Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Texted Valentine

Yes I miss you too and sweethearts what do I do while I miss you is
I get up early I bundle up and take my coffee to the porch where the
cat I can’t call her ‘my cat’ any more than she can call me ‘her master’
we don’t have that kind of relationship but she likes to curl up in my
lap and purr and keep me warm while I keep an eye on the birds and
the atmosphere like today a beautifully notched zipper of a contrail
opened the clouds and the whole sky flushed pink at my happiness
I still have that effect on things sooner or later I will write this down
because I’ve never been able to stop myself from doing it but these
empty days are so full of words and pictures I can hardly keep up it
must be because you inspire me so I never want to miss a day like
this when so much happens that can’t be missed as you are never
really you are so there and now with me as I am here with you

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