around the grave
With nothing more to say
Death lands on a perfect day
Not too cold or hot
Not too dark or light
No matter to me if it comes or not

Sunday, September 27, 2020

To My Brother on My Birthday Valentine

My one brother talks a lot 
But everything he says is important
Stuff about nothing in particular
News from the nodal point of anger
Which we both know is disguised fear
Which he doesn't know we share
But I can't stop the onward flow
Of his words roaring over rapids
Even when it comes to the slow pond
And the tall grasses of his despair
I listen even more deeply
To the silence as we float
Out over the depths of I love you
We both know is meant

Friday, September 25, 2020

Life's Valentine

If every single form of life
Is a soul-building enterprise
If suddenly small purple flowers
Show up on the red-blooming hibiscus
Everything has to be re-imagined
About how everything works
A default to the empty mind
In which everything's dissolved
Into the darkness of God again
And whatever we've left him
To reassemble from all of life
Into a new cosmos be sacrificed
That the great Teachers of Flowers
And the Masters of the Wind
Be sent forth again

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Christ at Zuma Valentine

When you're not in diapers anymore
Feeling the rush of your own first steps
When you're not napping in kindergarten
Like a seed at the bottom of the world
When you're not suffering the ninth year drought
When you're not moronic fifteen zut
When you can never get enough traveling
When you can never get enough holding
When you're not in Zurich or with child
When you're just not feeling it anymore
But still in love with the world 
When you're not able to walk or speak
When you've not forgotten me anymore
But when you're good and ready come
I'll be waiting at Zuma's shore

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Is It Fall Yet Valentine

Two dead Ficus leaves
Circle on the patio breeze
Rushing after one another
Then they stop and stare
What do you want
Each asks the other
I asked you first
They both repeat
Is it possible they're lovers
And the wind that's abandoned them
Their old quickening and fire
Following one another into the flames
That have turned them faded bronze
Frankly they look like earrings
Only an archaic queen would own

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Banked On Valentine

In the first rough half of life
We pay off our last life's debts
So in the second half we're free
To accumulate new debts
These debts add up to death
Who just takes out a second mortgage
And installs new doors and windows
Still the house looks like a husk
In which a hard seed rattles
Like the last breeze in a throat
But finally the economy is such
We become the air and lake
All these debts have made us rich
This wealth in turn we re-invest

Monday, September 21, 2020

Secret Valentine

Even more secretive than the future
The always-unraveling one
Who cannot keep a secret
Always whispering to the past
Finding a fresh wardrobe for
The skeleton of every fact
The same act over and over
With a whole new cast
As if it were holding out on us
The future forecast in the past
The premotion in the deja-vu
The abiding presence there
We struggle to identify
As you and I and You

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Dear I Valentine

Dear I at times too dear
At once the lowest and the highest word
Not God but my I I fear
Not the one that he conferred
Two I's that meet in a third
A little clearing in the woods
Where I find a stump and sit
And spy a trinity of birches
Dripping candling the sky
Perfect place for an I to die
Eyes left open to the light
One I that rescues the other I
The one that can never die
Flame that comprehends the night

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Mistaken Valentine

Switching legs I kicked the cat
I didn't mean to I take it back
No one was hurt but a nasty look
Pursued by a hasty retreat
What's up with inadvertent things
Mean when we didn't mean to
Something in me forgot
Her sleeping on my foot
How could I suddenly not
Be stirred awake by your words
Falling and disappearing
Leaves down the page
Beseeching me to relinquish
My mistaken rage

Friday, September 18, 2020

One Valentine

I know you find me incomplete
A disaster at times a freak
My will flaccid my talent weak
You won't find the moon at my feet
Or a crown of stars on my head
You'll find me scouring the streets
Of floundering cities and empty creeks
Searching for you among the dead
Trusting implicitly you're the one
I will become despite myself
Because I saw you once alive
Wrapped in the rising sun
The whole reason I still survive
My one and lonely one

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Joan's Valentine

Let us keep this safely between us
Holding on tightly to our pain
While only our voices remain
To echo that distant name
Though you can't return
Lost summer of green veins
A stray wind rattles your leaves
Giving up on us entirely
On our hands and knees
We comb the grass for seeds
Look I've found one gnarled
Nasturtium husk to save
No worries all our lives
Curled in it bound for spring

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Getting On Valentine

I knocked cautiously
On an archangel's door
With my questions in my hand
Getting on with my life
But still standing there
If he was not at home
He would be coming later
If he was not to be disturbed
I would water the plants
Or go for a walk with a friend
All my questions could wait
Though they burned my hands off
I knew they wouldn't matter much
When I felt his touch

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Honey Valentine

If every word in the world requires
Another word to explain it
We will never get done with talking
If every sound in the world requires
A symphony to express its longing
We will never get done with singing
The simple phrase I love you
To everyone in the world
It's entirely unexplainable
A jolt that takes us to a holy place
For a few seconds or a lifetime
Where the words take off their clothes
And expose their true raiment
Honey-colored in the silence

Monday, September 14, 2020

Magnificent Valentine

Isn't it magnificent
Darkness is first
Among created things
When the heights
And the depths had not
Been plundered yet
And the god was still sleeping
Dreaming of his darkness
Rolling over in the bed
To see his son come back
How many eons had he waited
Often looking out the window
Sensing the directions he was taking
The light in the darkness of his life

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Voyaging Valentine

We find the word 'Frei'
In metal above the gate to hell
We finger fragments from the walls
Of Ephesus and Troy
We steal a flower from a grave
At Chartres and find a penny
With the face of a dead queen
On the floor of a ruined monastery
We stand under a holly tree
And have our smiles memorialized
We eat breakfast on a balcony
Above a sea of olive trees
We sit on the thrones of initiates
And get lost in the alleys of Delphi
Then fly home silently

Friday, September 11, 2020

Saving Valentine

The Messengers of the Beginning
Weren't dragged down into the mud
They went there freely
They sent the Sons and Daughters
Of Twilight to make things difficult
Their lightening of desire
Did they want everyone to be a Job
They lit everything on fire
O Man save yourself they said
From the world you created
We are the Thunders of the Sun
What more could be given
We lent you Our Rising One
Whose work is never done


Thursday, September 10, 2020

Built Valentine

Someone is pounding something
I hear it faintly down the street
Twenty-six regular beats
Then a pause then thirty more
Another pause then I lose count
What can they be building there
A mathematics almost music
I remember from biology
The beat is there in the blood
Before it builds the heart
A bird comes first
And then the nest
Whatever it was it's finished
Just need to get it varnished

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Constant Valentine

The constant struggle of the mind
To get past like and hate
Every mind everywhere at once
Knowing some won't make it I
Imagine death must strenghten us
Or what's the plot of the point
Of having come this far
Into a fairy-tale of riddles
If we can't come to the last page
Awake with wonder pleading
It all be read again
Please one more time
Re-writing the ending
But starting from the beginning

Living Valentine

I was still living here the day
The summer started to fall apart
Not a complete surrender
But a suspension in the air
It was taken out and shot
There is blood everywhere
And more to come I guess
If the sky is any measure
Sometimes I rush out
Into the street to see the sun
Pass through the cities of the west
And into the seventh heaven
That sea without a surface
Where the darkness starts to glow again

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Another Dreamed Valentine

If we could have coffee alfresco
One more time you pick
The place I could tell you
About my dream last night
I walked in on you sleeping
Covered and wearing a thick
Dark blue bonnet with holes
For your ears I smiled
And wondered why your ears
Were left to freeze
But later awake I realized
It was so you could go on listening
Even in your death's deep sleep
And from that other world could dream
Everything that's happening here

Monday, September 7, 2020

Don't Valentine

Don't get stuck in the beauty
Though you must pass through
Its rot to see what
It's really all about
Some reckoning must already
Be at work to seize
The beauty we call ugly
Which is always a surprise
Sanguine spring and melancholy fall
Got married in a summer blaze
A winter pregnancy miscarried
In a March's rainy haze
It all depends if the final seed
Sprouts in the puddle of your days

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Approaching Valentine

The lost traditions of birds and trees
Their festivals and sainted feasts conclude
And all is hanging wonder in the woods
But in my town a melancholy mood
Everything seems once removed
Like a distant relative approaching
With news of dead cousins and aunts
One wants to crack a joke but can't
Remember one to save one's life
But it's just death again coming in glory
When the wheels of the truck come off
And the hulk of it sits rusting in the yard
Plastered like you with red and yellow leaves
And you know you're going nowhere at last

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Wanted Valentine

I wanted to speak of my laziness
But I keep putting it off
I wanted to show you my patience
But I keep going off
Is it just like you to keep saying
What I really don't want to hear
I wanted to remember you
When you are right in front of me
I wanted you to know our names
That can't be said
I wanted to write about my craziness
And assure you it's caged and content
Now all my hallucinations are of you
Or God or the faces of our dead

Friday, September 4, 2020

Noon Moon Valentine

Because the light is outnumbered by the darkness
It must be more strategic more inventive
More consciously and thoroughly thought out
Every day its brilliant structures
Must be re-imagined piece by piece
And the sense of something never seen before
Installed in all the insignificant places
The powerful shadows work to blur
Even that little ghost moon we spy at noon
Like a sail lost in the blue
Must be struggled for and held
By a light so fragile and gentle
That when it lifts above the bay
We feel there is nothing left to say

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Lullaby for My Illusions Valentine

Sleep my sweet illusions
Rest your heavy heads
Dream to your conclusions
Now the story's read

Did the plot consume you
How easily you were led
To find the weeping woman
And her young lover dead

Did you finally figure out
Which of her tears were real
Did you stagger about
Struggling not to feel

His body lay there on her lap
Within the silence of the trees
And in her heart a thunderclap
That brought you to your knees

Irreligious Valentine

If most cats are faithful Buddhists
And most dogs pious Protestants
Most frogs must be Zen Masters
Whose entrails predict disasters

But the Seventh Day Adventist crows
Promise they know what no one knows
And tell it to the Catholic cows
Where the Muslim grasses grow

In holy atheist days gone by
Clouds called a council in the sky
Of all beliefs facts long divisions
Around the idea we must die

Finally a Monarch wrote their creed
And handed morals out like seed
And on the tongue of every clod
Placed a tiny crumb of God

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Autumnal Valentine

For for for
Against against against
Is there only more
Argument and angst

I tried to appeal to my neighbor
But my neighbor pulled a gun
The bullets in the chamber
Said listening was done

I retreated to my garden
And sat among the weeds
And watched their flowers harden
Into a hurricane of seeds

But even within their silence
I could hear the ringing of a bell
Clearing a path to heaven
And a highway to hell

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Small Valentine

Some poets are small
Children who want to
Eat everything they see
Swallowing their becoming
They long to put their hands
On their first touching
And love uncritically
Holding on tightly to a finger
Or a breast where they can rest
From all their wailing and staring
Totally at the mercy of the gods
Who tend and wipe their asses
And coddle them and dress
Them in their cutest clothes
And send them out to where who knows