Thursday, December 31, 2020

My Last Memory Valentine

In the midst of remembering everything
You said forgetting is a kind of turning
Aside a pause for a moment I can't
Remember what I haven't
First forgotten or what
Comes next is a blur
A slowly clarifying picture
Now that I remember you
Remembering the end of us
Was really the beginning
Of memory's tricks and tortures
The elusive truths for which
The future searches
Knowing you're among them

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Darling Valentine

Do we take the light
For granted and then
When it turns its back 
On us we sleep
Through its specters 
Darling light
Creeps up
Through the ground now
To warm and chill us
But what if no one
Knows it no one
Notices its arrival
As if the sun rose up
And no one turned to see

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Half A Valentine

In the first half of our lives
Spent in various schools of thought
We learned to put things together
And pull them apart
Amassing a foolish wisdom
In the process of thinking
Our way into the heart
But then everything stopped
And started back the other way
In the second half of our lives
We began to trade everything
We'd learned for love
Until there was nothing left
Of wisdom's wounds

Monday, December 28, 2020

Thought Valentine

I thought of God as a thought
That thinks the world and us
Being one coherent thought
Eloquently put continuously
Into every language picture
I thought God as a thought
So needed the world
And us his thinking
Could reach even us
His goodness would
Command it his feeling
For life would fill it
I thought of God
Not as the thoughts
But the thinking

Yellow Valentine

I'm going
to take a hot
after I 
rake these
I could
the tree 
but I wait
for each
one to come
down in
its own
good time
I have
my rake 
and arms
and legs

Feast of the Innocents Valentine

What a risk
he takes
on us
he did not
into it
but came
wanting it
to place it
all on us
that we too
may yet prove
a fine wine
a nourishing

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Don We Now Valentine

For my 77th Christmas
The only thing in  the whole sky
Is the cloud of a dove I swear
The size of a mountain
Coasting by emblem of love
Searching with its questing eye
(We can only see it from one side)
For some pure heart to nest in
One time long ago it must
Have found one and so returns
Year after year anxiously seeking
Those who trail after him
Ranks of spirits on thrones
Scouring the earth with green
And above where love is
The bluest emptiest garment of sky

Monday, December 21, 2020

Momentary Valentine

The planets pick up where we leave off
And carry us to our next assignments
They let us rest a while in their lights
Sketching out new provinces and maps
Planting them in us while we dream
And stand there at the end of fields
Winter farmers gazing back
Singing their seeds to wake and stretch
Each in its own delicate moment
They too are subject to a greater weather
The alignment of a deeper will
Through calm and torment
Opposing and conjoining still
As love would have it

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Geneology of the Spirit Valentine

Both my parents have passed away
Their parents and their siblings
All the way back till the blood gets lost
I can trace the proliferating branches
Ranged above me out of sight
As if I were the trunk from which
They'd sprung and not another falling leaf 
But this Christmas we all got together
I was just sitting there when
Suddenly they all surrounded me
Circle upon circle rippling out
So many surprised recognitions
Until we filled the world and more
With not a single soul left out

Saturday, December 19, 2020

What Valentine

What makes the earth the envy
Of the cosmos and cradles it
Among fiery architects of light
The eccentric orbits of archangels
And lifts it up as its first-born
Exalts it among the hordes of suns and moons
What puts its finger just here 
On the shining gem of the wound
The perfect climate for imperfection
And says yes I will settle here
And make me a human creature
The oddest thing in the universe
I will place an infant in his arms
And wait till he comes home to me

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Earth's Valentine

I will not rise again
When I am dead
Unless someone rises in me
While I am here on earth
The soul is a fledgling bird
Whose wings weren't meant
To merely flap about
Rearranging the nest
But must learn to lift
Off into the air from tree
To tree if it's ever
To make the great migration
Through many resurrections
Sun and star light in its veins

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Ceremony For A Stopping Valentine

When the sun stops from our prospect
We stop too and turn around
And look back at ourselves as we really are
A split-second is all we can take
And then we turn to face the sun
With the strength of someone
Standing just behind us
Who's been there all along
And all the mercy we have gathered
In our lives so far is added in
To tip the scales as we wait there
Wavering in the sight of the great stars
Wavering above us so it all
Starts to sway like a body on a donkey
As the sun-child turns back our way

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Kept Valentine

It never gets really dark here in December
Though you can sense the light descending
Like someone sipping from a glass
The sun's warmth less and less
Which is a blessing given our long hot summers
But having grown up there in the north
I would not call it winter either
What we have here in December
More like a pausing in suspension
You can hear the earth breath in
Up there in a gasp of snow and ice
While here we keep the spring alive
For you its sunny days and chilly nights 
The love of expectation in the trembling air

Monday, December 14, 2020

His Valentine

In the difficult process of discovering myself
I had often to revise my maps
Encountering new continents and skies
Just as I was settling in
Something was always welling up
In my limbs and the back
Of my head would start to glow
And I'd be off again to find
The lost people of my origin
How could what was inside me
Not be as various as everything
Around me orphaned as the world
Searching for a friend to find me
And smiling recognize me in himself

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Running Valentine

I ran to get my binoculars and book
But there was only your spirit hawk circling 
I ran to get my old photographs
To find you there still smiling
I ran my fingers over your face
To feel the light still lifting
Did I run out on you
Or you on me here drifting
You were always running in
And out of time I ran
To get my arms around you
Hold you up and hold you down
It was like reaching for a hawk
It was like loving in the dark

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Kiki's Valentine

Be one who is always reaching for beauty
In whatever form it comes toward you
Let it bless you as you pass by
Pushed on to what she points to
A lost sense of the sacred you pursue
The holy and unholy ugliness
At first of the truth taking off her veils
The simple goodness of a child you felt
Must be there behind everything
The child cowering in the cupboard
The child teaching in the temple
The child you were and are and will be
Let beauty go by you
For only what is good is true

Above All Valentine

Above all I trust the mockingbird
In my pomegranate tree
Will be there when I look up
Or will soon be back
He has his territorial obligations
But comes home to practice his singing
As if he was on his way to Broadway
Or paradise or The Paradise Shack
He has such dedication to the song
My guru and my music master
He rouses me in the middle of the night
For yet another lesson another whack
On the back he whispers grasshopper
Listen you have only have a few days
Before your final audition

Friday, December 11, 2020

Dandelion Valentine

One green dandelion said
Look how I've lost my head
While another opened golden
Rising among the dead
Abandoned in a field
While a war passed by
Their challenge was to die
Neither alarmed nor confused
And launch a myriad of seeds
Into the bullet-ridden sky
Nothing to do with politics
On a sodden sunny day
Green and yellow and gray
I watched an old woman one time
Pluck from them her winter wine

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Rain After 111 Days Valentine

We can almost imagine timelessness
No beginning and no end of things
But what of spacelessness 
Within which nothing exists
I make space for you we say
In the timelessness of our lives
Or not we run out of memory
Store the rest in a cloud
Of unknowingness and dust
We know about the three rivers of time
That flow into the ocean of space
But what if there was no space
Not just for light but for darkness
What if we had no father no mother

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Possible Valentine

I could drive over there
And walk around the pond 
I could rest in a ramada
And write a new story down
I could watch the children
Playing on the other side
The cyclists whirring past
Dodging dogs a little man
Teaching his daughter how to fish
Or I could draw a few pictures in my mind
Of something that happened to me long ago
Running them forwards and backwards
Until they dissolve into the silence
Of the pond and the stone fly up
Out of the water into my hand
And the whole world unwind

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

In the Pasture Valentine

They call them horsetail clouds
But they look more like embryos
like fetuses some just being born
They are from the next century
So they gambol and trot about
Imitating their forefathers
Not yet human bodies but gathering
Enough light to live inside one
At night they turn gray and dismal
As ponies far out among stars
Wispy they curl their determination
Into the forms their coming loves will take
To push the world forward further
Steadily turning it inch by inch

Monday, December 7, 2020

After Birth Valentine

When they got back to the old city
Carrying the strange infant in her arms
She was surprised he could speak to her
When no one else was around
In a not quite human voice
In a language he taught her
To understand through stories
That sometimes put her to sleep
He told her to hide the gold for later
and to keep the myrrh for now but to give
The frankincense to whoever was grieving
How he loved to babble on when
She took him to the fields outside of town
About his father and their secret plan
Until sheepishly the stars would gather round

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Wondrous Valentine

Nothing I've ever written or said
To which I couldn't make deletions
Corrections or additions in red
Of course I believe in perfection
Or what's the point in striving
But perfection's oversold
It's love that makes me bold
Love of my imperfections
The focus of my distractions
I mine like foolish gold
And you the authorship of my soul
What wondrous love is this
I croak and sing off-tune
Finding you in my ruin

Words Buried in Memory Valentine

It's the bun in abundant
And the tort in distortion
The quest in the question
It's what's hidden in the den
And what was in what's wasted
It's the sea in the seasons
The glint in the eye of the armor
It's the am and the our in amour
What they were in another life 
How many years did they get
To hold their secrets safe
To record their mysteries
Words whose white hair
Of clouds is fading like
Grandfathers and grandmothers
The faith of moths to the flame

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Light Clusters Valentine

I have worked the dark mines
Of my lost mind gone down
Into the cold collieries and
Sweating hammered away at
Unyielding rock walls
A whole mountain could be worth
One blue sapphire of thought 
Is it possible someday the whole earth
Will be reduced to a relatively small
Hillside of gems and silver and gold
Come upon in the spring
Transforming into green and flowers
Which brought me to the study of the sun
The stars so-called and the planet beings
The unmined darkness pervading
And almost overwhelming everything
Except for relatively small clusters of light

Friday, December 4, 2020

Apology to Life Valentine

You gave me time and time
And I have not wasted
All of it entirely on myself
I'm not afraid to use the wrong words
If there are no right ones
Take my whole life as an apology
For the error I've become
Except for the erasure you are
What took so long for you to replace me
With yourself was completely my fault
But I'll forgive you for birthing me
If you forgive me for being born
A blurred likeness of what you had in mind
Called to be an image of your kind

Thursday, December 3, 2020

From a Farm in Palestine Valentine

Between the two world wars
She traveled to Palestine
To visit the holy and
Unholy places for herself
She and her accompanying angel
Walked from Nazareth to Bethlehem
Holding hands sometimes and camping out
An easy hike of 16 miles
It was Advent and the quiet mood
Of Mary in the last few weeks
Of her pregnancy filled the air
While the fetal Jesus was preparing
To enter the human world after all
She'd been through which was nothing
Compared to what had still to happen
She could feel the sepulcher
Stretching her heart out further she could
Feel the pain of labor coming 
As if she herself were being born

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Geographical Valentine

Birth lies due south of death
A matter of a few miles
The road follows the river
Crossing over it once
And then later crossing back
So you get to see both sides
With their different flora and fauna
And if you're walking it
Passing through the little settlements
You can stop to eat for a while
On rock-outcroppings that look out
Over the distance you have come
And the longer distance still to go
It's best to break it into two days 
So you can sleep one night
Under the moonlight and the stars
And wake inspired for the rest

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

True Valentine

In our struggle to find what's true
Over the last several million years
We have to admit we're still all liars
To some greater or lesser extent
Some of us having given up on the truth
Still see how our lies are founded on it
How we try to make a secret of it
Finding it unbearable and shattering
Rejected by what we most want
Thrown back on our own devices
Our gifts refused souring in our mouth
How many more million years must it take
For us to appreciate our nakedness
And come to love our truth

Monday, November 30, 2020

Nothing's Valentine

You by whom I matter and suffer
I stumble on your altar on the shore
Beauty's grave of stones and wonder
My mind out walking on the waves
Ever unfolding wearing away
What yet remains of my little life
Every day I make it grander
Casting off and grinding down
My nothing into your everything
A jeweler's art a fisherman's eye
I practice fear and symmetry
And all that matters is everyday
I see you walking toward me
And that yes we're slowly merging

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Ritual for a Crystal Hour Valentine

On a cold humid morning
Just after sunrise
When icy crystals gather
Covering everything with stars
Winter's first flowers
Melting in an hour
Take off your shoes and socks
And walk out across that fire
Until your teeth chatter
And you're ready to surrender
To becoming winter
A falling body of snow
And the stillness that comes after
Of all that you can know

Friday, November 27, 2020

Alone Valentine

Today we must live suspended
In two opposing worlds slipping
Back and forth over the border
Between the dreamy desert and the open sea
Escaping from one and rejected
By the other alone as trees
And yet collected in a dark forest
Forcing one another from our homes
And yet building a hut on the other side
Uncertain in one and insecure in the other
Never freer never more lost
But who could have constructed
A better scheme for courage alone
To save us from ourselves

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Unfound Valentine

Today the archeologists of the soul
Reported the appearance of a pelican
In our winter desert and two black swans
Landing in a northern lake in snow
And then the excavation of a tomb
Of Egyptian priests who must
Have talked to Moses or to Plato
But most mysterious of all
The relic of a buck-toothed toucan
In Bavaria proving similar conditions
In different times and places yield
The same inevitable results but still
They haven't unearthed the soul
That most elusive find of all

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Not Just Spring Valentine

It's not enough to call it spring
When it has a thousand other names
Redemption is one and suffering
The glad tulip saddled with snow
The glorious forsythia celebrating
Alone on an empty farm
A testing of souls where a drop
Is weighed and none are found wanting
Rain you could say or a horsey sky
Or a self shivering on stones in the sun
Down by the overflowing stream
I found a drift of bluebells once
And dug them up and took them home
Where they cheerfully bloomed and died

Thanksgiving Valentine

After the great insignia are stored away
The deer heads and ancestral manuscripts
And the furniture is covered by a fog of sheets
The lights turned off and the furnace stilled
And the woods are finally empty for winter 
We drive back through the cities and seasons
Through arriving fall and leaving summer
Who seem to be fading into one
Long rainless spring and come
At last to our own stretch of beach
And the endlessly sounding sea
The first and last real thing in the world
To the shores where we killed our brothers
And thought it was paradise

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Getting to Valentine

First the world wants to tell you
Who you are and then you
Get to reply screw that
As if completing someone else's life
Before you get to have your own
A new life full of joyful contradictions
And abrupt departures
The chosen hardships of first loves
Before you get to say screw that
It takes some time not to settle for yourself
To shed your skin and learn to die
Not one but several selected deaths
To suffer daily for something new
Before you get to say screw death

Why Valentine

Why do our limbs grow weak
In the face of the beautiful thing
Our hearts stop and start to break
A sudden sense of guilt
As if caught trespassing
And yet we can't stop staring
Something about it that wants
To possess us as much
As we want to possess it
And yet a tenderness and calm
That makes us feel alive and strong
Though it might do us wrong
Its life is short its love is long

Monday, November 23, 2020

Rising Valentine

The last fish always cruising
Toward the casting of the net
The feet always setting out
Over the stormy water walking
Toward the far shore
Meet here in this island-moment
Just emerging from the waves
Something arriving from above
Something surging up from below
Luminous Venus dark star of the sea
Have you finally come for me
Instant of calm blue-green release
Wind disrobing your veils of light
So I don't know if it's day or night
If you've come to slay or bring me peace

Ritual for Joining the Universe

How long have you been so small
Even wallowing in your insignificance
Estranged to the point of disappearance
Even on your long walks into the woods
Where you find yourself still waiting
For your reflection in water or air
Poor child who has never loved enough
While I who have always loved you
Waited and waited for your return
Whispering to you the fables of remembering
The stump of yourself in that clearing
You were always walking toward
So sit for a minute and rest at last
And let the universe hold you fast

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Ritual for Your First Breath Valentine

First try to remember leaping
In your mother's womb
Kicking and screaming
As if buried in a tomb
Not for air but for light
And then falling back to sleep
Gathering your existence together
In the dark passage between
Spirit and earth forgetting
Everything you've ever learned
So you are nothing when you emerge
Completely helpless guiltless brave
Then try to remember your first breath
And however old you are now
Kneel down and kiss the earth

Ritual for the Coming Child

A womb is like a chrysalis hung
For the spirit to liquefy itself inside
Moving backwards out of a cloud
From which the first drops descend
What could be more intimate
Than rain becoming leaves
Curled around a rosy bud
Until the rain becomes a flood
Carrying trees along sweeping up
Debris and the last memory
Of heaven still craving to be
Born again until all that's left
Is the tiny puddle of a being
Reflected in a mother's face
Light candles for its safe arrival
Comb the stars for its rightful names

Monday, November 16, 2020

Ritual for a Frightening Night Valentine

If it's a new moon time
And if the wind is howling outside
And you can't pick up another book
But you can feel a blizzard coming
And you're both excited and exhausted
And a fire's hissing in the grate
And all your prayers have gone to bed
Pour yourself a glass of wine
And cut yourself a slice of bread
And when you've fully drunk
And fully eaten listen
For your soul to wake
It too a blizzard and a fire
It too a sacrament of desire

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Silent Valentine

There is a certain perfection won
Within a range of possibilities
And yet another perfection
That goes beyond them
We play the game perfectly
With the words we're given
But then suddenly new letters announce
A whole other language
I've learned a certain compassion
For my shame a perfect sense
Of my imperfections and where
To trespass my trespasses
But only words win the game of words
The imperfectly wonderful words
That can only hint and end up
In perfect silence and restraint

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Immeasurable Valentine

I am a selfish person
I am an unselfish person
How count the percentages
The losses and the gains
I am a selfish lover
I am an unselfish lover
I never want to leave you
I never want to hold you back
I want you to tell me who I am
So I can understand you better
I want to withhold myself
And give myself in equal measure
I want you to love me
For who you can become
When I'm not here but then
I'm always here for you

Friday, November 13, 2020

Searching Valentine

If I take a little hike
Around my narrow yard
Under my narrow strip of sky
Where will I find you lord
Of the gnomes tucked away
In some dark leafy corner
And where are you sylphs
Caressing my face narrowly escaped
From some old children's story
And the bright sirens of the sun
Assembled in a chorus in the birdbath
Like a fire on a lake
All quietly going about your work
Of creation and destruction
Until the postman comes

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Hard Valentine

The hard knowledge
Is that we can come
To appreciate our mistakes
As the only path of learning
That we can come
To understand our sufferings
In our empathy and care
for the sufferings of others
And that out of these
We can grow our courage
To keep on growing stronger
In our capacity to love
The earth its body and its soul
Yes even turn our evils into good

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Void Valentine

Void of course
The Libra moon and I
The world stops suddenly
And lets us off
There was something important
We wanted to do
But the day made other plans
And now it will have to wait
Its plan was no plan at all
But to idle in place and stare
At the world in wonder
Listening to a bird call
Or a train pass by and ask
What could possibly happen next

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Green Valentine

Among all the extraordinary things
Going on in the world
At any particular moment
There is this grass I seeded
Growing in the waste places
Such a blazing green
It's almost musical
If I take the time to listen
Among all the foolish things
There are to do in the world
Besides all the important things
Hearing the grass speak is one
And on my braver days
Lay myself down like a seed

Monday, November 9, 2020

Ritual for a Cloudless Heart Valentine

Rise before dawn alone
On a given November day
And wrap yourself warm
And walk out into the dark
To catch Venus rising in the east
While Mars is setting in the west
Then burn a strip of birch bark
And the red petal of a rose
Letting the smoke circle around you
Scattering the ashes on the ground
Think of everyone you've ever loved
And everyone who has ever loved you
And speak their names into the rising sun
And know that you are never alone

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Longing Valentine

They live within their own longing
The plants and animals and birds
Each with its own specialty and skill
Not needing to see what we see
When we look out at the world
Parts of an immeasurable will
And an original unselfishness
From which we separated ourselves
Each in our own private will
Ruling a selfish world
The wonder is they stay with us
And feel everything we feel
And suffer with us willingly
And long for us to return

Friday, November 6, 2020

Owned Valentine

Every fall the ladderback comes back
To attack the pomegranate tree
But this year the mockingbird
Who owns my yard chased him off
Or was it a flicker I'm never sure
I was surprised the larger bird
Immediately flew off in fear
But the mockingbird was fierce
And though he ignores sparrows and finches
That tree is his favorite perch
And no one else will claim it
However long I wait to hear
The one with fire in his throat
I'm stuck with the same old song

Little Valentine

The little I know about myself
I know enough to pray
Not in the way we are all
Always praying for something
If every wish is a prayer
A prayer is after all a pray-er
Feeling no need to ask for
Anything but just to sit
At a little window on eternity
Where the future prays for the past
And the past blesses the future
Dissolving into a little light
Beyond deception or remorse
Where a greater prayer awaits

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Ontario Valentine

Way up in cold blue Ontario
Hidden among the lakes and trees
There is a rambling blueberry field
Barren except for granite boulders
Wonderful  to climb up over
A waste space that will never
Get settled except by blueberry
Bushes and some children lusty
Enough to find it out wandering
Or by an old man remembering
To go there on just the right ripening
Day when their scent is in the wind
The blue taste of memory
And the violet wine of forgetfulness

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Thread's Valentine

Old age is more embarrassing than adolescence
At least in the middle of hanging by a thread
You suffer some recrudescence
And often the ridiculousness declines
At least you're leaving childhood behind
Not rushing toward it like a cliff
And then they bring you
Your helplessness on a plate
And you devour every morsel
Grinding death calmly
Between your broken teeth
At least that's the treatment goal
Of life the final healer

No Use Valentine

No use preaching
Full of judgments
No use pleading
Full of weeping
No use praying
Unless you never have
Then yes get down
On your knees at least
Just to feel the feeling
And then put some music on
And invent a new dance
Flailing your arms and legs
Like the banshee you seem
Prove you're a person of purpose
Who no longer believes in death

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Time's Valentine

The three faces of death
Old age illness a corpse
What he had never imagined
Was the first thing Buddha saw
When he left his father's house
The three faces of evil
After he'd become the Son of God
In the wilderness of his love
Was the first thing Jesus saw
When he left his Father's house
Weren't they both astonished
And humbled at the power of both
They were left speechless at first
And knew this would take some time

Monday, November 2, 2020

All Souls Valentine

The doings and un-doings of my day
The light swelling and the sky lanced
The laundry and the stench quenched
And the whole yard white with rain
And you calling you're still coming
And here you are and already gone
Only with you can I be alone
Because you are you can I be me
The sheets clean and the dishes done
And the day lies down in memory
Such a little day like a child passing
I hardly noticed her pale smile
And dreamed I heard her tell me
All this would only take a while

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Held Valentine

Sometimes I see our snow-like clouds
Are really the mountain tops of another world
The mirror image of our small earth
Mountains of a blue that blends
Into our connecting sky
Unseen river valleys at their base
But all magnified into endless space
The way our seas go out
And then go further out
And that to us reflected world
Shrinks to the first bud on a tree
Under a silent rainfall of stars
Just like ours but vaster fuller
Until I lose the sense of great or small
Reaching out to hold it all

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Whoever Valentine

In Burgos once the young Cistercian nuns
Sang down the stones to ruins we visit now
Their imagined lives still under construction
And the hills around Burgos
They grow sturdier the more
You look back over their shoulders
While the fields once around Burgos
Where I have never been
Still hold our footprints
How is this Burgos even possible
Unless we spend the past
Going back over the future
If memory serves in Burgos once
We had our first rendezvous
Whoever you are dear reader

Friday, October 30, 2020

A Bust Called 'Idea' Valentine

I parked my pedestal in the garage
And placed my head outside on a table
The one called 'Idea' ready to live
With the face of an angel
So this is what it feels like to have wings
Coming out of the sides of your head
And to be innocent of all self-interest
A messenger of the wind and the dead
To have a tongue of stone
At one with the great 'Idea'
Of a heart in its early stages
Before the blood arrives
But someone had to be there
It was you wasn't it waiting
Alone and eager to fly
Watching your life pass by

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Could You Valentine

Into this narrow strip of time
Where the light pours calmly down
Between the highest mountains
And the bottom of the seas
Eight miles up and eight miles down
The distance it takes to get to town
And return with some living done
Something for supper and eager sleep
But could you run that far for love
Sixteen miles from the roof to the floor
If your life depended on it
And launch out higher deeper
Past the boundary of the stars
And moon-like sink the seas

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Just A Question Valentine

Do you think Lord
If I run a straight line
From the sun to Saturn
From your heart to mine
And then up to Venus
From my lips to yours
Like the slash of a sword
Or the lift of a bird
Over to Jupiter it would climb
Beyond the hazy reach of time
Would our bodies intertwine
Would I taste the bread and wine
And reach the shores of Mercury
To find you waiting impatiently

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Dispassionate Valentine

When I dismantled your tortured body
Starting with the veins of contradiction
That tangled through your brain
I came upon a nest empty as a heart
So finely made it crumpled in my hand
When I tried to pull it out
A desiccated mess I made of you
But kept on cutting off your arms 
Avoiding the blind eyes of buds
To get to where your life had stopped
And might yet come again
What was your intention
But to get to some intent
To suffer through to flowering
And dying rest content

Sent Valentine

One of those folding doors of time
That comes down with a cosmic crash
Scaring the cats and the doves fly off
Sealing all of death's possessions inside
All it could never live without
One of those great black clouds
Hovering above the sunset lake
Which suddenly rushes toward
And completely devours your heart
In a single spine-tingling gulp
One of those huge asylums of love
To which you've been sent to scrub
Your tears from the worn-out floors
And walk with the sleepless moon
The empty halls of the stars

Monday, October 26, 2020

Grander Valentine

This must be the 299th death and life
I'm facing slowly aren't we all
We old souls we've learned to smile
When we hear the sleigh bells toll
We've seen life is final more
Infinite and grander than nature
Which is a sluggish imitation
And the highest form of honor
And recognize the family resemblance
In the stupid arguments we have
If not quarrelsome then how contrite
We've seen love is temporary
Delicate and full of light
And we have learned to love to fight

Sunday, October 25, 2020

God's Play Valentine

If you jumble all the myths together
And Lear appears at Parsifal's table
And the Queen of Sheba flounces in
With St. Francis on her arm
And Achilles and Nietzsche
Get lost in a game of chess
And Dante starts to get preachy
And Mary straightens her dress
You'll know the carnival of heaven
Has come to your town again
To dissolve the world in chaos
And absolve it of its sins
And once again you face
The beasts who bar your way
Take off the masks of gods
And learn again to play

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Windy Valentine

My Tibetan prayer flags
Look like sad burnt rags
After this summer's heat
Not an Amen left to repeat
We laugh together at them
Until we turn and see
The distant hills still blazing
With a holocaust of trees
A mourning dove lands on the roof
And then immediately flies off
Will she be back when the flood returns
And we have not eaten for days
Is the wind itself the only prayer left
For us to say who drives the fire
And the flood to bless
Or curse us as it may

Friday, October 23, 2020

Lizard's Valentine

But what possesses
The shady cat
To hide out under
The drowsy bush
When we both know perfectly well
She's hunting for lizards
Where she caught one
There last night
Her weapons are stealth
And an infinite patience
In that she's like a god
And god-like in her claw
And she could maul you easily
And then forget about it all

Lie Down With Me Valentine

The spirit must precede the body
Not just accompany it out
The long years of preparation
Building those paper ships
And then pushing them out
Into the cosmic current
To become somebody else
How many times discovering
The same continent over again
But the spirit must build its tent
Camp after so many perilous hikes
It must build a little fire from inside itself
If it would warm the infinite cold

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Father's Valentine

The father thought
It was his son
Who woke his heart
Who broke his heart
By leaving him
The father thought
His son too friendly
With the wrong sort
Who would only drag him down
To the world that drug
But he was still completely
Willing to lose him
And to be lost to him completely
He always trusted him implicitly
And believed he would return

Prodigal Valentine

I lean too much on you my father
But is it as much as you on me
It's just you're always there
Sometimes I need some space alone
Which of course you always provide
And which I spend missing you
My time wastes by eternally
What for you is merely a few seconds
You said you'd wait for me at the corner
While I exorcized my demons
You promised I could have
As many lifetimes as I needed
Finally you abandoned me altogether
Made me my own father and mother
Was it so I could feel like
What it feels like being you

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

When Life Valentine

When life slips out of the body
And it can't get back in
But is pushed out into the general
Background life of things
Then life being life
Can't not but go on
In search of yet another form
Better than the last one
Death's heavy curtain
Opens on a further scene
A bustling city square
Or a forest in Arden
Where life is love must be
The body's only a summary
A blueprint for new stars

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

The Three Loves Valentine

There is thought-out love first
And then the love that is nothing but feelings
And then there are all the things
Love actually gets done in a day
Even when the thought of love
Whatever you make of it
Is all you think about each night
The thought toward which all
The others inevitably fall
And even if what you feel
Is the tenderest joy
It's possible to feel
Still only the third one matters
Which is the love of the other two
The quarrelsome and lonely loves
Who don't know what to do

Monday, October 19, 2020

If For You Valentine

I think there is nothing
In the world more beautiful
Than the faces of children
All children all their faces
Before it dawns on them
The world's darker parts
Even when shattered
They are more beautiful
Than all the world's pictures
If for you beauty is still holy
And alive and you are old enough
To have lived to see it

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Unnatural Valentine

Did you just see that yellow leaf
Hop down to the ground while
All the others fell or are falling
But that one clearly leapt
Upward at first casting itself
Out as if to catch the wind
Not merely succumbing to it
But working it to its purpose
To land at a greater distance
From the branch that had
Already lifted it as far as it
Could go its direction was the sun
But the ground still wanted it to fall

Saturday, October 17, 2020

New Moon in My Sign Valentine

I've visited heaven many times
The Lord has often been my guest
Such as I on earth can know him
But he keeps his visits brief
And often we sit in awkward silence
Listening to the movements
The bird voices of the world
Me trying to think of a question
Him shining his Buddhist grin
Always arriving at leaving
I can't take too much of heaven
And he can't not take the whole earth
He says one day
He'll come to stay

You Know Valentine

You know how memory works
In family groups and curious
Hard-won associative patterns
The truth is we have to run the world
And throw it away at the same time
Sensing the onward flow the moon
Behind its iron scrim
But there are those who want
To stay behind and the question is
Who will go back to fetch them
The dead are our children
We suddenly realize
One day walking along
We find a further life in them
If we take them seriously
If we trust them as friends

Friday, October 16, 2020

Passion Vine Valentine

Will you dear angel
Remind me of the name
Of that vine over there
I forget what year
I stood it in its hole
And pruned and watered it
And waited for it to cling
Like a body to its bones
To make the trellis ring
And now you're dying
And I've forgotten your name
Numberless leaves I have known
But now I take from memory
Whatever it provides
Vast in its elisions

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Balanced Valentine

The plants are surely breathing us
As we are steadily breathing them
You'd think we'd get better and better
But the carbon keeps building up
And we struggle to hold the balance
Between in-breath and out
It takes a whole year
For a tree's single breath
So secure is its faith in life
Its dying is almost more beautiful
Than its being born
And there are those among them
Who never lose their leaves
But go on breathing the light
As death whispers past

Mixed Valentine

I don't want tacos
I don't know what I want
So we end up with tacos
And because fall here
Is like spring there
After a blistering summer
We can't wait to turn
The garden and start it up again
But it's a strange fall here
A mixture of dying and sprouting
So even when you find out
What you want it's only
The wanting that survives
And a settling for winter roses

Right Valentine

Sometimes to do the right thing
To get up and walk away
Has nothing to do with love
Even if it turns out badly
It's like the thousand tiny seeds
Of a particular orchid
Drifting on the wind
In hopes a tiny few
Will happen on the right
Subject and you'll know
When it's selected you
For a trial run to see
How far you can take it
And to find out for sure
It's the only mistake
You didn't make

Friday, October 9, 2020

Argument with My Angel Valentine

Yes holding on to the devil's hand
I am often for the ride
Of my life but I hate
The Ferris wheel and
He always wants to scream
Over and over again
In the haunted house
Of my heart until
I slouch him home
We avoid the parade of fools
Already spoken for he has
His teeth in me a man alone
And argues back the more
I tell him to be calm

Don't Worry Valentine

I will not forget you angel
Together we will still go
For walks and I will rub
Your feet and you will scratch
My back and we will sleep
Torn together by each other's
Dreams and snores and caresses
And we will finally get married
Me for the third you for the first time
Me to my first true mind
Though you loved me first
Even before I was born
You recognized my face
Third times a charm

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Sometimes Valentine

Sometimes at night my angel
Comes from behind and faces me
Refusing to be ignored anymore
I ask her how she's doing
As she gives me an icy stare
Not knowing whether to laugh or cry
It's just I say the light gets so bright
And sometimes the darkness so deep
I totally forget you're there
I reach out to touch her hair
She has such lovely hair
I want to comfort her and tell her
Not to worry I won't forget her
As long as she is there

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Half a Valentine

Half of the world is hidden from us
Half of life goes on without us
But who knew about the other half of seeing
Buried alive in us long ago
In my mind its hand reaches up
Out of the grave of my heart
And slowly its body rises
Into a sapling or a flower
That only lives for a day
Turns out the eternal is evanescent
Grasped it escapes into the night
Where dreaming pursues it
But I am left with only broken pieces
Of the other half of sight

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

God's Glory Valentine

In the unredacted version of my life
I start at the end of the last page
Proofing it backwards taking out
Or putting in the commas
Stretching out the personal pictures
With the objective unseen half
Of what was really going on
But often I stop at a particular page
Breaking down and can't continue
That quiet day you were born
Isn't God's greatest glory
That he had a child to love
Who could give birth to him
Who could bring his heart to life

Monday, October 5, 2020

The Better Part Vlanetine

The part of me
That gets things done
Isn't speaking to the part
That gets next to nothing done
What one calls indolent and lazy
The other calls contemplative and hazy
One prattles on about the dishes and the meals
While the other wonders what God feels
They both think they're both lost
Which is when they need you most
You silent one exhausted smiling
From talking and playing with the children
Come rest with us in the stillness
And give us our forgiveness

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Up Valentine

Up all night
Partying on the roof
Now you sleep it off
Curled on the patio floor
Naked as the cat you are
Merely a visitor
From another world
You kept me waking
To the loud music
Of joy you called it
Too young for that word
Your body still sleek
And perfect as a bird
Your heart still strong and meek

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Fake Valentine

Death seduces us with autumn's beauty
The mood of many loves ending
Mixed with so many just beginning
The way the fog lingers into afternoon
When we can't stop crying
Sitting among the quaking aspens
Until the sunlight rushes in
Searching as if it had forgotten something
A mother her own lost child
Or the will to live itself a body
Laying down covered with leaves
No leaf a breeze won't take
But death is such a fake

Friday, October 2, 2020

Plodding/Rushing Time Valentine

Such an accumulated debt
Of fear and greed and hate
Could only be repaid
When a new understanding prevails
When we forgive You Lord
As you have forgiven us
According to the old prayers
I still say from childhood
That childhood come again
This is simple mathematics
For which a new pair of ears
Has first to be carved out
To let the music enter us

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Waking to Dream Valentine

Some high being hides in my hibiscus bush
I come to sit at her feet
Mornings after confusing dreams
To ask her what they meant
Her dreams are clear pointed leaves
Dead or green or yellow
She uses to enfold herself
In an unambiguous glow
Dying together with growing
Suffering into speechless bloom
Until she herself becomes a dream
Drawn up from the dark earth
We tremble when the sunlight
Fills her branches with birds

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

St. Michael in the Americas

In the childhood pictures we brought over
From the old countries of the mind
He carries the chains in one hand
From which he freed himself
And in the other a flaming sword
Brandished above a dragon's head
We saw him as a picture of our plight
And dressed ourselves as soldier-angels
And roared through our monster teeth
And led the dragon on a leash
Or fell dead on the bloody ground
We knew we were just playing around
Until he brushed us with his wings

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Michaelmas Valentine

Today we welcome the clever finches
Who make it back in the fall
Having learned to sing Your names
Into the quiet corners of the yard
They know how to scratch them out
In words made of twigs and chirps
And whatever seeds are hiding
Like when You bent down
And left Your imprint on the ground
And then assumed a branch
And sang Your blood away
Some of it must have dripped
On the finches that imperial day
I pray that it also falls on us

Monday, September 28, 2020

Lasting Valentine

Waiting in the little hallway
Between summer and fall
In that shady corridor of days
Drowsy from summer's dream
Watching it all fall apart
Each leaf so precisely placed
Not a murmur touching down
Here it is again the end of everything
The last days grouped around the grave
With nothing more to say
Death lands on a perfect day
Not too cold or hot
Not too dark or light
No matter to me if it comes or not

Sunday, September 27, 2020

To My Brother on My Birthday Valentine

My one brother talks a lot 
But everything he says is important
Stuff about nothing in particular
News from the nodal point of anger
Which we both know is disguised fear
Which he doesn't know we share
But I can't stop the onward flow
Of his words roaring over rapids
Even when it comes to the slow pond
And the tall grasses of his despair
I listen even more deeply
To the silence as we float
Out over the depths of I love you
We both know is meant

Friday, September 25, 2020

Life's Valentine

If every single form of life
Is a soul-building enterprise
If suddenly small purple flowers
Show up on the red-blooming hibiscus
Everything has to be re-imagined
About how everything works
A default to the empty mind
In which everything's dissolved
Into the darkness of God again
And whatever we've left him
To reassemble from all of life
Into a new cosmos be sacrificed
That the great Teachers of Flowers
And the Masters of the Wind
Be sent forth again

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Christ at Zuma Valentine

When you're not in diapers anymore
Feeling the rush of your own first steps
When you're not napping in kindergarten
Like a seed at the bottom of the world
When you're not suffering the ninth year drought
When you're not moronic fifteen zut
When you can never get enough traveling
When you can never get enough holding
When you're not in Zurich or with child
When you're just not feeling it anymore
But still in love with the world 
When you're not able to walk or speak
When you've not forgotten me anymore
But when you're good and ready come
I'll be waiting at Zuma's shore

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Is It Fall Yet Valentine

Two dead Ficus leaves
Circle on the patio breeze
Rushing after one another
Then they stop and stare
What do you want
Each asks the other
I asked you first
They both repeat
Is it possible they're lovers
And the wind that's abandoned them
Their old quickening and fire
Following one another into the flames
That have turned them faded bronze
Frankly they look like earrings
Only an archaic queen would own

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Banked On Valentine

In the first rough half of life
We pay off our last life's debts
So in the second half we're free
To accumulate new debts
These debts add up to death
Who just takes out a second mortgage
And installs new doors and windows
Still the house looks like a husk
In which a hard seed rattles
Like the last breeze in a throat
But finally the economy is such
We become the air and lake
All these debts have made us rich
This wealth in turn we re-invest

Monday, September 21, 2020

Secret Valentine

Even more secretive than the future
The always-unraveling one
Who cannot keep a secret
Always whispering to the past
Finding a fresh wardrobe for
The skeleton of every fact
The same act over and over
With a whole new cast
As if it were holding out on us
The future forecast in the past
The premotion in the deja-vu
The abiding presence there
We struggle to identify
As you and I and You

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Dear I Valentine

Dear I at times too dear
At once the lowest and the highest word
Not God but my I I fear
Not the one that he conferred
Two I's that meet in a third
A little clearing in the woods
Where I find a stump and sit
And spy a trinity of birches
Dripping candling the sky
Perfect place for an I to die
Eyes left open to the light
One I that rescues the other I
The one that can never die
Flame that comprehends the night

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Mistaken Valentine

Switching legs I kicked the cat
I didn't mean to I take it back
No one was hurt but a nasty look
Pursued by a hasty retreat
What's up with inadvertent things
Mean when we didn't mean to
Something in me forgot
Her sleeping on my foot
How could I suddenly not
Be stirred awake by your words
Falling and disappearing
Leaves down the page
Beseeching me to relinquish
My mistaken rage

Friday, September 18, 2020

One Valentine

I know you find me incomplete
A disaster at times a freak
My will flaccid my talent weak
You won't find the moon at my feet
Or a crown of stars on my head
You'll find me scouring the streets
Of floundering cities and empty creeks
Searching for you among the dead
Trusting implicitly you're the one
I will become despite myself
Because I saw you once alive
Wrapped in the rising sun
The whole reason I still survive
My one and lonely one

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Joan's Valentine

Let us keep this safely between us
Holding on tightly to our pain
While only our voices remain
To echo that distant name
Though you can't return
Lost summer of green veins
A stray wind rattles your leaves
Giving up on us entirely
On our hands and knees
We comb the grass for seeds
Look I've found one gnarled
Nasturtium husk to save
No worries all our lives
Curled in it bound for spring

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Getting On Valentine

I knocked cautiously
On an archangel's door
With my questions in my hand
Getting on with my life
But still standing there
If he was not at home
He would be coming later
If he was not to be disturbed
I would water the plants
Or go for a walk with a friend
All my questions could wait
Though they burned my hands off
I knew they wouldn't matter much
When I felt his touch

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Honey Valentine

If every word in the world requires
Another word to explain it
We will never get done with talking
If every sound in the world requires
A symphony to express its longing
We will never get done with singing
The simple phrase I love you
To everyone in the world
It's entirely unexplainable
A jolt that takes us to a holy place
For a few seconds or a lifetime
Where the words take off their clothes
And expose their true raiment
Honey-colored in the silence

Monday, September 14, 2020

Magnificent Valentine

Isn't it magnificent
Darkness is first
Among created things
When the heights
And the depths had not
Been plundered yet
And the god was still sleeping
Dreaming of his darkness
Rolling over in the bed
To see his son come back
How many eons had he waited
Often looking out the window
Sensing the directions he was taking
The light in the darkness of his life

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Voyaging Valentine

We find the word 'Frei'
In metal above the gate to hell
We finger fragments from the walls
Of Ephesus and Troy
We steal a flower from a grave
At Chartres and find a penny
With the face of a dead queen
On the floor of a ruined monastery
We stand under a holly tree
And have our smiles memorialized
We eat breakfast on a balcony
Above a sea of olive trees
We sit on the thrones of initiates
And get lost in the alleys of Delphi
Then fly home silently

Friday, September 11, 2020

Saving Valentine

The Messengers of the Beginning
Weren't dragged down into the mud
They went there freely
They sent the Sons and Daughters
Of Twilight to make things difficult
Their lightening of desire
Did they want everyone to be a Job
They lit everything on fire
O Man save yourself they said
From the world you created
We are the Thunders of the Sun
What more could be given
We lent you Our Rising One
Whose work is never done


Thursday, September 10, 2020

Built Valentine

Someone is pounding something
I hear it faintly down the street
Twenty-six regular beats
Then a pause then thirty more
Another pause then I lose count
What can they be building there
A mathematics almost music
I remember from biology
The beat is there in the blood
Before it builds the heart
A bird comes first
And then the nest
Whatever it was it's finished
Just need to get it varnished

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Constant Valentine

The constant struggle of the mind
To get past like and hate
Every mind everywhere at once
Knowing some won't make it I
Imagine death must strenghten us
Or what's the plot of the point
Of having come this far
Into a fairy-tale of riddles
If we can't come to the last page
Awake with wonder pleading
It all be read again
Please one more time
Re-writing the ending
But starting from the beginning

Living Valentine

I was still living here the day
The summer started to fall apart
Not a complete surrender
But a suspension in the air
It was taken out and shot
There is blood everywhere
And more to come I guess
If the sky is any measure
Sometimes I rush out
Into the street to see the sun
Pass through the cities of the west
And into the seventh heaven
That sea without a surface
Where the darkness starts to glow again

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Another Dreamed Valentine

If we could have coffee alfresco
One more time you pick
The place I could tell you
About my dream last night
I walked in on you sleeping
Covered and wearing a thick
Dark blue bonnet with holes
For your ears I smiled
And wondered why your ears
Were left to freeze
But later awake I realized
It was so you could go on listening
Even in your death's deep sleep
And from that other world could dream
Everything that's happening here

Monday, September 7, 2020

Don't Valentine

Don't get stuck in the beauty
Though you must pass through
Its rot to see what
It's really all about
Some reckoning must already
Be at work to seize
The beauty we call ugly
Which is always a surprise
Sanguine spring and melancholy fall
Got married in a summer blaze
A winter pregnancy miscarried
In a March's rainy haze
It all depends if the final seed
Sprouts in the puddle of your days

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Approaching Valentine

The lost traditions of birds and trees
Their festivals and sainted feasts conclude
And all is hanging wonder in the woods
But in my town a melancholy mood
Everything seems once removed
Like a distant relative approaching
With news of dead cousins and aunts
One wants to crack a joke but can't
Remember one to save one's life
But it's just death again coming in glory
When the wheels of the truck come off
And the hulk of it sits rusting in the yard
Plastered like you with red and yellow leaves
And you know you're going nowhere at last

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Wanted Valentine

I wanted to speak of my laziness
But I keep putting it off
I wanted to show you my patience
But I keep going off
Is it just like you to keep saying
What I really don't want to hear
I wanted to remember you
When you are right in front of me
I wanted you to know our names
That can't be said
I wanted to write about my craziness
And assure you it's caged and content
Now all my hallucinations are of you
Or God or the faces of our dead

Friday, September 4, 2020

Noon Moon Valentine

Because the light is outnumbered by the darkness
It must be more strategic more inventive
More consciously and thoroughly thought out
Every day its brilliant structures
Must be re-imagined piece by piece
And the sense of something never seen before
Installed in all the insignificant places
The powerful shadows work to blur
Even that little ghost moon we spy at noon
Like a sail lost in the blue
Must be struggled for and held
By a light so fragile and gentle
That when it lifts above the bay
We feel there is nothing left to say

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Lullaby for My Illusions Valentine

Sleep my sweet illusions
Rest your heavy heads
Dream to your conclusions
Now the story's read

Did the plot consume you
How easily you were led
To find the weeping woman
And her young lover dead

Did you finally figure out
Which of her tears were real
Did you stagger about
Struggling not to feel

His body lay there on her lap
Within the silence of the trees
And in her heart a thunderclap
That brought you to your knees

Irreligious Valentine

If most cats are faithful Buddhists
And most dogs pious Protestants
Most frogs must be Zen Masters
Whose entrails predict disasters

But the Seventh Day Adventist crows
Promise they know what no one knows
And tell it to the Catholic cows
Where the Muslim grasses grow

In holy atheist days gone by
Clouds called a council in the sky
Of all beliefs facts long divisions
Around the idea we must die

Finally a Monarch wrote their creed
And handed morals out like seed
And on the tongue of every clod
Placed a tiny crumb of God

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Autumnal Valentine

For for for
Against against against
Is there only more
Argument and angst

I tried to appeal to my neighbor
But my neighbor pulled a gun
The bullets in the chamber
Said listening was done

I retreated to my garden
And sat among the weeds
And watched their flowers harden
Into a hurricane of seeds

But even within their silence
I could hear the ringing of a bell
Clearing a path to heaven
And a highway to hell

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Small Valentine

Some poets are small
Children who want to
Eat everything they see
Swallowing their becoming
They long to put their hands
On their first touching
And love uncritically
Holding on tightly to a finger
Or a breast where they can rest
From all their wailing and staring
Totally at the mercy of the gods
Who tend and wipe their asses
And coddle them and dress
Them in their cutest clothes
And send them out to where who knows

Monday, August 31, 2020

Still Waiting Valentine

Last night I waited for the rain
But no rain came
Only the wind to blame
For the forests still in flame

I waited for my mother
To leave my father
But finally couldn't bother
And went my own way

I waited for your train
It hurried in on time
But no you on it
As it scurried out of sight

I waited for my body to die
I was as patient as a sky
That's never known a kite
I dreamed I was a boy last night

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Marina's Valentine #2

In a time of great hunger and danger
I can vividly hardly imagine
She wrote poems about buses
And swans and loved the rich
But mostly she sang like a nightingale
The loneliest songs of praise
With great pitch and valor
Until she took love too far
And it dragged her down 
Just so she could watch
Every motion of its unfolding
Forsaking even heaven
Just to live enough
To write it all down

Friday, August 28, 2020

Marina's Valentine

The end of August everywhere
And yet so many different Augusts
Too early for purple asters here
And too late for cascading stars
I think of her crossing Nevsky Prospect
In the fifth month of her pregnancy
With the daughter who would die
Of hunger before that permanently
Wary gaze had settled in her eyes
I think of her fastened to the earth
And still pacing Nevsky Prospect
A little August Russian doll
Waving her frightening poems
Sticking to her promise
To bring down those pretty domes

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Beach Valentine

You call from the beach far away
Where it's sunny and breezy
With news of your world
At last the garage door is getting
Fixed and the holes in the wall
Filled in the annual invasion
Of summer ants is out of control
Your friend's father had to be hospitalized
With a painful infection your cousin's
Neighbor woke up with a gun to his head
Yes I'm fine today my big news is
I did the dishes and watered the plants
And slowly while I was listening
I lay down on the sand beside you
And held you lovely in my arms

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Distracted Valentine

When enough of us can admit
How ineffective and over-rated
Anger really is how far fear
Deadens thinking hardens
Feelings when enough
Of us admit how vulnerable
We are at every stage
Of our existence how easily
Soft and gullible we learn
Too late how we were lied to
How we let ourselves be lied to
When it was our own selves
Duped into foolish anger
Distracting us from our work

Monday, August 24, 2020

Past the Time Valentine

Is the grass greener under the battlement
The water swifter under the bridge
The lightening fiercer in the city
The thunder louder in the field
Is there now an inescapable control
Between the world as echo
Of collective human voices
Raised to the pitch of a hurricane
In terror and in want
And the next storm that breaks
Over the backyards downing houses
As if this violence wasn't very convenient
And could still be pinned on something else
Willed ignorance or blind expedience

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Love Is Fear Inverted Valentine

When she's very afraid
She runs and hides
The garbage truck or cleaner
Coming down the street
Loud grinding noises
From some Godzilla
Out to eat her
As if the world
Could be that simple
But even she knows
That's not the case
One day she went out to meet it
Crushed to find
It could easily be defeated

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Funeral Valentine

We have only three crosses
To hang on: science art or holiness
Or what was your intention
In coming here if not to ask
What you are doing here
Your motive behind it
What were you going for
Trying to undermine death
By numbering it or painting it
Or adoring it this great big
Lumbering thing death it must really
Be put away with finally
If we're to make much progress