Saturday, December 21, 2024

Stopping By Stars Valentine

If I wait for it
I can feel the sun
Stop at the edge
Of the cold abyss
Its rays peering
Down into the dark
Of that deep well
Illuminating its pathways
Leading nowhere
Its light thrown back
Upon itself refused
What must it take for it
To love the earth so much
It turns and comes back to us

Friday, December 20, 2024

Anymore Valentine

What can we make of it
Still putting that baby
Out in the cold night
The light of the sun
Grown tattered and old
At the end of its tether
What can we hear of it anymore
The ghostly music of those stars
The mouths of a thousand
Buddhas singing as it must
Have been the tinkling
Of distant camel bells
That hungry infant gurgling
At his mother's breast

Thursday, December 19, 2024

And The Gray Squirrel Too Valentine

Today's miracle revealed
A healed Achilles heel
As if it never happened
Of a young man in California
Which qualified another
Young man in heaven 
To become a saint
And have his own feast day
And shrine and prayers
All well and good
But why overlook
The other hundred miracles
I witnessed just walking
Past the playground to the park
Each one canonizing
Yet another saint

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Winter Knowledge Valentine

In the desert in December
We trade a heaven for our hell
Cold nights blossom into blue
Warm sunny days with dinner
On the patio and rambling walks
Into the open spaces of the mind
A pause settles over the plants
Too cold to grow too warm to die
Whatever will arrive tomorrow
It won't be snow or even rain
Our palm trees flickering are dressed
With a kind of expectant glory
Forgotten carols of the light
And we know that we are blessed

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Over The Holy Nights Valentine

At the end of his thirty-first year
In 1943 when I was three months old 
Woody Guthrie wrote thirty-three 
New Years 'Rulin's' (thus)  
In a letter to his pregnant love
(But how do three months divide
Into eighty years with so much
Left over I ask you 'Railroad Pete')
Woody's conscience had a memory 
In it that went all the way back
To the first villages and fields
Of common sense and the gentleness
That is always part of beauty
'#8 Write a song a day'
Even if no one's listening

Monday, December 16, 2024

Nesting Valentine

When half its leaves had fallen
And the other half remained
Gold below and green above
Hung like a heart a ragged nest
Was finally exposed suspended
At the end of a swaying branch
Low enough to look inside
Where rests a single feather
Where such hunger and eagerness
Had seen such precision and care
Too large for a finch too small
For a dove but just right
For my empty mind to enter
And ripen into flight

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Returning Valentine

The more mornings I come to
After a whole mountain of mornings
Laid by hand stone by stone
Each layer fading as it's placed
So snug against the next one
Not even the sun slides through
Yet each morning seems a little lighter
And more and more of the landscape
Illumined or darkened below
Clouds with memories seen from above
When I stop to look back and down 
But something hurries me on
To that morning at the peak
That first morning I seek

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Invisible Valentine

The great myth of these days
Is that the good gods have gone
Into some cloud-cuckoo land
Divinities reduced to metaphors
Or we get as far as angels
Before we start to lose our nerve
Sensing how much vaster
The invisible will take us
Beyond this apprehensible world
Shrinking back to being small
As atoms whirling in a jar
But even if it does exist my star
Attentive to my every need
I turn my back on them at times
And on my freedom I insist

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

December Valentine

If I wait for just the right day
I don't have to sweep the leaves at all
A northbound wind piles them up
Conveniently against the wall
Where I can gather them in bags
And haul them to the alley waste
I just have to wait and watch
For the last yellow leaf to fall
And fill the yard with a peace
Only December can know
And then just wait some more
For the cold wind to blow
The breath that breathes us all
And the birth that brings release

Monday, December 9, 2024

Hard Valentine

If as above is so below
Then we are but the mirrors
Of the gods' great endeavors
Their tragedies and victories ours
Or if we are to them the real
Objective world they're
Faithfully working on
Locked in battles
Of colors and sounds 
So it's hard to have
A quiet conversation
With one of them or just
Sit on a bench and watch
The world pass by

Sunday, December 8, 2024

The Origin Of Oranges Valentine (for Dan)

In the world before oranges appeared
Ripening in our cool desert days
Showing up in our northern stores
There must have been a young king
Who called his best chefs together
Bored with apples and figs
Bring me the epitome of sweetness
In the color of courage I can taste
Extracted from our best mineral minds
Put all the trees to work till one
Can re-enclose the sun
In miniature and portable
And see to it somehow
Every child gets one

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Some Times Valentine

In my dream we meet again
How are you are you well
Well as I have every been
You were crouching down
Touching the ground
I'm growing tulips now you said
I'm not really dead
I plan on visiting Brazil
And I remembered it
Was on your bucket-list
Later that day was I
Still dreaming a hawk
Swept into the yard
Landing on the trellis
Calmly side-eyeing me
Gone as quickly as it came
Here in the city of dreams
Where we live now sometimes
I call your name
And hear you calling mine

Friday, December 6, 2024

On High Valentine

Angels speaking Spanish
On my roof Jose Jesus
And Randy three kings
Come early on St. Nicholas Day
Lifetime Roofing Systems 
Lowering a new dome
On the temple I call home
Or so I imagine it
New walls new floors
From out my crumbling ruins
Muy bien muy bien
No lo sé no lo sé
I'm blessed by a whistling bird
Angel words I do not comprehend

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Advent Calendar Valentine

No good coming into this world
If you don't intend to love it
At the first door nothing
But an endless blue sky
At the second and third the same
And at the fourth a starry night 
The first animals descending
Exiles and guests of the earth
Profligate and then removed
While we keep foraging on
I tremble to open the next
Radiant light pouring through the hinges
How long can my birth wait
For you to visit

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Back Valentine

I see the last bee of summer
Hungrily nudging the last fall flower
And wonder if she will make it home
Before the door is locked for winter
And the leaves' last thoughts
Scurrying into piles to be burnt
In the colors of their fires
Leaving the trees to shiver
Every nerve exposed
All so generously given
All that green repossessed
Even the grass goes back to heaven
In a blaze of crystal flowers
Ice and fire fill my soul

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

First Valentine

When thinking penetrates dreaming
We have the best of both worlds
The pictures and their meaning
Unraveling out of a fairy-tale
When we lived in the pictures
And the words were only sounds
Remembered and perfectly repeated
Before we knew what they meant
Once upon a time our first
Thoughts caught up with us
All our personalities appeared
In a row of trees or a lake
Just recently come across
Alive in another world

Monday, December 2, 2024

Aegean Valentine

Parmenides of Elea was the first
Translator of what is and is not
An old man when the young Socrates
Sat enthralled at his feet
Listening to his poem 'On Nature'
From which we have only left
A few tantalizing fragments
But if you know only one
Of his verses or have never
Heard of him or want to
Let this be remembered
He was also the first to see love
Was the oldest of the gods
And all the rest her offspring

Saturday, November 30, 2024

This World's Valentine

What can we surmise
About this world's aspirations
Its perennial adolescence
Its struggles to survive
If left to its own devices
On this lovely fall morning
A few years ago my neighbor's child
All he could do was scream
And now I overhear him say
'Poppa, Poppa, look I...'
One more I in the world
With its pressing needs and joys
And a smile to stop time
With each new word

Friday, November 29, 2024

Walking These Days Valentine

An arrested fall
Upright regained
Holding on to the wall
Steady Freddy
First steps last steps
Re-learn to crawl
And hoist and stand
Old body new man
Momma's guiding hand
Letting me go
Letting me fall
Where was I headed
The adventure of it all
Until I heard you call

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Cor Ad Cor Valentine

Coroneola an old Latin word
A kind of autumn rose
A heart and a hello
Now unseen unheard
Aeneas must have known it
Helen wore it in her hair
A color and an odor
Dissolving in the air
Back when there was only
Blue and red the other
Colors waiting to be bled
The Coroneola sang in autumn
As it must have once to me
Still living heart among the dead

Monday, November 25, 2024

Come The Renaissance Valentine

So it must have been with the gods
In their art of painting the human being
The master would make a sketch
Outlining the central figures
Completing only a hand or a face
While his apprentices would come behind
Filling in the details emerging
From the mountains in the background
All thought out ahead of time
And sometimes the master would return
To erase even his own work
With a wash of greenish paint
And start again to sketch
A whole new human being

Sunday, November 24, 2024

A Little More Valentine

Laying in bed at night
Glancing back over the day
I feel the world whirling
Around me a humming hurricane
Of lit-up cities and barren spaces
I try to be peaceful after all
In the eerie eye of my storm
And focus on the random things
That happened to me
My few waking thoughts
Until I come back to your face
Having lunch together
While you divulged a little
More of your mystery to me
Just before I fall asleep

Friday, November 22, 2024

Unseen Valentine

Are those two saguaros new
Next to the optometrist's
Across from the post office
I've never noticed them before
Five-footers in their adolescence
But when I ask I'm told
They were planted years ago
Right on that busy corner
I've passed a thousand times before
Finally stopped for the light
I pulled up next to their green 
Presence and asked them really
How long they 'd been standing there
But they just gazed at one another
Two lost souls stuck in traffic
Far from home an old man
Blankly staring up at them

Thursday, November 21, 2024

In The Beginning Was Geometry Valentine

Of the infinite number of ways
Three lines could come together
(If lines could think)
A perfect triangle would form
Once in that series
An instrument to be seized
The gods could really use
To unwind another world
They could feel how the heart
Would have to emerge first
Right out of a fiery circle
While it was still burning
Then plunged into cold water
Warmed and filled with light
And the pulse resume its yearning

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Better Half Valentine

The part of me
That doesn't love me
 Fortunately married 
All these years
To the part of me that does
After our brief
Passionate affair
But you kept leaving me
For some other life
Then showing up again
No where else to go
Begging me to take you in
How could I love to live
Without you by my side
Who else will forgive my sins

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Visitor's Valentine

My restless cat keeps staring up
Annoyed at the empty chair
Where she often loves to sit
As if it's already occupied
By some invisible spirit
Only she can see
Who I have called
To visit me a creature
Of the sun that fills
And warms the seat
While I wait opposite
In chilly shade for it to say 
How its light gets made
From love that's lived
On such another day

Monday, November 18, 2024

At Hand Valentine

Is Virgo Venus redivivus 
Beauty rising from her bed
Standing to receive at last
The serpent and the crown
How long will she lie asleep
Dreaming of that star's gleaming
Nesting in her growing womb
Is she frightened so alone
A quiet comely girl called to be
The sorrowful queen of joy
Did she pause before she rose
Conscious of the gods' decision
Swaying toward the balance
Feeling the sun bearing down
The moon carving its incision

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Finally Valentine

Finally I got down upon my knees
And pruned away the choking weeds
Invading my gold lantana
Prayers down always work
Unless they lead to willful action
Leggy the lantana had grown
And needed cutting of its own
Some straying branches had to do
Unfortunately without their flowers
Until finally only one was left
A new unfolding umbel
A bud made up of many
Tiny flowers woven in a whirl
Delivered from the evil
Of this too eager world

Friday, November 15, 2024

Promised Valentine

Don't forget morning
Actually gets its start
At the midnight hour
When the darkness
Falls over into
The completeness
Of its illusion
Long before the light
Clocks in if
Sun there is
That dawn is a promise
The darkness
However deep
Even if reluctantly
Must keep

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Somehow Valentine

He says the gods go on surviving
On the spirit bread we bring them
Our own souls baked and steaming
That aroma in the morning
Their tongues watering for a taste
Of some sweetness saved
Or even a stale crust to chew
But somehow they make do
On our thin earthly gruel
And get on with their daily tasks
Of plowing and reaping
Pushing the chariot sun
Up over their seeded ground
And doling out the rain

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Only Today Valentine

When we divide yesterday 
Into tomorrow something
Is always left over
The remainder we call today
A pittance of hours
For our chores and prayers
But how carry over the one
Still living body we love
If only for another few words
Before we fall asleep again
And sail out on eternity's seas
Our dreams' frail boats
In search of something
We can call a soul

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Solely Valentine

Tap-tap-tap the flicker's beak
On the door of a dying tree
That opens on a vestibule of blue
A life without leaves to see
One's way back to the trailing sun
But just enough to stand there
Like a naked phallic Greek
Expounding his geometry 
Of light-constructed lines
Crossing one another in the wind
A skeleton of pregnant limbs
Solely dependent now
On the charity of stars the moon's
Slow keening in the snow

Monday, November 11, 2024

Remembered Valentine

I went out walking in my head
Among the waves of words
Written on the stony graves
All my dead thoughts
Turning in their tidy plots
Who fought in heaven's wars
And fell to earth like rain
In search of that single name
Hidden among roses I remember
Planting in another life
Finding only an empty tomb
Still warm from the sun
That filled it with a body's heat
A heart just entering a womb

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Egg Of Light Valentine

The almost real and the post-real
The surreal and the plain real
All seem combined in an egg
Dangling above the heads
Of a couple getting married
In one of Raphael's paintings
The critics think it a symbol
Of purity overcoming passion
But I'm not sure it isn't
Something Raphael added
Out of his own second sight
Not a custom of that time
All of his Madonnas are lovers
And all of his lovers Madonnas
All he painted was the light

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Unrescued Valentine

I climbed too high
And many books and I
Came crashing to the floor
I lay immobilized
My lifetime's library
Pummeling my chest
One grazed my closing eye
Until all was silence rising
From a hundred sacred texts
It was the end of knowledge
A few broken bones
A few unfinished novels
I couldn't but moan and grin
Watching the dust settle in

Friday, November 8, 2024

I Call Him Buster Valentine

I'm thinking of setting
A mouse-trap for that
Clever cat hiding
Among the branches
Grown too close
To the bird-bath
Where the creaking doves
And eager sparrows come
To drink I have
To cut them back
But that's just one
Of several tasks
I never seem to get to
I say I'm waiting
For my friend to come
On that perfect fall day
To prune and rake with me
To put the garden to bed
And celebrate our dead
And feed that ravenous cat

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Double's Dream Valentine

I ran into my double
In last night's dream
We were descending
A set of narrow
Mental stairs together
Him close behind
A large man in black
Hat and voluminous cloak
I stopped to let him
Pass but smiling
Through his moustache
He insisted I go first
So I hurried on ahead
Veritably flying down
Those steps to where
Our train was waiting
To take us through
All night we sat
Trading secrets
And philosophies by morning
We had reached a compromise
He would leave me
His cloak and hat
And I would leave him my eyes

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

What Valentine

A country can be taken to be
A single personality whose cells
And parts work on mechanically
Somewhere after thirty
The biography shifts
And all that was gained
Or lost in childhood
Slithers toward Jerusalem
Never was a town more taken
Apart and patched together
The city of a personality
A mother and a child
What does the world hate more
I ask you fathers

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

In Valentine

The why is in the how
The when is in the where
The that is in the this
And I am in your arms
This is my philosophy today
Holding and being held
Its central theme and mood
Of which there is never enough
Good news bad news
Both excuse embrace
Freely given freely received
In which whole bodies
Listen closely to each other's
Hearts thrumming in unison
The grief is in the joy

Monday, November 4, 2024

November Valentine

It's good I have a spare life
When this one has to go
My dreamed me at night
Where strangely I feel
More alive than in this one
And where I wake to a world
Hardening out of that one
It can be dizzying at times
Going back and forth
Whoever I am in my dream
Always seems the better me
Someone I would like to be
More honest and more brave
Fallen but getting up

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Short Course Of My Loves Valentine

Mr. Keats and Mr. Shelley
Compose the underbelly
Of modern poetry
They speak again in Yeats
Who looked like Blake
And swore like Baudelaire
Who kept the flame alive
Even as it consumed him
I imagine the poets on earth
Meeting up annually with those
Who go on writing them in heaven
Where they all get drunk together
Taxied home by their angels
Muttering their dreams

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Your Valentine

My boundless pride
Is always quarreling
With my inadequate humility
Like anxious parents
Over their restless ego child
Who must be torn apart
Needing them both
And needing to escape them both
But the child must be rich
And prodigal before it crosses
The sixty leagues of love
It must lose all its hopes
And laughter except
This last one you

Friday, November 1, 2024

Still Singing Valentine

Three tasks the heart is gifted
To think to feel to act
And occasionally to sing together
When the spirit lifts its baton
And some new strain dips down
Into the corporeal brain
A gold glimmer come and gone
Of light becoming song
That stuns and thrills
But never lasts too long
But just enough to hear
They're still singing us into being
That whole orchestra of gods
On this ordinary morning

Thursday, October 31, 2024

What Fall Is For Valentine

Narrow my yard
Weedy my head
The flowers final hours
My two trees stare
At one another lovers
Tearing off their clothes
Let's make a child
Let's make another world
Let's sink our teeth
In the pomegranate's flesh
And lay our bodies down
Exhausted in the grass
Now we know that death's a ruse
And only love will last

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

The Phoenix Valentine

The Phoenix is a made-up bird
The fierce head of an eagle
The brilliant colors of a pheasant
The wide wingspread of an angel
Can't you see it's love's emblem
Bathed and burning in the fire
Of its own freeing destruction
Every evening smouldering to ashes
Which the earth gladly accepts
And carries to its central source
Every dawn it's sent
Aloft again however love
Construes it even now
It's kindling its assumption
In your heart's imminent flight

Monday, October 28, 2024

Peering Valentine

On one of the pick flagstones
A cricket is leaping and leaping
As if it was a trampoline
And it a little girl bouncing
Bouncing and laughing
Or bouncing and weeping
I can't tell if it's joy or woe
Thrown off with each ascension
But for a moment they relinquish
Their bodies and hang suspended
Defying the will of the world
A little higher and higher each time
Peering over the edge of something
That feels sublime

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Taken Valentine

On this blue morning sky
A child of chance has drawn
Behold a five-pointed star
From contrails and clouds
Slowly forming slowly fading
Each of its lines breaking off
In different directions 
The way a soul falls apart
Disappearing over the entrance
Of a deeper world
Someone has taken his star
And gone back to being
A clear blue sky
Another morning making

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Earth's Valentine

Now we come to the part
In the twisting mystery of man
Where everyone meets
Everyone else even if only
In a mute introductory way
After our long divorce
We are starting to come back
To this sweet earth
With fewer and fewer
Misconceptions about what
We are doing here
It's still early days
But darkness can only deepen
Into light what else
Was it born to be

Friday, October 25, 2024

Stillness At Last Valentine

What the gods had in mind
In their enthusiasm and confidence
When they decided to hurl themselves
Out of the darkness of blissful love
And dissolve in a fiery mist
Was us and not just us
Even this day they thought of though
And how far their light could travel
Into falling leaves and dying flowers
Until it reaches the flesh and blood
I get to call my separate self
I turn back to remember
Those first few days of being held
That first sublime October

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Boundless Valentine

The sequences of slavery
Are not mocked they fall
On to limbs these chains
No mercy for the blind
The first is merely the delusion
I can rape and kill you
Terrorize you into a submission
So complete you thank me
But there are so many other ways
Of binding and being bound
The appearance of this world
Just the last frontier last gasp
Where freedom takes its stand
In seeing I was always free

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Mythological Valentine

The first time I saw the Mississippi 
Was from a hillside above Genoa
Wisconsin on a visit on a whim
To my genius friend struggling
For a place for his brilliance
To land he had found the story
Of Gilgamesh and planned
To make a modern movie of it
He showed me his first magical slides
And played me the synthesized
Music that would accompany them
All I remember is one
Of a wheelchair flying over the moon
Whatever that could mean
He had a flair for irony
A startling wit and a taste
For drinking me under the table
He traveled the country until
We lost track of one another
But then years later he called
Drunk in the middle of the night
Lost and crying incoherently
Until I had to hang up on him
And weep for Enkidu dying

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Finding That Book Valentine

I had little time to read
Another book already
Leaning stacks of them
Loomed on several tables
Must-reads before I pass
But as soon as I glanced
Over the first few pages
I couldn't put it down
I felt immediately it knew
And implicated me
In the single most important
Question we all carry
How not to hold my life too dear
How only love can stifle fear

Monday, October 21, 2024

Finally Valentine

With a single unexpected gesture
Surrendering to his sadness
He leaned his head against the wall
Feeling it was all for naught
The one thing he was good at
No longer wanted by the world
Outnumbered by his failures
To have learned to love
When the offer was there
Finally he had come to the one joy
His whole life could afford
And picked up the phone
To call his granddaughter 
Just to hear her voice

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Left Valentine

While I slept
A brief rain fell
I'd left the window open
So the room was filling
With the cooling air
Softly prodding me awake
But something deeper
Was pulling me under
And I vainly struggled
To retrieve my dream
We were so real and rushing
To catch some train
Love had just entered us
And then it started to rain

Friday, October 18, 2024

All I Know Valentine

Metal screams at metal
Turned against itself
In the forges of heaven
Actually just across the way
My neighbor in his garage
On the first cool day
We've not bothered with names
But I've watched his wife and son
Grow older with us over the years
He's built a private business
Mending cars and drives around
In his black Mercedes
That's all I know of them
And they even less of me
And screams carried on the breeze

Thursday, October 17, 2024

The Happy Debtor's Valentine

Justly my debtors need
My just debts be paid
So they can pay their debtors
But the debt is never paid
More added on along the way
All my life I've taken
Trying to pay it off
Often building to the brink
It can no longer be forgiven
So let's just get this straight
Once and for all forever
You owe me nothing right
And I owe you everything

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Across The Yard Valentine

Vatic with a grin
Buddha baby death
Sits across the yard
Nervous as a secret
Shrouded in flowers
We generally agree
On all the details
But he's a little squishy
On the dates
When he signed his last will
He included a codicil
Stipulating preparations
For another fall his final
Burial and entombment
Never admitting for a moment
That had happened long ago

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

October Mind Valentine

His burial came in the spring
When his body became the seasons
So in the fall you could feel
Him weaving in the air
And you could almost sense him
In the dead leaves lifting
Almost palpable where the last
Flowers embrace the first frost
In love with the earth
As he had always been
I have watched him stand
For hours in a shorn field
His thoughts so still and magical
Even if only in my mind

Monday, October 14, 2024

Dancing Valentine

If these words weren't wood
I could carve your face
On a cane and hobble
Around the yard dancing
To make us laugh
Which is not always easy
To be silly children together
I remember that picture
When you slapped a bunch
Of carrots over my waist
And made me blush and laugh
At the camera's click
'The juxtaposition of the incongruous'
That's what love is

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Alexei's Valentine

No one would be more surprised
Than him if he had not returned
To his own country knowing full well
What would happen to him there
He was a person entirely himself
Who must be restless in heaven
Away from all he loved
Remember he left them all
Behind in the end
Left death itself behind
For those devils to test him
Because he thought not much
Of himself but loved his family
He knew he would return
Searching for his own country
In their faces

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Two Skills Valentine

Soft blows of a hammer on wood
Tapping it all perfectly into place
My neighbor's always making crosses
Or working on his salvaged cars
Two skills I never mastered
Though I did lease a little factory
Of words on the outskirts of town
Until I filled it up
With useless fictions and had to
Burn it down to stay alive
One bone-chilling night
I had yet to learn the carpentry
Of invisible things
How to set the heart humming

Friday, October 11, 2024

Seasons Of Heaven Valentine

I imagine our earth
Must have filtered down
Out of heaven the heaviest
Silvery pieces of sand
Reflecting everything above
Cascading down to the bottom
Heaven's soul birthing these bodies
From the rain and the mud
Into such marvelous creatures
But it must have been we
Ourselves who were clamoring
To be alive on this earth
As if only those who've known the depths
Could create from bodies a new heaven

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Leo's Valentine

When Leo Tolstoy compiled
His own holy gospel
Weaving together selections
From the other four
He bypasses the whole
Bethlehem story the shepherds
And the stars followed
A mother's worries for her child
And at the end there is no
Resurrection no Emmaus
It all stops suddenly at the cross
Was it his melancholic nature
Blinding him to the best parts
The good was it made a small book
Soldiers could carry over their hearts

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Ceremonial Valentine

All we know about the past
Might be divided
Between awe and loss
If you look at the hand-prints
Emblazoned on the cave wall
One miraculous event after
Another and another
And at the same time
A skipping broken record
When all we had was our hand-prints
We had to put them on the wall
Where it was not lost on us
You would certainly find them
In the fellowship of the heart

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Thirsty Valentine

He too lived in a desert
Where the heat of summer
Can get so intense it starts
To melt the soul
Forests turning into flames
Burning sand with a single lake
Who knew when I got here
Geography was fate
Climate an arranged marriage
Which could be why he
Only spoke of flowers once
In words that sound like
What you might say
To soothe a child

Monday, October 7, 2024

Last Stop Valentine

Having sown themselves
They spread around the yard
But why do I want
To tell you about them
They are just purple flowers
Tall trumpets blaring
Their silence in the sun
Because I know you too
Would admire their stature
And their tact each bloom
The last stop on the road
To the invisible world
Their thin skin separating us
And yet offering us a way in

Sunday, October 6, 2024

The Limits Of Language Valentine

Yitcon Stein Victim Sign
Vidkin Stein Vet Constrain
Victim Stain Vince I Am
Drinken Stein Thicken Stein
Rickon Stein Pitkin Stein
Veteran Stein Vetcon Stein
Vilkon Stein Vat Contains
Vidkin Stein Victim Stein
Victor Stein Fit Con Stein
Vector Rhyme Wit Gen Stein
Victor Shaw

The New Eleusis Valentine

I've been reading Plato's Proclus
And the other sacred masters
Alongside the latest poems and novels
Until it's all a fine muddle
Weren't the first hymns
To Chaos and Bewilderment
The god Ignorance
Who is torn to pieces
By the intervening years
Of conscientious study
Of moods and words
Connections we know are there
Now more and more begin to hear
The call of that first human being
Who looks exactly like you
Recognizable in all the stories

Friday, October 4, 2024

Sky Harbor Valentine

I imagine a little bag we all carry
For stuffing things we really need
To hold on to and I don't mean memory
Or maybe it's just a pocket
Where you keep a still
Unwritten note to yourself
Always ready to present it
To guarantee your flight
Or a purse where you know you put
The password somewhere in here
Emptied on the counter
That little bag of necessities
Waste and treasure saved
You imagine will get you on that plane

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Invented Valentine

After marvelous encounters
With great personalities
Clearly not all of this world
After long conversations
About why so many languages
Long gone or just coming into being
We finally invented a speech
Of our own an affection
In the air dividing the light
Between us which myself
Would be the first to relinquish
If I can only keep one promise
Let it be to trust you completely
My angel and real friend
If not for my sake then for yours

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Not Totally Eclipsed Valentine

The unheard voices of the past
The silent orchestra behind the world
Stone words of the amphitheater
Still as muted roars
The stark cargo of deeds
Stuck just above the horizon
Hope like a blinking child
Your own sleeping in your arms
But he had a solemn voice
That went back to the bards
You could hear the swish
Of dresses dancing
You could feel the breeze
Of it all still happening

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Love Story Valentine

In my supposedly October yard
I found the natural world
In a state of humming suspense
Summer keeping its grip
Forcing its flowers
Into a second bloom
And still it dreams on 
Like a sleeper in a house on fire
I could feel the heat of other worlds
Flames turning us into flames
And what if it never ends
Never finds its lover in the fall
Only to lose it all come winter
Cast out here in the desert of desire

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Michaelmas Valentine

I'm the same age now
As he was when he received
The invitation to the wedding
Of the king and queen
While I'm still waiting
For a subtle sign or even
A little bit of heaven to open
My cloudy eyes to read
The true history of the soul
He left behind at the center
The vision of Venus sleeping
The pang of her beautiful being
Still pounding in his heart
And what she would say on waking

Friday, September 27, 2024

Birthday Valentine

I dreamed I was sorting things
Long colorful bolts of silk
Arranging them into a display
I had no idea what it meant
Or even if I was getting it right
But I felt strangely content
To have been asked to do it
My assignment for the night
I wondered while I worked
Inventing new rainbows as I went
Hoisting them into place
What festive garments they would make
And if I might one day be
Worthy enough to wear one

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Parlay With My Archangel Valentine

When we finally met
Like weary soldiers
Bloody from the battlefield
So I could tender my surrender
After my final defeat
You were firm but gracious
You wouldn't have me killed
But confident in the power
Of your mercy tame me
If I would be tamed
Leaving it to me to decide
To be a private in your
Army of light or a petty
General in my mind

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Fleeing Valentine

Reality is not what it could be
It longs for better days
Once a beautiful city
Now a bombed-out ruin
But reality was prepared for this
And fled to friends in the north
Who offered a tiny cabin in the woods
As if reality could live alone
So it fled west to join
Other refugees on a sinking boat
Arrested when they came ashore
Where it settled in for the duration
Where as luck would have it
It was befriended by a group
Of eager children playing ball

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Miscellaneous Valentine

I may be an ant before you
But even an ant can cry out
For the resumption of your glory
Having played its part
Sometimes the daughter of trauma
Or the son of a dream
End up in the same poem
Struggling to get out
I have assembled all my arguments
Against you world and gods
And find them wanting
Not reason but heart
Don't you feel in the fall
How gravity grows stronger
Even your soul gets taken down

Monday, September 23, 2024

Finally Fall Valentine

I can still quiet my mind
A green yard taught me young
How to do it how to stand
Up and holler for attention
In front of that large mob of thoughts
So it all goes calm as grass
And I can see how beauty only
Dips her toe in to what
We see here as fallen flowers
Where what we call ugly
Is not to have loved enough
By that first day of fall
So your heart just floats there
Like an empty sunny field
No one stopping by

When Light And Dark Are Equal Valentine

Wishes look regrets
Turned inside out
Even at three we want
To do it ourselves
Only our will to go on
Only an unoccupied outline
An indefensible scribble to offer
But isn't it important we begin
In a completely helpless way
That we remember the time
Before memory intruded
With its ideas of empty space
That someone holds us tightly
And we are given another chance
At some innocence and peace

Friday, September 20, 2024

They Keep Trying Valentine

In the local calendar of birds
The mockingbird resembles September
When they return without a word
About where they've been
Or what they've been up to
Not every backyard gets one
That whole first month is spent
Inspecting the boundaries of song
Testing their resolve 
To sum up the summer
To make a little book of it
Another lost gospel
Pages and pages of nights
Trying again to sing
The whole world awake

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Simultaneous Valentine

Things born at the same time
Like trees and thinking
Or the moon and feeling
Or the oceans and longing
Minds that appear at the same time
After long preparation together
Bearing the marvelous and the new
Then resuming their places in the sky
Light that comes at the end of the day
Flaring and urging us to follow
Into the other side of things
All of us dreaming at the same time
Slowly unwinding the same dream
From which there's no need to awaken

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Pale Green Valentine

If I subtract my thinking
And circumvent my feeling
Is the product not some moss
Getting ready to bloom
Under a quaking aspen
Or a stand of cedars
I like to think we could
Have been on a bleak shore
Before the birds and animals
Descended ready to be us
But it's all still there
Our childhoods waiting to be rescued
That green we have transformed
Into enough innocence to go on

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Of Course Valentine

Conscience like a cat
Leaps into my lap
Settles in and purrs
Her little soul assembling all
My venial and immortal crimes
Until she falls asleep and dreams
Of slowly becoming a human being
With a will and an I of her own
Suddenly she wakes and glares at me
Of course you ate the apple
It was juicy and delicious
The first tart taste of freedom 
Dripping from your mouth
Leaving you hungry for more
More and more of becoming you

Monday, September 16, 2024

A Gardener's Regrets Valentine

From this safe distance
I can't tell if my hibiscus
Is dead or setting new leaves
On its gray bare branches
When the honeysuckle breached
The top of the trellis some
Went south some north
And some kept going up
The blue-flowering tree 
Intensified into a haven
For the Verdin and the red
Finches chattering away
The cruel sun mostly kept me inside
Watching it all grow wild
Have I wasted my life

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Do You Valentine

I think the gingerly first step
From phosphorus to plant
Was just as mighty as the leap
From the grass to the animals 
That eat it having developed
A soul perfect for its locale
But do you recall the moment
You woke aware of yourself
As your own species never before
Seen on the earth in this
Particular configuration
That heady first taste of freedom
The phosphorus in your mouth
That set you burning to be you

Friday, September 13, 2024

Stolen Light Valentine

How did they steal the light
And bear it to our infant sight
When everything was night
Did they creep behind the curtain
When the guardian was sleeping
Did they storm the holy shrine
The gold they couldn't touch
But the silver they made off with
Shattering it to pieces until
They themselves began to shine
Father Saturn Mother Sun
Brother Moon Sister Earth
It was all a cozy plan
Until the stars invented man

Thursday, September 12, 2024

US Valentine

Now that America's old
Doppelganger regularly
Appears on everyone's TV
Right up in your face
We get to see the possibilities
Of ignorance and darkness
In a more unavoidable way
A good part of our group soul
Still predatory and greedy
So many unloved children
With only a thin margin
Out there in here between
Half in love with freedom
Half in love with being chained

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Rain Prayer Valentine

If the plants make up the letters
And the animals form the words
And the stark stars run on 
Like sentences what language
Is being overheard
Doesn't the rain sound a little 
Lithuanian to you as if
Mumbled by a French child
The gutturals and accent ague 
Words that are the clatter
They speak of water
You can write with
They paint the sea like love
With a gray burnish a sky
Of total relinquishment above

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Archive Of The Future Valentine

I keep looking back amazed
At the history of us humans
Every day I search for a few simple facts
Only to be outnumbered by vague opinions
Did you know we almost lost
Most of Aristotle's works
Stored in a damp basement
By one of his closest friends
Imagine them crumbled to dust
But rescued at the last minute
By a greedy bookseller for cost
Every day I search for those
Everything-is-lost moments
That come and go in our history
That something marvelous and terrible
Almost didn't happen and then it did

Monday, September 9, 2024

Roadside Valentine

Having perceived the planets spinning
In the plants having received
The animals roaming in the stars
And gone out to see them from behind
Having beheld the mineral I
Buried deep in the dark earth
And still flowing in from distant space
Having met the looming figure
On the road and been thrown back
Upon myself I call on you
Who did once make me
To beget me again and again
Until we have the thing we wanted
Enough love to set us free

Friday, September 6, 2024

North Shore Bay Valentine

How far is one thought
Buried from another
A matter of feet between graves
In the Head Cemetery
Room left for the mowers
To bring some order in between
So the paths stay open
So you can find the stone
That bears the memory 
Of your name a whole
Family of thoughts risen
Long since wandered off
But still we bring them roses
Say their names and see their faces

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Back Home Valentine

I dreamed a great being
Strolling the beaches of the stars
Extinguishing the darkness
Around her as she sailed
Came upon our bright blue stone
Plucking it from the sand
With a child's joy
At finding a keeper but
Under her microscope back home
She saw it was some kind of seed
The blue sheen just the outer covering
And when she teased its wings apart
She found a tiny infant's eyes
Staring right back up at hers
Which made her laugh and cry
And shook me hard awake

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Walled Like Uruk Valentine

Each of us with our own
Entourage of spirits around us
Our own secret service followers
To protect us and arrest us
Each of us a monarch mind
Whose courtiers bow and scrape
Whose wise advisors tell us
What to say and think
Or it could be a circle of friends
A family of overlapping ideas
Who perceive you at your best
Even when you least expect it
These thoughts won't leave you alone
Until you can create your own

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

What Challenges You Valentine

The challenge for the garden gods
Having worked through all their seeds
Was to culminate in the string section
Moving among the trees
Just think what it takes
Over a passionate summer
To learn all those notes and tremors
And then to be deflowered
By some random breeze
To give your body away
With hardly a muffled cry
To have been loved into life
By the weary garden gods
And know you will never die

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Surrounded Valentine

More and more the commonplace
Reveals the presence of the archetypal
The three of us having a meal together
Starving and wolfing it down
Assuming symbolic proportions
Surrounding our awareness
That we are more than ourselves
The conversation takes a serious turn
When you speak of your dying mother
How hard you are working
To keep her alive and yet
You admit without death
The world would grind to a halt
The eternal would play no part

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Seen Sometimes Valentine

A flicker lives in my head
And one in my blue-breaking tree
Easy for me to get them confused
The bright fierce bird outside
With the one that flickers inside
Two lights with a branch between
Seen sometimes flashing brainward
I think these two are mates
Alive in two adjoining cages
Longing to link together
And become one winged word
With a laddered back
And a hooked beak
That could eat your heart out

Friday, August 30, 2024

Paradise Eyes Valentine

They could see all of paradise at first
And of course they fell in love
But what were they closed to
That the beautiful garden snake
Could promise her he'd open
If she just ate this apple I mean
Are there two sets of eyes
That open on different worlds
Where they floated for a while
Resting on a leaf where they moulted
Casting off their invisible skin
It has been centuries settling in
Too long under this borrowed light
For our paradise eyes not to open again

Thursday, August 29, 2024

He Was Beheaded Today Valentine

Now that we can hold our brains
In the palms of our hands
And peer into our crystal balls
And can dial up God or the gods
If we have something to learn
About ancient libraries
Or just need a plumber
To talk us down to earth
Distance means nothing
When water comes from the faucet
And we wear the same smile
All my angels are practical people
I earnestly depend upon
And just a text away

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Do I Know You Valentine

On the long screened porch
At twilight of an old whaling
Captain's rambling house
I found you sitting by yourself
Watching the tide sweeping the light
Far out into the starry bay
It was the first time I saw you
As a real person in your own right
With your own inner struggles
Having nothing and everything
To do with me your curious son
But now years later I want
What I didn't want then
To go and sit beside you
And ask you all my questions
And answer all of yours
And then just sit in silence
Amazed and satisfied

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Those Valentine (for Paul)

Those with whom you are merely familiar
(Familiarity breeds a family)
And those who you really embrace
And work for their respect
Those who may accompany you
Even over great distances
Losing touch out of time
Those you know who trust
Something more beautiful
Than themselves the first
Friendship lies with the self
But the template for it waits outside
With those who can be counted on
But a few fingers securely touching
Those we live for those we love

Monday, August 26, 2024

Thanks To Him Valentine

I know she's doing mostly well
In heaven because she was
So gregarious here on earth
People really interested her
But I worry about my dead father
A man I found hard to love
Though I was glad my brother
And sister could make him laugh
Which left me free to wander
The slums and galleries of Toronto
When I showed him one of my poems
Ashamed to ask for his approval
He passed it back to me with a grin
Son I have no idea what this means
And that laugh we shared together

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Being Seen valentine

How to prepare to see them
And not just sense them there
The bodiless ones surrounding us
Who breath a more delicate air
Is it partly because we don't want
To see what they see
With their enormous gaze
Now they know the other side
Of who we are swallowing
All the distances between
Slowly like feeding newborn chicks
Some worms among the seeds
They are bringing us all along
For the purpose of some song

Friday, August 23, 2024

Empty Valentine

Turning the empty pages
Of the book of the moon
Like being back in school
Opening those first blank pages
Of our very own notebooks
As if the teacher had given
Each of us a little soul
Newly-printed a little stiff
To write our crooked letters in
Before they became words
Impatient to be spoken
That moment the moon remembers
That whiteness ruffled by the wind
That hush of joy in the room

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Summer's End Valentine

Why are some butterflies
So frantic except when
They're so still the ones
With the smaller wings
Have to beat faster to carry
Their huge auras while
The swallowtails and monarchs
Can afford to float
And yet stay fragile
For a thousand miles
In a wet patch of grass
I found a Least Skipper
Would you believe she asked
Three generations every year

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Rainbow Moon Valentine

What if the moon
Wore a different 
Color every month
A procession of moods
Moving through the spectrum
Each full moon etched
With a little image
An ethereal pictograph
Then tonight we'd see returning
A woman in a thalo blue robe
Bearing the child of fall
In her arms the cooling nights
The harrowed fields of light
Full of sorrow and expectation

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Researching Valentine

The will has a will of its own
How often it gets in destiny's way
And even the most vigilant heart
Has been known to skip a beat
When you walk into the room
We say the mind's made up
As if it were an imaginary thing
And not the restless traveler it seems
Sometimes my soul feels drawn
And quartered by the world
What I want and feel and do
My will on Mars my head
On Venus and oh my heart
Still in love with the earth               

Monday, August 19, 2024

That Word Valentine

What love do I mean
When I say that word
When there seem to be so many
Different enthusiasms evoked
That qualify for its use
Does it feel like it loses
Some of its power and focus
When that's just not true
It's the only word we have
That's strong enough to grow
Into being applied eventually
To everything and everyone
Even all we fear and hate
Whether it comes soon or late