Sunday, October 31, 2021

Only Valentine (for Mt. Tamalpais)

His friend does not appreciate
The mockingbird's return
As much as he used to
He feels he is losing touch
With trees and says aloud
The mountain is only good
For hiking the parched gullies 
For crossing he is losing
Sight of any longing
To belong to all this
Mineral manifestation of the gods
He says only the sea can save him
His first and last love
Even if it's only a memory
Seen from a mountain top

Audition Valentine

A panoramic picture
Of the history of the earth
Hovers above his head
The not-yet stars floating out
Into the great sea space
And he can hear a woman singing
Her heart out down the street
In the background of the beginning
When the earth trembles into being
The youngest of her sisters
And the first to leave home
Defying the neighbors and the gods
With her singing alone

Friday, October 29, 2021

Pumpkin Valentine

A self-portrait? 
Where's that candle?

My Once and Future Valentine

You don't have to kneel
To plant the over-winter seeds
Hollyhock and sweet alyssum
But it is a kind of proposal
To assume a reverential posture
That the earth become a bride
A first promise to be faithful
To stay alive and loving her
Even if some of the seeds
Don't flower you planted them
It is good if your knees hurt
And your arms ache a little
That you live in constant anticipation

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Human Valentine

Every day he tries to get something done
Often not what he hoped it would be
For example to carry one word
And follow its thread so that
Whatever's going on outside
Something permanent is being
Sustained on the inside
Today's word is human
As it has been for many days
It all depends on the season
Whether the word is covered
With the snows of summer
Or the falls of spring to him
What is human is what can sing

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Overlooked Valentine

I skipped a page and had
To come back to it to find
Still nothing written here
Its blank abandoned gaze
Like the open mouth of a bird
Said feed me feed me
But I refused it words
How could I improve
The purity and silence
Of its several parallel horizons
So we just stared at one another
Blankness calling to blankness
Until suddenly the ink
Grew restless and the poor pen
Could do little to stop it
Like blood rushing from a cut
And expiring on the paper

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Whence Hummingbirds and Moths Valentine

Ingenious as a pocket
Happy as a banjo I try
To follow one leaf rocketing falling
Thrown up against the sky
With nothing to regret
It was just this one being
Among so many similar beings
Released from the cocoon of the tree
(how could hard wood unfold
Such fleshy wings)
Still every fall I have to turn
My tree around to the sun
So the side that died
Over summer can leaf again

Monday, October 25, 2021

Free As Destiny Valentine

All he could say was what he saw
Alone when he objectified himself
When he could take a striking overview
Of his life and stand in judgement of it
Among a rank of grimacing angels
Who had warned him not to go there
That the beauty and the evil of the world
Would overwhelm and tame him
Though he pleaded there was no other way
And in the end they had to let him go
Assisting from the sidelines
Crying over advice not taken
Sighing over the hard result
As when his heart was stolen
Just as they foretold it would

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Every Thursday Valentine

He wished he had a handy-man
Who every Thursday would come
And finally get something done
For this man of all thumbs
A worker bee for this drone
Who makes a list for him
Of where to dig or paint
The dripping under the sink
The gutters the broken gate
While he just sits and writes
About his service to the queen
His loyalty to the crown
His plans for a new kind of honey
Such as the world has never seen

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Transfigured Valentine

All he wanted was a little garden
Where wanting would go away
Re-absorbed into the green sheen
That keeps starting up again
Clay turtle under yellow Mums
Don't kid yourself he'd say
Mountains of years to get here
But you could still make it in a day
Dogs howling behind the gate
At a freight train creeping past
The moon for its caboose
Sitting late into the darkness
Drunk on the swirling stars
All his senses breaking loose

Friday, October 22, 2021

Mt. Tamalpais Valentine

Wide open for business
Mt. Tamalpais stirs
Enlightenment customers
An anxious queue of ants
With the sun for sale
Many fashionable colors many
Sizes with prices slashed
And planned surprises
When you reach the summit
Of the barely-climbing cost
Where kind Tamalpais moves
To give it all away
The light all wrapped and shining
Delivered in a day

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Wearing the Mountain Valentine

Don't we have work to do
And yet I find you staring
At the aspen or searching the clouds
(There are no clouds in the perfect blue)
As though you're trying to continue
Some lost dream now half-awake
What mountain are you walking
Around what old trails
Do you hope will lead you
To yourself don't you see
The one behind you and the one
Who runs ahead how your feet
Are wearing the mountain away
Old friend come home to me

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Re-Educated Valentine

So I sat in the first grade again
Our shouting valiant teacher drowning
Not waving in the tossing waves
Only the phlegmatics paying attention
I chatted with a smartly-dressed
Young man hiding in a corner
Behind a desk he'd toppled
I admired his vest and shoes
We talked of dogs and cats
I asked which painting
Of the sun coming up in the sea
Was his among the thirty
Each so wonderful and unique
Versions of it living on the walls

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Masked Madonna Valentine #2

What is the real difference
Between a veil and a mask
What keeps out and what
Keeps in protectively
The cloth on which your body
Was imprinted for example
Or the sheets where you
Were conceived or a napkin
Over the face of a newborn
Hidden one of my heart
Lady who stood for Isis
At the grocery store
One cool stare
Under so many layers

Monday, October 18, 2021

Masked Madonna Valentine

Between her floppy hat and mask
Her hearing aids and glasses
When she takes one off 
It all collapses they laugh
At her when she answers
A question that wasn't asked
The dim one in her family
Who aspires to poetry to read
To children and the dying
And the dead who are
Not really dead but earnestly
Present for her they laugh
Together taking off their masks

Friday, October 15, 2021

Seaside Valentine

A breeze rumples the umbrellas
Along the empty sunny beach
In one of those Hawaii moments
That drift in and out of my brain
The desert calls home to the sea
The desert rose drops its leaves
Until there are only a few
Pale pink flowers left
The bulbous root has eaten
All its dirt and anything
Can come into the mind
Is it because the sea knows
How to rest how to lay
A body down on sand

Thursday, October 14, 2021

More Day Valentine

I love how the days are in color
Thrown up on the golden screen
And the nights in black and white
Unfold their mysterious meetings
In the back alleys of dreams
I think of orange the cheerful one
Who at midnight grieves to gray
But at dawn comes streaking back
I put it down to the sun
That love does not stay
Wandering and searching for the one
Who will follow it all the way through
The darkness to the final day
Pleading for mercy for one more day

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Song of Ascent Valentine

Some days I just have to
Make myself do things
The will of my will
Engages with some
Higher will softly
Urging me into action
I buckle with determination
Casting off gravity
Ascending from the chair
And I make me walk
Lovely from here to there
Getting something done
The table wiped clean
Something on the stove

Manifesto Valentine

The first nation I belong to
Seeks the dissolution of nations
It wishes we could have long ago become
One earth country
But clearly that will have to wait
My first religion is apocalytic
I mean just seeing one another
We are torn asunder
You invite me from myself
Or rip me apart sweetly
Until I learn to listen
Just shut up and listen
While you undress yourself
And we stand revealed together

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Under Construction Valentine

I built my tunes on other tunes
Some stones stolen others borrowed
Taken from tombs and modern ruins
That they go not unsorrowed
And though I grinned when my towers crumbled
A crust of dust still coats my lips
From where their heights were humbled
Settling into a mound of bones
So I had to start again by touch
To read like flesh the lettered wind
And build an arch of whirling
Not of bricks but birds
Dragging my heart along
To its unwritten song

Monday, October 11, 2021

Her Valentine

Someone's motherless mother
Beautiful homeless October
Wandering and begging at corners
How can I be satisfied in the world
With the shopping-cart and rags
You leave behind the useless
Precious things you gather
The heaps of soiled grandeur
Let me sit on the side of the road
With you and ponder the asters
Let no one come to rescue us
Gone beyond words and gestures
Let all we own be scattered
It was only our love that mattered

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Beastly Valentine

Years later I still wince
Remembering how I cursed you
The lightening-bolt of my bitterness
Shocked even me
Exposing my self-satisfied
Complacency that I
Had put all that behind me
My hatred and my fear
Something demonic I still
Wrestle to contain
Poor self-pitying beast
Forgive him in your name
That through his suffering and pain
I learn to love again

Friday, October 8, 2021

When Valentine

I put my fortune back
In the cellophane wrapper
Where it said to store
The dreams of my youth
And put my chopsticks down
Friends are a valuable
Resource you read smiling
As I passed you the check
And boxed what's left
For later after a walk
It must have been a birthday
But I can't remember whose
When we had so much to say
And little time to lose

Thursday, October 7, 2021

More Valentine

With hardly any fuss or bother
Always straightening its fringe
The lake spreads out
Fresh carpets of morning light
For its amazing guests
The winged and the wingless
Who can enter freely now
The great vestibule of the abyss
Paved with amethyst and ruby
As one by one their names are called
Way out the fishing trawlers
Have already caught the darkness in their nets
But fail to see the derelict on the shore
Content to be left behind
But always wanting more

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Intervening Valentine

In the cooling narrow courtyard
Under a drooping pomegranate tree
Like a body heavy with bruises
We sipped coffee and caught up
While a mockingbird assaulted us
With its echoing repeating songs
Matching us word for word
Until we couldn't go on
It was so insistent and enthused
We sat in silent happy sorrow
For the scolding of our lives
And then it was gone
Having mended between us
Yet another wrong

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

The Beautiful Land Valentine

October is the kindest month
Turning the sky away from us
And then rushing back in a blaze
As if the sun were torn
Whether to stay or go on
Full of last-minute reminders
Intimate rains that crawl into bed
Like an exhausted traveler
Mumbling about the future
He found at the end of
What is it he says
The world and time
But here they lie down together
In sweet October weather

Sunday, October 3, 2021

New Moon in Libra Valentine

Not all leaves fall
Not all falls leave
God willing we think
But what about
Willing the good
Who fall like leaves
Loving the beautiful
Wind undressing them
Who having shone once
Are eager to fall
Remember me they ask
We went to school together
Have you forgotten it all
And everything forever

Friday, October 1, 2021

October Valentine

Our summers are like your winters
Great drifts of rolling heat pile up
Like your plowed snow and iced trees
And their silence is almost universal
As when only one bassoon is playing
And the conductor is crying
Not for the melody alone
But because he forgot to kiss
Someone on the way out the door
Your winters grieve for our summers
Our summer letters get lost in the mail
But come our springs and falls
You have to admit it's best
That everything collapses and unfolds
And finally the truth's exposed